Personal Information 個人資料

Long time no see! 好久不見,恩,應該是 Long time no write! 好久沒寫。人家是 writer’s block 就是指作家遇到瓶頸寫不出來,潔西不但寫不出來,也說不出來,答應學生要把上課內容放上來卻一直拖。




說到晚睡又要說很常,也是停藥的原因之一,最近真的是 Winter is here. 冬天來了。無藥可救,每年都這樣,只有很不好,非常不好,很糟糕,非常糟糕,假如有還好的話,就真的要偷笑了。這大概就是潔西的兩個醫生都跟潔西說要停藥等冬天過了再說,不過每天吃十二顆藥真的太恐怖了,潔西的醫生聽到潔西擔心,立馬幫潔西想說要減哪個藥,然後幫潔西驗血,醫生說喝個水就排出去了,但是洗腎的人大有人在,所以還是謝謝醫生幫潔西開驗血單,但是潔西那天穿的衣服袖子拉不起來,所以只好再等星期三的時候去再驗,一定要去,上星期偷懶,這星期不能不去了,還要做檢查,不能再逃避了,最近聽到乳癌走掉的,生病的,況且潔西就是被醫生說要每年回去檢查的人,不要再拖了啊!!!但是去檢查,醫生大概又要碎碎念,不同科的醫生有不同的看法,身在江湖人不由己啊,醫生要唸就只能讓他唸了。 You can’t have your cake and eat it too.  你不能擁有你的蛋糕又吃掉它,也就是說魚與熊掌不可兼得。You can’t please everyone. 你不能討好每個人。就是你不能讓每個人都滿意,自己開心就好,人生不用太辛苦,餓了,真害,好想吃東西喔。最近已經不站上去磅秤了,心情沒有很好了,不要讓它再更差了。







潔西家英文教室                                                                    Jessie

Personal Information  個人資料/資訊                             漢化版/中文版 


hibernation (n) 冬眠  hibernate (v)

I’ve been hibernating for weeks.    

Bears go into hibernation in the winter.     autumn /fall


homebody 宅男  someone who likes to stay home

otaku 御宅族  animation 動漫

nerd 書呆子

computer geek 電腦很行或其他很方很厲害,但是日常生活不太OK的人

professor 教授   Doctor + last name   博士


privacy  隱私   salary 薪水,age 年齡, religion 宗教,

marital status 婚姻狀態: single 單身的, married 結婚的, divorced 離婚的, separated 分居的

class reunion 同學會  How many kids do you have?

taboo 禁忌  腳尾飯  Daoism 道教   Buddhism 佛教    temple 宮,廟

I’d rather not answer that.

I’d prefer not to say.

It’s a secret.

You guess!

None of your business. / Mind your own business.


1 What’s your name?  My name is Jessie Lin.

Do you have a nickname? 小名  My nickname is Meimei.

How do your parents call you?   My parents call me Mei-Li, which is my Chinese name.

How about your friends? My friends call me Jessie.

My name is Jessica, but everybody calls me Jessie.

You can call Jess.

How was work?   How do you like your job?

2 Where are you from?  I’m from I-lan.    I’m from Taipei.

I was born in Taipei, I grew up in Banqiao, and I live in Chungho now.


3 Where do you live?

I live in Xinyi District, near Taipei 101.  區


4 How do you get here?   I get here by bus.

How was the traffic? It was terrible. That’s why I was late.

How long does it take?

It takes about 40 minutes.  I take 40 minutes. (x)   I spent…


5 What do you do?  I’m an engineer. / I’m a secretary.

Where do you work?  I work at IBM. / I work in a computer company.

I work in Daan District.   What a coincidence!   It’s a small world.

(for students)

Where do you go to school?  I go to Chinese Culture University.

What grade are you in?   I’m a freshman.  大一新鮮人

freshman 大一,sophomore 大二, junior 大三, senior 大四

I’m in my first year.   graduate school 研究所

What’s your major?  My major is PE. I major in PE.  Physical Education


6 Do you live with your family?

Yes, I live with my parents and my older brother.

No, I live alone.  / No, I live with my coworkers. colleague 同事/college 大學


Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I’m an only child. 獨子

I have an older brother. I have a younger sister.

He is five years older than me.  She is three years younger than me.


culture shock 文化衝擊


7 What do you do in your free time?  What are your hobbies?

I surf the Internet, shop online, and listen to music.

My hobbies are baking, shopping, and swimming.


8 Why do you want to learn English?

I want to find a better job.

I want to get a promotion.

I want to study abroad.  到國外

I want to marry a foreigner.   logic 邏輯


9 How old are you? I’m in my thirties.  She’s in her forties. He’s in his fifties.

I’m in my early twenties. / I’m in my mid thirties. / I’m in my late forties.


10 How tall are you? I’m 1 meter 65.  I’m 165 centimeters.


11 What’s your blood type?  血型   but

My blood type is A.


12 What’s your star sign? 星座    I’m a Leo.     Horoscope 星座


13 When is your birthday?  My birthday is on July 25th.



stereo type



January 20-

February 18 水瓶座



July 22-

August 23獅子座



February 18-

March 20 雙魚座



August 23-

September 23 處女座



March 20-

April 20 白羊座



September 23-October 23 天枰座


April 20-

May 21 金牛座



October 23-

November 22 天蝎座



May 21-

June 21 雙子座



November 22-December 22 射手座


June 21-

July 22 巨蟹座

Capricorn /’kæprɪˈkɔrn/ December 22-

January 20  魔羯座





潔西剛剛看到 Bright Side 上說的,自己在加油添醋

1 If you don’t like exercising, 30 minutes is enough. 
1 假如你不喜歡運動,三十分鐘就夠了。


做運動都很難逼自己去做,這個星期想要去健身房想了一個星期,還沒去過一次 = =


英文小教室:記得 like 後面可以加動名詞 V-ing 或 不定詞to + V1,但是就是不會用動詞原型V1 ,所以不能說 I don’t like cook. (X) 要說 I don’t like cooking. 或 I don’t like to cook. 我不喜歡做菜。但很多人都會忘記。可是有人可能會說,啊,可是我看過 I don’t like exercise. 我不喜歡運動。因為 exercise 可以是名詞也可以是動詞。就這樣XD

2 Eat slowly and deliberately
2 刻意放慢速度吃東西


英語小教室 deliberately 就是刻意地,故意地,跟 slowly 都是副詞用來修飾動詞 eat,不要忘了,所以要記得加 ly 喔。

3 Avoid eating in front of your computer or TV.
3 避免在電腦或電視前吃飯


4 Don’t overheat your house.
4 不要把家裡保持得太溫暖


但是從前老師說冬天不要減肥,容易傷身體,這可以當作潔西減肥失敗的藉口嗎XD 減肥兩星期做多瘦2.5公斤,但是這幾天胖回來只剩瘦了0.5,瘦了,又胖了,夢幻的泡沫破了,也破太快!

