
2023 開始重新整理,點進去藍色就會有對應的文章跟影片


1 2023/08/08 red-handed 逮個正著


【潔西家】BBC NEWS photo op 中文意思

warm-hearted 跟 heartwarming 的中文跟用法


【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之三:人生最棒的事是免費 英文 The best things in life are free 中文

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之四:說來容易做來難 英文 easier said than done 中文


【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之五:You stole my line. 中文 你搶我要說的話

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之六:That makes two of us. 的中文 我也是

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之七:That doesn’t ring a bell. 中文 沒聽過

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之八:Don’t even think about it. 的中文

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之九:What’s going on with you? 中文 你怎麼了

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之十:Don’t sell yourself short. 的中文 不要妄自菲薄

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之十一:You stick out like a sore thumb 的中文 你格格不入

【潔西家】一次ㄧ句學英文之十三:quid pro quo 中文 交換條件

self-partnered 當自己的伴侶

like pulling teeth 非常困難

long weekend 連假

hang in there 的中文 再撐一下

inevitable 中文 不可避免的

drug dealer 藥頭

finale 最終結局

ghost 失聯,無視

動物的比喻形容詞 Similes

🤦 facepalm 中文 無言,暈倒

photo bomb 拍照時突然跑出來的不相干人入照

Karma is a bitch 中文 自作自受

the million-dollar question 很重要的問題

edutainment 寓教於樂

起床氣 angry sleeper

better you than me 還好我不是你

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you 不要不感恩

I can’t keep the food down 吃什麼吐什麼

do a double take 再看一次 難以置信

All’s well that ends well. 結局是好的就算是好的了。

cyber pretty 網路美,實際上沒有很美

One good deed a day! 日行一善

You made my day 你讓我今天很開心

I’m good. 不用了

I’m good 我不用 有 YouTube 影片

Whatever! 隨便啦

Don’t judge a book by its book 不要以貌取人

輪班 work shifts

Cat got your tongue? 舌頭被貓拿走了嗎?怎麼說不出話來

Kick the bucket 死亡

lose weight 減重。gain weight 增重

selfie stick 自拍棒跟請人拍照的英文

a knock-off 仿冒品

heavy 下大雨

scumbag 人渣

play dumb 裝傻

3 C: computer, communication, consumer electoronics 電腦,通訊,消費性電子產品

refill 續杯

mama’s boy 媽寶

thin-skinned 臉皮薄的,容易生氣的

What a coincidence! 好巧喔!

hit and run 肇事逃逸

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 沒有殺死你的事會讓你更強壯

Every cloud has a silver lining 每朵雲都鑲銀邊

Every dog has its day 每個人都有出運時

Tomorrow is another day 明天又是嶄新的一天

It never rains, but it pours. 福無雙至,禍不單行

FAQ 常見問題

get up on the wrong side of bed 起床起錯邊整天都不順

T.G.I.F 感謝上帝今天是星期五

You can’t have your cake and eat it (too). 魚與熊掌不可兼得。

all thumbs 手殘/笨手笨腳

Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 求知若飢,虛懷若愚。

Good things come in small packages 禮物不一定要大才好

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. 假如一開始不成功,繼續努力

White Lies 善意的謊言

My eyes are bigger than my stomach 貪心多拿吃不下

sexting 情色照片簡訊

I could eat a horse 我餓死了

You have to take the good with the bad 要能接受生命中的好與壞

eye candy 眼睛吃冰淇淋等眼睛相關的用法

the elephant in the room 大家都看到但裝作沒看到的事與其他大象的慣用語

I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. 言出必行; 言而有信

The early bird catches the worms 早起鳥兒有蟲吃

Birds of a feather flock together 物以類聚

bimbo 金髮美女但無腦,其他說人家笨的用法

Cyber Monday 網購星期ㄧ Giving Tuesday 慈善星期二,Black Friday 黑色大採購星期五等

JB 越獄,翻牆

trust fund baby 富二代

Snowflake 雪花世代,吃不起苦的現代年輕人

Like father like son 虎父無犬子

Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

LGBT 女同志,同性戀,雙性戀,變性等用詞

Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. 小心你所許的願望,因為你可能就會得到

There are plenty of fish in the sea 天啀何處無芳草

Time and tide wait for no men 歲月不等人等時間的格言

It’s no use crying over spilled milk. 覆水難收

I’m a vegetarian. 我吃素

All bad things must come to an end. 壞事一定有盡頭

You win some, you lose some. 你贏得一些,你輸掉一些。

GG 認輸,打爆,玩得開心

content farm 內容農場

overdose 服毒過多

no brainer 不用大腦就知道的事

bad manner 沒家教,cut in line 排隊等用語

Comfort Food 療癒食物

a necessary evil 必要之惡

drama queen 小題大作的人

Heaven helps those who help themselves 天助自助

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. 當情況變得困難的時候,堅強的人會更加勇敢地面對挑戰

Barking dogs seldom bite 虛張聲勢

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. 你可以把馬帶到水邊,但是你沒法逼他喝水。

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth 不要抱怨人家給你的東西

Don’t Put the Cart before the Horse 不要用不對的順序做事

an eye for an eye 以牙還牙,以眼還眼

Curiosity killed the cat 好奇心會惹上麻煩

Straight From the Horse’s Mouth 可靠來源的消息

Beauty is only skin deep 美麗是膚淺的

Stop horsing around 別鬧了

Recall 下架,回廠檢修等用語

booty call 約炮電話跟其他用語

hobo 遊民

Mercury Retrograde 水星逆行,簡稱水逆

Lightning never strikes twice. (in the same place) 壞事不會總是發生

bestie 閨蜜,宅男的英文說法

Catch- 22,dilemma 進退兩難

take a day off 請一天假跟其他英文請假的說法

cross your fingers 祈禱跟其他肢體語言

Play it by ear 哪裡好玩哪裡去

leap of faith 放手一博


Vape 抽電子煙等牛津新字

Cheer up 振作,加油等用語

scrollaxing 滑手機放鬆

streamer 實況主

AWOL 消失等用語

Don’t sweat the small stuff 別為小事煩心

Just humor me 幫我一下,跟我說

Don’t catch a falling knife 不要做危險的投資

Better late than never. 遲到比不到好。

drop dead 開心得不得了跟其它用法

What the hell are you doing? 你在搞什麼鬼?跟其它用法


天天學英文 Day 1 I’m good.

天天學英文 Day 2 Do you feel like some lunch?

天天學英文 Day 3 Who is someone you really admire?

天天學英文 Day 4 Happy Halloween! 萬聖節快樂!

天天學英文 Day 5 She has baby weight.

天天學英文 Day 6 Sometimes life sucks.

天天學英文 Day 7 A Star Is Born

天天學英文 Day 8 He has low self-esteem.

天天學英文 Day 9 Bad news travels fast.

天天學英文 Day 10 You must love yourself first. 英文戀愛守則

天天學英文 Day 11 Tremendous success tonight.

天天學英文 Day 12 You freaked me out!

天天學英文 Day 13 LGBT 同性戀,女同性戀,雙性戀,轉性者

天天學英文 Day 14 addition 成癮

天天學英文 Day 15 Happy Singles Day?

天天學英文 Day 16 Is the glass half empty or half full? 樂觀還是悲觀

天天學英文 Day 17 Barking dogs seldom bite

天天學英文 Day 18 Cat got your tongue? 為什麼不說話

天天學英文 Day 19 常見狗狗品種的英文跟發音

天天學英文 Day 20 用英文罵人笨蛋的字

天天學英文 Day 21 看看李家同教授專欄中大學生寫出的可怕的英文

天天學英文 Day 22 五大基本句型:ㄧ,主詞+動詞

天天學英文 Day 24 五大基本句型:三,主詞+動詞+主詞補語

天天學英文 Day 25 五大基本句型:四與五

天學英文 Day 26 簡單的酒類飲類的英文

天天學英文 Day 28 簡單婚禮用字英文

天天學英文 Day 29 結婚的英文你說對了嗎?

天天學英文 Day 30 用英文說價格

天天學英文 Day 33 你是什麼世代的人?

天天學英文 Day 34 Beggars can’t be choosers. 的意思

天天學英文 Day 35 take the bull by the horns 的意思

天天學英文 Day 36 kill two birds with one stone, my feet are killing me, You killed it! 的中文意思

天天學英文 Day 37 inside out 跟 upside down 的中文意思

天天學英文 Day 38 十二星座的英文跟他們的刻板印象 stereotype

天天學英文 Day 39 十二生肖的英文跟他們的優點

天天學英文 Day 40 from scratch 的中文意思

天天學英文 Day 41 leave 的用法跟怎麼用英文請假

天天學英文 Day 42 ignorance is bliss 無知即是福?