5 Read food labels.


6 Eat more yogurt and nuts.
6 吃多一點優格跟核果


蔬菜應該是吃不太胖,除非加太多醬料,或者都吃根莖類的,水果熱量高的很的很多。Eat smart! 吃得聰明人好像就會變得聰明,潔西自己覺得最近垃圾食物吃多了,人都變笨了啊!!!

7 Eat more spicy food.
7 吃多一點辣的食物

吃辣可以促進你的新陳代謝 accelerate your metabolism ,所以就會燃燒卡路里,那個揪一團吃麻辣鍋的,開放報名中。ㄟ,不是說要減肥的嗎?永遠都是明天的是,今年減不了,沒關係,還有明年XD
8 Drink water.
8 喝水


9 Don’t eat late night snack.
9 別吃宵夜啊!


10 Don’t eat junk food.
10 別吃垃圾食物

為什麼垃圾食物都特別香特別好吃呢?好難啊,減肥,去年怎麼瘦 8公斤的啊,真的是無法想像。越是垃圾越是好吃。跟男人不壞女人不愛同樣的道理嗎?哈哈哈,又亂扯了。

今天去聽歌劇有點小失望,然後就上半場聽完下半場就走人了。其實早就有心理準備,但是呢,人真的是 Great Expectations = Great Disappointment 期望愈大=失望越大。不期不待不受傷害。中文也太難了。潔西當年在澳洲雪梨歌劇院看卡門的時候就失望過一次了啊,哭哭。因為看太多聽太多都是天王天后級的演出,會製作成 DVD 的都是非常棒的演出,相對之下,一般演出就真的,看 DVD 都會感動地流眼淚,但是因為真的門票也很便宜,小成本小製作,當然不能跟那些大手筆製作的相較。


加油中,不吃藥第二天,恩,最後還是會還要吃的啦,就跟高血壓跟心臟病的藥一樣,吃了就回不去了,不過偶爾讓身體休息一下,應該連垃圾食物也休息一下,哈哈哈。明天開始明天,永遠的明天,繼續加油睡覺去了,晚安,喔,是早安,週末快樂! Have a nice weekend!








服務業問這種話真的太沒 sense 了吧?潔西只好嗆說「那不然你的意思是說上了我們吃完了然後跟你說沒上嗎?」









最近的學生服務業的好多,從東區的 UNIQLO 到信義三悅的資生堂,還有信義微風TSUJIRI 辻利茶屋,還有學生在信義那附近咖啡廳工作,原本當婚秘,她的同事朋友交了個有錢的男朋友,幫她開了個咖啡廳,學生去幫忙。真好!

亂扯一堆,最近真的太機車了,平常看了不喜歡的東西就算了,最近還會留言 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 中文翻做「怪獸與牠們的產地」,大陸翻「神奇動物在哪裡」,中文直譯過來的話是神奇的怪獸跟去哪裡找他們,中文翻譯真的不能再加強了嗎,這片名真的讓潔西打消去看的念頭啊!

繼續說,今天吃飯的兩個厲害的高一生,小寶的同學考第三名,小寶考第五名,不錯不錯。但是聽到念永和某宗教學校的小寶的同學說,好幾個老師上課都在講佛教,宗教,說到 ISIS 說他們根本不是教徒,是被撒旦附身會下地獄之類的,然後也有老師上課講基督教,總之就是非常宗教,然後遲到要罰抄心經。突然有點慶幸還好當初叫小寶去念這間學校她沒聽潔西的。



think, guess, suppose, assume 的用法與不同 附影片

上次錄失敗,這次第一次畫圖畫半天,開突然覺得不想開,結果第二次半夜才開,應該有成功。大概半小時後才開始說 think, guess, suppose, assume 的不同,然後前面因為沒有帶麥克風,所以一直有電風扇的風聲,前面幾分鐘換電腦之後有斷掉一下,之後聲音就比較清楚,前面是在說大家一直覺得出國就能學好英文這個誤解,大概說了一些自己留學遊學的經驗分享。




潔西家文法教室               Jessie

出國一定就能學好英文嗎?  It depends!   China Town   Maple Leaves

1 遊學,留學,打工度假

2 國家

3 費用

4 住宿 home stay , old people, senior citizen,


studying abroad 遊學,留學  working holiday

I studied in a language school for a month in Toronto. Then I went to Montreal and Quebec to travel for a month.

I studied in Sydney for one and a half years to get my master degree.

I want to get an Australian Working Holiday Visa to work and travel in Australia.


France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland

British English

American English

Australian English

accent 口音  educated people

If you could do over, what would you?

discrimination    gym member

Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong people, Hong Konger


hang out together

Yellow (x)   Asians 亞洲人

Black (x)   African American 非裔美國人

White (x)   Caucasian  高加索人  CSI  Crime Scene Investigation

Politically Correct   PC   政治正確

waiter, waitress, server 服務生

salesman, saleswoman, salesperson 銷售員  clerk



having an affair 外遇

culture shock 文化衝擊  culture differences


1 active, outgoing, talkative,  mingle, westerners, sexual harassment

2 join a club 社團,  activities 活動,   volunteer 志工, take a lesson 上課, salsa 騷莎


drug, rape, date rape,


staff only   apple



discrimination 歧視


Australia : PR   二等公民

working holiday



wedding banquet 婚宴

year end banquet 尾牙

wei ya  尾牙

year end bonus 年終獎金


跨年晚會 countdown party

crossing year party (x)



think  認為,想法,信念

have a particular opinion or idea or believe something is true 主觀的


You look familiar. I think we’ve met before.      pick up line 把妹台詞

I think it’s important to learn English.             I was born in 2002.