天天學英文 Day 43 trip, journey, travel 旅行的不同

天天學英文 Day 44 BBC 新聞2018 年小考

天天學英文 Day 45 別自責的英文怎麼說呢?

天天學英文 Day 46 wish 的用法

天天學英文 Day 47 「隨便」的英文

天天學英文 Day 48 New Year’s Resolutions 每年都要有的新年新希望

天天學英文 Day 49 Is It A Nasty Cold Or The Flu?

天天學英文 Day 50 怎麼唸 Supreme

天天學英文 Day 51 什麼時候說 Oops! Ouch! Phew!

天天學英文 Day 52 Boo! Eww! Yuck! 的意思

天天學英文 Day 53 刮刮樂的英文

天天學英文 Day 55 跟小熊維尼學習

天天學英文 Day 57 Knock yourself out! 的意思

天天學英文 Day 58 超多人用錯的 be 動詞用法

天天學英文 Day 59 現在簡單式 例行公事 (routine) 翻譯練習 上

天天學英文 Day 60 現在簡單式 例行公事 (routine) 翻譯練習 下

天天學英文 Day 61 At the Airport 這些跟機場相關的英文單字

天天學英文 Day 62 At the Airport 在機場會說或聽到的英文

天天學英文 Day 63 為什麼我們不做該做的事?如何改變?


Everything must end; meanwhile we must amuse ourselves. – Voltaire 每件事都會有盡頭; 同時我們必須娛樂自己。— 哲學家伏爾泰

Time flies when you are having fun 開心的時間總是過得飛快與一些時間的格言

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. 住在玻璃屋裡的人不應該丟石頭。

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” 在完成之前,成功看起來幾乎是不可能的。曼德拉的名言

“If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours, if they don’t they never were.“ – Richard Bach 「假如你愛一個人,放他們自由。假如他們回來了,他們是你的,假如他們沒有回來,他們從來都不是你的。」 美國作家 李查巴哈 等格言

“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.” – Paul Brown 當你贏的時候,什麼都不要說。當你輸的時候,更不要說什麼。保羅布朗(美式足球教練) 等格言

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ― Winston Churchill 態度是個可以讓事情產生巨大變化的小事。- 溫斯頓柴契爾 等格言

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy 每個人都想著改變世界,但是沒有人想著改變自己。 – 列夫 托爾斯泰

“Life is problems. Living is solving problems.”— Raymond E. Feist, Silverthorn 生活是難題,過生活是解決難題。- 雷蒙佛伊斯特 (美國小說 等格言

The best things in life are free 人生最美好的事是免費的跟其他格言

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln 你可以一直騙某些人,某些時候騙到所有的人,但你沒法一直騙所有的人。- 亞伯拉罕林肯等格言

“Please don’t destroy people’s lies, their illusions, because if you destroy their illusions, they won’t be able to live at all… ."- Nietzsche 「不要揭發別人的謊言,他們的幻想,因為假如你揭發他們的幻想,他們會完全沒有辦法活下去。」- 尼采與其他

Exercise humility and restraint. 保持謙虛與冷靜 華倫比提的格言

Changes and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life. – Herbert Otto
改變與成長發生於當一個人肯冒險,勇於讓自己在生命中嘗試 驗新的事物。

Everything must end; meanwhile we must amuse ourselves. – Voltaire  哲學家伏爾泰說的:每件事都會有盡頭; 同時我們必須娛樂自己。

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. – Phillip Stanhope   任何值得一做的事,都值得把它做好。

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”  ― Leo Buscaglia“  我們多半低估了一個撫摸,一個微笑,一個善意的字,一個傾聽的耳朵,一個誠實的讚美的力量,或小小的關心的動作,這些所有的事情都有改變一個人的生活的淺力。” ― 巴士卡力

It’s simple … Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.   很簡單…不要對信任你的人說謊,不要信任對你說謊的人。

Whether you think you can or you can’t – you are right. – Henry Ford
不論你覺得你辦得到或你辦不到 – 你是正確的。 – 亨利 福特

To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. – Lao Tzu   知道你不懂是最好的。當你不知道時還裝懂就成了弊病。 – 老子

The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn? – Garfield
你學得越多,你知道得越多,你知道得越多,你忘得越多,你忘得越多,你學得越少。所以餵什麼要那麼麻煩去學習呢?- 加菲貓

If you have love you will do all things well. – Thomas Merton  假如你有愛的話,你將能夠做好所有的事。