What do you think of the movie “Your Name”?     love stories,

romantic comedies, 浪漫喜劇 animation 動畫

talent   good memories   新海誠:言葉之庭   ,Jimmy Kimmel   Halloween

Trick or Treat


guess (suppose: more formal)  猜想

to make a conclusion that something is true, have no prior knowledge

I think, but I’m not absolutely sure, implies some doubt or lack of conviction

give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and cannot be sure if you are correct


I’m not sure, but I guess he is about thirty years old.

I guess they will arrive soon.

I didn’t know all the answers, so I had to guess some of them.

She guessed that he had been drinking all night.     alcoholic 酒精中毒的人


midterm, final exam


night market, have some snacks, Taiwanese snacks,  fries, French fries


suppose is more formal and less frequent  推測

the speaker believes something to be true without actually knowing that it is true.

used to say you think something is true, although you are uncertain about it

used to show unwillingness to agree


twitch   donate :$4.99   streamer , stream   2=60



I supposed you’re right.

He didn’t answer his phone, so I suppose he is busy.

We all supposed her to be Japanese, but in fact she was Korean.

I suppose that all the tickets will be sold by now.

‘Can I go with you?’ ‘Oh, I suppose so.’

I don’t agree with it, but I suppose that it’s for the best.


assume (suppose: more formal)  推測,認為 (共識)    language exchange

to think that everyone knows what we are saying.

base on my knowledge and experience I think

take it for granted  理所當然

to accept something to be true without question or proof

to think that something is true although you don’t have definite proof

I expect that you know


Taiwanese parents assume their children will take care of them when they get old.

I didn’t see you car, so I assumed you’d gone out.

I assumed that you knew each other because you went to the same school.

I assumed she was a student.

I just assumed the man standing next to May was her boyfriend




潔西家進階文法教室              Jessie


Past Perfect 過去完成式詳解,與過去簡單式用法的區別

現在完成式與過去簡單式用法的區別 Present Perfect and Past Simple


American English File 3, Oxford Practice Grammar, Grammar Express



V1:原形動詞 base form 也就是動詞的第一態,現在簡單式,不定詞後面

I go to bed at 2 a.m. /  My brother takes the MRT to work.


V2:過去動詞 paste tense 也就是動詞的第二態,過去簡單式

I went to bed at 2 a.m.   / My brother took the MRT to work today.


V3:過去分詞 past participle 也就是動詞的第三態,現在完成,過去完成,未


I have eaten breakfast. / I hit him. — He was hit by me.


V-ing:現在分詞 present participle 也就現在分詞,進行式


work, worked, worked, working

eat, ate, eaten, eating


A 過去簡單式 Past Simple:


It all happened very quickly. The car came straight out of the side road, and the van went into the back of it. The van driver didn’t have a chance. It was the car driver’s fault.





1 句型 Forms:主詞+動詞的過去式(S + V2):

肯定:They got married last year.    My dog ate my homework.

否定:I didn’t have time to do homework.

疑問:What time did you get up this morning?



2 使用時機Use:


a 過去簡單式用在表達過去發生的事件或動作,已經結束。強調動作的完成

I ate a hamburger for lunch.

I ate a bread and coffee for breakfast. (x)

I ate bread and drank coffee for breakfast.

I had bread and coffee for breakfast.


b 描述過去發生的事情,當一個持續進行的動作被另一個短暫的動作打斷,持


They were driving too fast when they crashed.

While I was taking a shower, someone called.


c 過去簡單式常用來講一個故事中的動作。

We arrived at the beach.


B 過去進行式Past Continuous

用來說明過去某個時間正在進行的動作,持續的動作。句型用主詞加上was/were再加上動詞加ing。S + was/were + V-ing

I had a wonderful dream last night. I was sitting in a park. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Children were playing and laughing. It was very peaceful. I didn’t want to wake up.



1 句型Forms:主詞+Be動詞的過去式(was/were)+動詞-ing (S + Be2 + V-ing)

A: What were you doing at six o’clock last night?

B: I was watching TV. I wasn’t studying. My parents were watching

TV with me.


2 使用時機Use:

a 過去進行式用在表達過去某個時間持續進行的動作。強調動作的過程。

I was eating lunch at 12.30.

I was eating lunch while he was reading.



b 描述過去發生的事情,當一個持續進行的動作被另一個短暫的動作打斷,持


I was crossing the street when the driver honked his horn.


c 過去進行式常用來講一個故事中的背景

The sun was shining.




C 過去完成式Past Perfect


I felt really tired when I took the train to work yesterday because Sarah and I had been to a party the evening before. We hadn’t gone to bed until after one. I hadn’t been on the train long when I had a bit of shock. I suddenly realized that I had left my wallet at home. Then I began to wonder. Had I left it in the office the day before? I just couldn’t remember. I wanted to go back to bed. I felt awful.


1 句型Forms:主詞+had+過去分詞 (S + had + V3)

When they turned on the TV, the game had finished.


They hadn’t gone home until late.

Where had he put his wallet?


2 使用時機Use:

a 過去完成式用來表達跟過去另外一個事件間的關係。用來表達某件事情發生在


By 1933 Oprah Winfrey had become famous.

By November 9th Donald Trump had won the election.


b 描述過去的兩件事情,先發生的用過去完成式,後發生的用過去簡單式。

By the time I got there, the flight had left.


c 當兩件事情間的關係很清楚的時候,比方說用before, after, as soon as連接


The man had arrived at the store before it opened.

The man arrived at the store before it opened.



1 When John arrived, they had diner.

        1                               2


(First John arrived. Then they had dinner.)



2 When John arrived, they were having dinner.


(When John arrived, they were in the middle of dinner.)


3 When John arrived, they had had/had eaten dinner.

                  2                                1


(They had dinner before John arrived.)



4 When I switched the TV on, the program started. I was just in time.

                 1                                            2



5 When I switched the TV on, the program had started. I missed the beginning.

                  2                                               1


When I turned on the TV, the singer was singing.


D 翻譯練習:用過去簡單式,過去進行式,過去完成式來翻譯下面的句子。


這邊先放問題,可以練習的,下面接著是在影片中講解的,最後最下面 是可以直接對答案的

1 我在收銀機櫃台(checkout)等待時,我注意到一個長的很奇怪

2 我很高興昨天再次見到Rachel。我很久沒見到她了。

3 當你昨天打電話來的時候我正在睡覺。

4 當演唱會結束後,公園看起來糟透了。大家到處亂丟垃圾(leave litter)。

5 這帳單不對。他們犯了個錯誤。

6 比賽結束。United贏了。

7 當我在等公車的時候,你開車從我前過經過(drive past me)。

8 那個人看起來很面熟。我在哪裡看過他。

9 當Laura坐在公園的時候,突然開始下雨。

10 我突然發現我忘了帶護照。


練習題 E 合併句子。粗體字用過去進行式或過去完成式

E Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect.


Sarah took a nap from 3:00 to 5:00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4:00.

Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah was taking a nap.

1 They watched TV from 7:00 to 9:00. I arrived at 7:30.

When I arrived, they ____________ TV.


2 He left the office at 7:00. She called him at 8:00.

When she called him, he ____________ the office.


3 I studied for the test the night before. The test didn’t go well.

The test didn’t go well although I ____________ the night before.


4 He drove to work this morning. In the middle of his trip, he had an


When he _____________ to work this morning, he had an accident.


5 He only had five lessons. He passed his driving test.

When he passed his driving test, he ____________ (only) five lessons.


練習題 F:把括號裡面的動詞用正確的時態完成句子。

F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the

parentheses. Use the simple past (e.g., I went), past continuous (e.g., I

was going), or past perfect (e.g., I had gone).

1       I _________ (wait) to play tennis yesterday when my partner ________ (call) me to say that he couldn’t come because his car ___________ (break down).


2      Chicago _________ (beat) Boston yesterday. Boston _________ (win) 44-39 in the first half but Chicago _________ (score) 46 points in the second half to Boston’s 39.


3      We were late. When we ___________ (arrive) everyone ______________ (finish) their lunch and they _______________ (sit) in the living room having coffee.


4      I _________ (run) to the station but the six o’clock train _____________ (already/leave). The train station ________ (be) empty except for three people who _____________ (wait) for the next train.


5      It __________ (start) raining when he _____________ (walk) to work. He _________ (stop) a taxi because he ____________ (not wear) a coat and he ______________ (not have) an umbrella.


6      They _____________ (drive) to the airport when they suddenly ___________ (remember) that they _____________ (not turn off) the lights.


7      I _____________ (not recognize) many people at my old school reunion because everyone ________________ (change) a lot in 20 years.


8      The game _______________ (already/start) when we __________ (turn on) the TV. Costa Rica ____________ (lose) 1:0 and they ___________ (play) very badly.



1 我在收銀機櫃台(checkout)等待時,我注意到一個長的很奇怪


I was waiting at the checkout when I noticed a strange-looking man.

While I was waiting at the checkout, I noticed a strange-looking man.


2 我很高興昨天再次見到Rachel。我很久沒見到她了。

I was really pleased to see Rachel again. I had seen her for a long time.


3 當你昨天打電話來的時候我正在睡覺。

I was sleeping when you called last night.


4 當演唱會結束後,公園看起來糟透了。大家到處亂丟垃圾(leave litter)。

After the concert finished, the park looked awful. People had left litter everywhere.


5 這帳單不對。他們犯了個錯誤。

This bill isn’t right. They made a mistake.

The bill wasn’t right. They had made a mistake.


6 比賽結束。United贏了。

The match was over. United had won.


7 當我在等公車的時候,你開車從我前過經過(drive past me)。

When I was waiting for the bus, you drove past me.


8 那個人看起來很面熟。我在哪裡看過他。

The man looked familiar. I had seen him somewhere before.


9 當Laura坐在公園的時候,突然開始下雨。

When Laura was sitting in the park, it suddenly began to rain.


10 我突然發現我忘了帶護照。

I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my passport.


練習題 E 答案

1 They watched TV from 7:00 to 9:00. I arrived at 7:30.

When I arrived, they ____________ TV.

When I arrived, they were watching TV.


2 He left the office at 7:00. She called him at 8:00.

When she called him, he ____________ the office.

When she called him, he had left the office.


3 I studied for the test the night before. The test didn’t go well.

The test didn’t go well although I ____________ the night before.

The test didn’t go well although I had studied for the test the night



4 He drove to work this morning. In the middle of his trip, he had an


When he _____________ to work this morning, he had an accident.

When he was driving to work this morning, he had an accident.


5 He only had five lessons. He passed his driving test.

When he passed his driving test, he ____________ (only) five lessons.

When he passed his driving test, he only had had five lessons.


練習題 F 答案

1       I _________ (wait) to play tennis yesterday when my partner ________ (call) me to say that he couldn’t come because his car ___________ (break down).

I was waiting to play tennis yesterday when my partner called me to say that he couldn’t come because his car had broken down.


2      Chicago _________ (beat) Boston yesterday. Boston _________ (win) 44-39 in the first half but Chicago _________ (score) 46 points in the second half to Boston’s 39.

Chicago beat Boston yesterday. Boston was winning 44-39 in the first half, but Chicago scored 46 points in the second half to Boston’s 39.


3      We were late. When we ___________ (arrive) everyone ______________ (finish) their lunch and they _______________ (sit) in the living room having coffee.

We were late. When we arrived, everyone had finished their lunch and they were sitting in the living room having coffee.


4      I _________ (run) to the station but the six o’clock train _____________ (already/leave). The train station ________ (be) empty except for three people who _____________ (wait) for the next train.

I ran to the station, but the six o’clock train had already left. The train station was empty except for three people who were waiting for the next train.


5      It __________ (start) raining when he _____________ (walk) to work. He _________ (stop) a taxi because he ____________ (not wear) a coat and he ______________ (not have) an umbrella.