Human affairs are like a chess game: Only those who do not take it seriously can be called good players. – Hung Tzu Ch’eng   人世間的事情就像下棋一樣:只有那些不是很認真的人才能被稱為好的玩家。洪自誠(似乎是菜根譚的作者,不過找不到原文)

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. – Will Rogers   太多人花他們還沒賺到的錢去買那些他們不需要的東西來讓他們不喜歡的人對他們感到印象深刻。

“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.” – Malcolm X   沒有比逆境更好的事了。每一次的失敗,每一次的心碎,每一次的挫折,包含了每一次事件的根源,每一次事件的教訓讓你可以在下一次表現得更好。 麥爾坎 X

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” – Steve Maraboli   事實是,除非你放手,除非你原諒你自己,除分你原諒那個狀態,除非你明白那個狀態已經結束,否則你將無法向前走。

“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” – Oscar Wilde   總是原諒你的敵人,沒有在比這件事令他們更生氣的啦!

No one is busy is this world. It’s all about priorities.

Don’t make someone a priority when they only make you an option.

Don’t criticize me. Just do something better than I did if you can.

The truly paranoid may want to hide behind a tree and watch, but be warned: if you look at the world cynically, the world will match your low expectations.

“You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what’s not yours, and you can’t hold on to something that doesn’t want to stay." – unknown   你沒法失去從來未曾擁有的東西,你沒法留住不是你的東西,你也沒留住不想留下來的東西。

“All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue forever.” –Thornton Wilder   所有的好事都有結束的時候,但是所有的壞事可以持續到永遠。

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” – Confucius   藉由三種方法,我們可以學到智慧:第一,藉由反省,這是最高貴的。第二,藉由模仿,這是最容易的。第三,藉由經驗,這是最辛苦的。

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.   記住,小孩子,婚姻,還有花園,都反映出他們得到什麼樣的照顧。

“Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us.”– Alan Cohen   在我們生活中出現的每個人跟每件事反映出我們內心世界。

“First with the head and then with the heart.” ― Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

“My heart says one thing, my head says something else. It’s very hard to get your heart and head together in life." – Crimes and Misdemeanors (Woody Allen, 1998)

“First with the head and then with the heart.” ― Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

“At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.” – Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free   到頭來,讓生命沒有藉口,沒有解釋,沒有悔恨。

“Choose your love. Love your choice.” – Thomas S. Monson   選你所愛,愛你所選。

“The hardest choices in life aren’t between what’s right and what’s wrong but between what’s right and what’s best.” – Jamie Ford   在生命中最難的選擇不是在對與錯之間選擇,而是在對與最好的之間作抉擇。

“Words are easy, like the wind; faithful friends are hard to find.” – William Shakespeare   話語可以輕易地說出,就像風一樣;忠實的朋友是難以尋得的。 – 威廉莎士比亞

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” – Bob Marley   事實是,每個人都會傷害你。你能做的只是找出那些值得讓你受傷的人。- 巴布馬利(雷鬼之父)

“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” – Francesca Reigler

“The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole.” – Oscar Wilde
樂觀的人看到甜甜圈,悲觀的人看到一個洞。- 奧斯卡王爾德

“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.” – George Carling


尼采Friedrich Nietzsche說 ”There are no facts, only interpretations.” 世界上沒有事實,只有看你怎麼去闡釋。

”If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” –Wayne Dyer 假如你改變你看事情的角度,你看的事情就會有所不同。

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” –Milton Berie
假如機會沒有來敲門,自己做個門吧! – 美國老牌電視明星Milton Berie

“What we believe with all our hearts is not necessary the truth." – Elizabeth Loftus   我們全心全意相信的事情並不一定就是事實。伊麗莎白 羅福特斯 (美國心理學家)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

– The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr 神學家尼布爾的寧靜禱文

“I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” – Marilyn Monroe

我自私,沒耐心,又有點沒安全感。我會犯錯,我會失控,有時候我很難應付。但是如果你不能在我最糟糕的時候安撫我,那麼在我最好的時候,你他媽的根本配不上我。 – 瑪麗蓮夢露

“Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.

You must travel it by yourself.

It is not far. It is within reach.

Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know.

Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land."

– Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass





或許它無所不在 – 在水面上與在陸地上。」

華特惠特曼(美國詩人) 草葉集

“The proverb warns that, ‘You should not bite the hand that feeds you.’ But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself."

– Thomas Stephen Szasz


湯姆士史蒂芬斯札斯 (美國心理學家)