It started raining when he was walking to work. He stopped a taxi because he wasn’t wearing a coat and he didn’t have an umbrella.


6      They _____________ (drive) to the airport when they suddenly ___________ (remember) that they _____________ (not turn off) the lights.

They were driving to the airport when they suddenly remembered that hadn’t turned off the lights.


7      I _____________ (not recognize) many people at my old school reunion because everyone ________________ (change) a lot in 20 years.

I didn’t recognize many people at my old school reunion because everyone had changed a lot in 20 years.


8      The game _______________ (already/start) when we __________ (turn on) the TV. Costa Rica ____________ (lose) 1:0 and they ___________ (play) very badly.

The game had already started when we turned on the TV. Costa Rica was losing 1:0 and they were playing very badly.



D 翻譯

1       I was waiting at the checkout when I noticed a strange-looking man.

2      I was really pleased to see Rachel again yesterday. I hadn’t seen her for ages.

3      I was sleeping when you called last night.

4      After the concert finished, the park looked awful. People had left litter everywhere.

5      This bill isn’t right. They made a mistake.

6      The match was over. United had won.

7      You drove right past me when I was waiting for the bus.

8      The man looked familiar. I had seen him somewhere before.

9      When Laura was sitting in the garden, it suddenly began to rain.

10    I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my passport.

E 練習題

1 were watching

2 had left

3 had studied

4 was driving

5 had only had

F 練習題

1 was waiting, called, had broken down

2 beat, was winning, scored

3 arrived, had finished, were sitting

4 ran, had already left, was, were waiting

5 started, was walking, stopped, wasn’t wearing, didn’t have

6 were driving, remembered, hadn’t turned off

7 didn’t recognize, had changed

8 had already started, turned on, was losing, were playing

Good news and bad news 聽到好消息與不好的消息的反應

昨天開直播錄影片失敗,很不甘心,今天早上雖然頭痛,還是錄了一小段,現在要來每天祿,看沒有耐心恆心毅力的潔西可以減幾公斤,誤,是可以維持多久XD 減肥的話原本減了兩公斤半,經過週末夜市的摧殘,只剩下一公斤半,革命尚未成功,同志能需努力。半夜可能會開直播錄昨天沒錄完的



incubate the egg  孵蛋  Pokemon Go 寶可夢   Pikachu 皮卡丘  hatch 孵蛋

I haven’t seen you for a long time. I haven’t seen in ages. 好久不見!

Where have you been?  What have you been up to?  What’s up? 最近如何?

as a matter of fact, in fact 是實在

Good news and bad news 好消息與壞修消息


A: Hi, Angela. Long time no see.  

A: 嗨!安琪拉。好久不見。


B: Hey, Tina. How are you doing?  How’s it going? How are things?

B: 嘿,提納。你過得如何?


A: O.K. Well, actually, I didn’t pass my driving test – again. That’s three times now.

A: 不錯。 恩,實際上,我駕照考試沒過,又一次。已經三次了。


B: That’s too bad. That’s terrible. What a shame!

B: 真是的。太糟了。好可惜。


A: Yeah, I wanted to drive to the beach this weekend. So, what’s new with you?

A: 對啊,我想要開車到海邊這個週末。那你呢有什麼新鮮事嗎?


B: Well, I’m playing the guitar in a band. I’m really enjoying it.

B: 恩,我在一個樂團彈吉他。我非常喜歡。


A: That’s wonderful! What kind of music?

A: 太棒了!什麼樣種類的音樂?


B: Rock. We have a show next week. Do you want to come? I’ll email you the information.

B: 搖滾樂。我們下個星期有一場表演。你要來嗎?我可以用電郵寄相關訊息給你。


A: Thanks. I’ll be there.  (promise)

A: 謝謝。我一定會到。


1 play the guitar 彈吉他

2 play the piano 彈鋼琴  

3 play the violin 談小提琴

4 play baseball 打棒球

5 play basketball 打籃球

6 play badminton  打羽毛球


Reacting to bad news: 對壞消息的反應

1 That’s too bad. 太糟了

2 That’s a shame.  好可惜。

3 I’m sorry to hear that. 我很遺憾聽到這個消息。

4 Crime and gangster movies 犯罪與幫派電影,


TV series 電視影集, detective 警探,  I’m sorry for you loss. 對你失去親人這件事我感到很遺憾

We got divorced. 我們離婚了。 I’m sorry. 我很遺憾。 Don’t be. 不用。I’m happy. 我很開心 

ex-wife 前妻


Reacting to good news: 對好消息的反應

1 That’s wonderful! 太棒了。

2 That’s great news. 真是好消息。

3 I’m happy to hear that! 我很高興聽到這件事。

4 That’s great! That’s fantastic! That’s awesome. 太好了!

5 I’m glad to hear that. 我很高興聽到這件事。


debate 辯論 , mortgage, 房貸


1 I’m learning Italian. 我在學義大利文

2 I bought a house. 我買了一間房子

3 I failed my midterm.  我期中考沒過  final exam 期末考,  defer graduation 延畢

4 I got promoted. 我升遷了

5 I was fired.  我被炒魷魚了。 I quit. 我辭職了

6 I’m having a baby. 我要生小孩了(我懷孕了)

7 I broke my foot. 我腳斷了

8 I just got married. 我剛結婚   Good for you! 太好了

9 I lost my wallet. 我錢包掉了

10 I won two concert tickets.   我贏得兩張演唱會門票。


I’m looking forward to it. 我很期待  Sydney Opera House 雪梨歌劇院

I’m going to travel to Korea. 我要去韓國旅行   Hunk 猛男

I’m not sleeping well. 我睡不好

I’m planning to get a pet. 我想要養寵物

I’m having a bad headache. 我頭痛。 I’m having a migraine. 我偏頭痛

Carmen 卡門

think 認為, guess 猜想, suppose 應該…, assume 假設 . Have a good day! 今天愉快!

used to 跟 be used to 的用法與不同

直播的好處就真的是 YouTube 上傳超級宇宙無敵快。而且潔西也不會一直重錄,不然真的很機車的潔西有時候錄到一半很不滿意,都三十分鐘了還重錄,真的是很暈倒。

其實這文法真的不難,不知道為什麼很多人一直弄不清楚一直問問題,可能是因為老師當習慣了,大部分都覺得不難,其實對學生來講可能容易弄混淆。大概前面幾分鐘就可以了解大概的文法,中間講很多的例子,然後可以自己先做下面的翻譯練習再對答案,或者是做完後看影片的 45分的地方開始講解答案。先這樣囉。晚安睡覺去。補光棍節快樂! Happy Singles Day!


1 他很緊張因為他不習慣在大眾面前說話。
2 他從前是在義大利餐廳工作嗎?
3 我喝汽水就好了。我不習慣喝酒。
4 我從前騎摩托車上學,但是我現在搭捷運。
5 我從前習慣晚起,但是因為我現在每星期天早上都有課,我必須早起。剛開始我很不習慣早起。但是我現在已經習慣早起了。
6 我從前睡覺前都喝一杯紅酒,但是我現在喝威士忌。
7 你小時候很調皮嗎?
8 我從前每個夏天都去游泳,但是我現在太忙了,我很久沒去游泳了。
9 我以前留長頭髮。在我剛剪短髮時很不習慣,但是我現在已經習慣留短頭髮了。
10 我現前從來不喝咖啡,但是我現在一天喝十杯咖啡。




used to do 跟 be used to doing 的用法與不同



I used to stay up late until 2 or 3 a.m.  However, I started a new job two months ago, and now I have to get to work at 7 a.m. At first, I had a difficult time getting up early, but now I’m used to getting up early.





把大家弄的霧傻傻的 used to do 跟 be used to doing 是兩個長的很像的片語,很多人都會弄混淆。 I used to get up early. 跟 I’m used to getting up early. 這兩句的意思差很多喔。


I used to get up early. 這句的意思是我過去經常早起。但是可能我現在早上都沒課,所以都不早起了。用來表示過去經常做的事現在不這麼做了,是過去簡單式,用來表示過去的習慣,過去的事實,但現在不是這樣了。中文說過去常…,過去曾經…,從前…等。這句的 used to 的 to 是不定詞,所以這個用法後面加的是動詞原型。


I used to wear contact lenses.  contacts

I used to go to a pub every weekend.

I used to like horror movies, but I never watch them now.

In the past, I often wear contact lenses. I don’t wear contact lenses anymore.

I usually wear contacts.


I’m used to getting up early. 這句的意思是我習慣了早起。這個句型用在可能一開始不熟,不習慣的事情,因為常做或者是時間久了的關係,慢慢熟悉,習慣了。 be動詞加上 used to 合起來的片語,可以用在不同時態,這裏的 to 是介系詞,介系詞後面一定要加名詞,所以面要加的是動詞原型加上 ing 的動名詞。也可以加名詞。

be afraid of , be good at, I’m good at cooking.



I’m used to using a desktop computer now.  notebook computer, laptop

I’m used to getting up early on Sunday morning

I wasn’t used to using a desktop computer.

I wasn’t used to getting up early on Sunday morning.


I often talk in public. I don’t mind talking in public because I have taught for 15 years. Now I’m used to it. I’m used to talking in public.



We can also use get used to to talk about things become more familiar.

It was difficult at first, but I soon got used to getting up early.

Because I have to teach on Sunday morning, I had to get used to getting up early.



簡單來說是這樣,但是語言這種東西通常是很難說得懂解釋的清楚的,哈哈,所以最好的方式就是記住用法,不要光去背片語的中文意思,過去習慣於,現在習慣於,這樣其實很容易混淆,最好的方式就是多閱讀一些例子,真正理解後,自己多寫多練習,多看文章裡面怎麼用,熟能生巧  Practice makes perfect. 真的是一個討厭的事實,不過就是真的就是多練習,就會比較有概念囉,加油:)




S + used to + V1:曾經…, 從前…, 過去經常


這個句型是: 主詞 + used to + 動詞原型 (base form/V1)


used 在這裡是 use 的過去式 used


to 在這裡是不定詞的 to ,所以後面要加動詞原型


used to 在這裡指的是過去經常性的動作或事實或習慣等,兩個字不可以拆開


I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.



We used to live in a small village, but now we live in Taipei.



表達過去習慣的used to 句型




句型:主詞+used to+動詞原形 (S + used to + V1)


  1. 肯定句 S + used to + V1:過去曾經…


He used to play basketball five days a week before he hurt his leg.

他腳受傷前,他曾經一個星期打五天籃球。once a week, twice a week, three times a week


I used to smoke a lot, but I quit a few years ago.



I used to swim a lot, but now I don’t swim very often.



We used to live in a small town, but now we live in Taipei.



He used to like fish, but he never eats it now.



She used to smoke, but she gave it up.



You don’t come and see me like you used to.



There used to be an elementary school here, but they knocked it down.



I used to go to the gym three times a week.




因為這裡是表示過去的習慣或經常做的事,但是現在不做了,所以常會有跟現在的比較。假如現在還這麼做的話就不用 used to +V1 這個用法,就會用現在簡單式表示。


I go to the gym three times a week.





  1. 否定句 S + didn’t use to + V1 / S + didn’t used to + V1


否定句,過去不做某件事,除了用 never 的用法,也可以用助動詞 did 加上 not ,口語多用 didn’t 加上原型的 use 來表示否定。 never used to do


主詞 +  didn’t use to + V1 (動詞原型)



I didn’t use to drink coffee at breakfast, but now I always have coffee in the morning.  ( I didn’t used to drink coffee.)


I never used to drink coffee at breakfast, but now I always have coffee in the morning.




(Azar文法書指出didn’t use to 跟 didn’t used to 都可以,但比較常見的是never used to)


We didn’t use to have computers.



I didn’t use to like him.



He didn’t used to smoke.



I didn’t use to follow politics, but now I check headlines online every day.



英式英文會用 主詞 + used not to + V1 (動詞原型)

Buses used not to stop here.   Bus didn’t used to stop here.





主詞 + never used to + V1 (動詞原型)

I never used to play sports, but now I like to keep fit. stay healthy



I never used to worry about money, but I do now.



She never used to watch cartoons, but now she watches with her children every night.




另外非正式的用法時會用 主詞 +  didn’t used to + V1 (動詞原型)

I didn’t use to drink coffee, but now I always have coffee.



I didn’t used to drink coffee, but now I always have coffee.



I never used to drink coffee, but now I always have coffee.



(Azar文法書指出didn’t use to 跟 didn’t used to 都可以,但比較常見的是never used to)



  1. 疑問句 Did + S + use to + V1? / Did + S + used to + V1?

疑問句:過去式一般動詞的疑問句把助動詞 did 放到主詞前面,加動詞原型 use to + V1 (動詞原型)

Did + 主詞 + use to + V1 (動詞原型) ?



Did you use to live in Paris? (Did you used to live in Paris?)



Did you use to fight with your brother? (Did you used to fight?)



Did Tom use to live in New York?



Did you and your friends use to play at the playground as kids?



Did you use to go to church regularly?

你從前固定上教堂嗎?  religious, No offense.  offend  ,


Did this building use to be a hotel?



What video games did you use to play when you were a kid?

I didn’t use to play video games, but now I play League of Legends every day.




What music did you use to listen to when you were little?

I used to listen to rock music a lot, but now I prefer classical music.





S + be used to + V-ing/Noun:習慣於某件事,很熟悉

由於經驗的關係,對某件事不再感到驚訝,奇怪或困難,所以已經習慣於某件事。 表達對於某件事是熟悉的,不再覺得陌生或不習慣現在習慣,某件事不是新事物,也不陌生,後面接的是現在分詞(動詞原形+ing)的動名詞或名詞



主詞 + be動詞 + used to + V-ing (動詞原型加上ing 的動名詞) 或名詞的這個句型中文意思是某件事變得熟悉,不再陌生。可能到一個新地方,熟悉新的事物。或者做一些過去沒有做的事情,所以現在已經習慣了某事。




句型:主詞+be used to +現在分詞/名詞


  1. 肯定句:S+ be used to + V-ing/N


I do the dishes every day, so I’m used to it.



His new job is very busy and he is used to working late until 10 or 11 p.m.



I’m used to the weather in Taipei.



I’m used to driving on the right because I have lived in Taiwan for a long time.



We’re used to getting up early. We do it every day.



I’m used to living alone.



I have a hangover now. I drank too much last night. I’m not used to drinking so much.



He is used to the weather in Taiwan.



We’re used to tourists here – we get thousands every year.

我們這裏很習慣了觀光客 – 我們每年有數千的觀光客來。


National Palace Museum , Shilin Night Market














  1. 否定句:S + be + not + used to + V-ing/N


現在式否定在 be動詞 am/is/are 後面加 not 表示現在還是不習慣於某件事

Nancy has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before. She finds this difficult because she isn’t used to getting up so early.



過去簡單式的否定在be動詞 was/were 後面加 not 表示過去不習慣於某件事

I wasn’t used to wearing contacts. It seemed very strange at first.



He wasn’t used to the heat and he caught sunstroke.




He isn’t used to driving on the left.



He wasn’t used to driving on the left, but now he’s used to it.




也可以用來表達過去不習慣某件事,就會用過去式的 be動詞的句型

I wasn’t used to the cold weather when I first got here.


  1. 疑問句: Be + S + used to + V-ing/N


Are you used to your new school?



Are you used to working late?





get used to +V-ing/N


其實 get used to 的用法跟 be used to 相似,但是 get 是一般動詞,這裡有變得越來越熟悉…的意思,可以用在不同時態,否定句跟疑問時句型會不同。假如正在變習慣中可以用現在進行式,已經習慣了就用過去簡單式


get used to + V-ing/N 用來表示某件事情變得越來越熟悉,跟 be used to + V-ing/N 的用法類似,表示已經習慣於,熟悉某事,對某事不再陌生。在不定詞或其他助動詞後面多會用 get used to + Ving/N 這個句型。


I wasn’t used to cooking in the morning.

But after a lot of practice, I got used to cooking in the morning.

Now I’m used to cooking in the morning.



It was difficult at first, but Mike soon got used to working at night.




After her husband died, the old woman had to get used to living on her own.



Our new apartment is on a busy street. I expect we’ll get used to the noise, but at the moment it’s very disturbing.



I can’t get used to getting up so early. I’m tired all the time.




句型:主詞+ be getting used to+現在分詞/名詞  或 主詞 + got used to +現在分詞/名詞


  1. 肯定句:S + be1+ getting used to + V-ing/N or   S + got used to + V-ing/N


He is getting used to the weather.



He got used to the weather.








Andrew lives in London.



Peter usually wears jeans.



Mike doesn’t smoke anymore.







過去簡單式與used to的比較


When he was young, he ran three miles every day.



When I was young, I used to run three miles every day. I don’t do that now.



I used to drink a lot. = I drank a lot.







1 他很緊張因為他不習慣在大眾面前說話。

He is nervous because he isn’t used to speaking in public.

2 他從前是在義大利餐廳工作嗎?

Did he use to work in an Italian restaurant.

3 我喝汽水就好了。我不習慣喝酒。

I’ll drink a soda. I’m not used to drinking alcohol. / alcoholic (adj)

4 我從前騎摩托車上學,但是我現在搭捷運。

I used to ride a scooter to school, but now I take the MRT.

5 我從前習慣晚起,但是因為我現在每星期天早上都有課,我必須早起。剛開始我很不習慣早起。但是我現在已經習慣早起了。

I used to sleep in, but because I have classes on Sunday morning, I have to get up early. At the beginning, I wasn’t used to getting up early. But I’m used to getting up early now.

6 我從前睡覺前都喝一杯紅酒,但是我現在喝威士忌。

I used to drink a glasses of wine before bed, but now I drink whisky.

I used to drink a glasses of wine before go to bed (x)

I used to drink a glasses of wine before I went to bed.

What do you do after work? What do you do after you finish work?

What do you do after finish work? (X)

7 你小時候很調皮嗎?

Did you use to be naughty when you were a kid?

Were you naughty when you were a kid?

8 我從前每個夏天都去游泳,但是我現在太忙了,我很久沒去游泳了。

I used to go swimming every summer, but now I’m too busy. I haven’t swum for a long time. / I haven’t gone swimming for a long time. I haven’t seen you for a long time.

9 我以前留長頭髮。在我剛剪短髮時很不習慣,但是我現在已經習慣留短頭髮了。

I used to wear long hair. I wasn’t used to it when I cut my hair, but I’m used to wearing short hair.

homebody , How to get away with murder

10 我現前從來不喝咖啡,但是我現在一天喝十杯咖啡。

I never used to drink coffee, but now I drink ten cups of coffee a day.



1 He is nervous because he isn’t used to speaking in public.

2 Did he use to work in an Italian restaurant?

3 I’ll have a soda. I’m not used to drinking alcohol.

4 I used to ride a scooter to school, but now I take the MRT.

5 I used to sleep in, but because I have classes  on Sunday morning now, I have to get up early. I wasn’t used to getting up early, but I’m used to getting up early now.

6 I used to drink a glass of wine before bed, but now I drink whisky.

7 Did you use to be naughty when you were a kid?

8 I used to go swimming every summer, but I’m too busy now. I haven’t gone swimming for a long time.

9 I used to wear long hair. I wasn’t used to it after I cut it, but now I’m used to wearing short hair.

10 I never used to drink coffee, but I drink ten cups of coffee every day.






  1. Jane is used to _____________ (drive) on the left.
  2. He used to ________ (live) in New York, but now he lives in a small town.
  3. Tom used to __________ (drink) a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea.
  4. I feel very full after that meal. I’m not used to _________ (eat) so much.
  5. I wouldn’t like to share an office. I’m used to _________ (have) my own office.
  6. I used to ________ (have) a car, but I sold it a few months ago.
  7. When we were children, we used to ___________ (go) swimming every day.
  8. There used to __________ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago.
  9. I’m the boss here. I’ not used to ________ (be) told what to do.

from English Grammar in Use  Unit 60 P.121

  1. 我從前一星期游泳三次,但我現在我慢跑。(不游泳了)
  2. 他去年搬到台北。剛開始他覺得很寂寞,但是現在他已經習慣一個人住了。






1 driving

2 live

3 drink

4 eating

5 having

6 have

7 go

8 be

9 being

10 I used to swim three times a week, but now I go jogging.

11 He moved to Taipei last year. At first he felt lonely, but now he is used to living alone.



  1. Jane is American. She came to Britain and at first she found driving on the left difficult. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn’t used to driving on the left, but she soon got used to it. Now she has no problems. She is used to driving on the left.



  1. Juan is Spanish and came to live in England. In Spain he always had dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 o’clock. This was very early for him. When Juan first came to England, he _________________ dinner so early, but after some time he ________________ it. Now he finds it quite normal. He ___________________ at six o’clock.



  1. Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard. At first Julia didn’t like it. She ____________________ nights and it took her a few months to _________________ it. Now, after a year, she’s quite happy. She _________________ nights.




  1. wasn’t used to having, got used to, is used to having dinner
  2. wasn’t used to working, get used to, is used to working




English Grammar in Use – Cambridge

Oxford Practice Grammar – Oxford

Interchange – Cambridge

British Council Learn English網頁的 ‘used to + infinitive’ and ‘be/get used to’

Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English




Did you use to fight with your brother ? 你以前常跟你弟打架嗎

Were you used to fighting with your brother ? 你以前習慣跟你弟打架嗎


I used to live in Sydney.  I lived in Sydney.   I live in Taipei.

I didn’t use to smoke, but now I smoke.

Did you use to smoke?

I’m used to doing yoga.

I’m not used to doing yoga.

Are you used to doing yoga?

潔西家自然發音教室 L10 音節,重音,與拆音節的方式

自然發音整理千呼萬喚始出來,恩,沒啦,是潔西的學生說找不到音檔,潔西自己找的時候也發現,啊,真的,有夠難找,部落格跟 YouTube 都很混亂,恩,沒關係,冬天到了,潔西會有比較多時間在家冬眠,清醒的時候會一邊慢慢整理,自己講聽起來有點好笑,不過真的有不少好東西在裡面可以去挖寶XD 只是太亂了,連潔西自己都挖不到,真扯啊!

要來好好整理,然後順便多做一些影片。今天做了兩隻片子,一隻是 R 混合子音跟 L 混合子音。一隻是這個音節,重音,與拆音節。拆音節其實還蠻重要的,把發音規則之後,知道怎麼拆音節就會分音節,分了音節,找一下重音,再配上自然發音的規則,其實大部分的字就可以唸的出來了。沒有很難,但是也沒有很簡單。











同學找不到發音在哪裡的可以看這一篇,潔西把發音按照上課的內容跟堂數把他們整理在清單裡面,這是第十課的,所以在最下面,要找前面上過的個課程的發音的部分就往上找,這邊為止大概有簡單的自然發音的基礎教學的部分都在這邊,YouTube 的清單就叫做潔西家自然發音教室

1 3    2 2   3 5   4 2   5 3   6 1,  Canadian, Italian, ㄐㄧㄢㄅㄠ health insurance 健保 

Syllable and Stress 音節與重音 

a. 每個英文單字依發音中有幾個母音可分成幾個音節。單字的發音中只有一個母音就是一個音節,有兩個母音就是有兩個音節,三個母音就有三個音節,以此類推。念的時候可以用手指輕敲每個字當中的音節。

   一個音節:cup, ace, good, price, straight

   兩個音節:airport, ago, today, pretty, giraffe

   三個音節:apartment, position, expensive, tomorrow, vocation


1. post office ____  2. college ____       3. university ____

4. classroom _____   5. coffee shop ____  6. bridge ____

b. 兩個音節以上的單字會有重音,重音的音節念起來比較長,聲音比較大。

兩個音節,重音在第一個音節:student, teacher, morning

兩個音節,重音在第二個音節:tonight, forget, about

三個音節,重音在第一個音節:Canada, Italy, family

三個音節,重音在第二個音節:computer, December, beginning

三個音節,重音在第三個音節:magazine, engineer, employee


1 sixty ____     2 fifteen ____     3 tomorrow ____

4. disappear ____   5. Europe ____   6.  construction ____

1 1   2 2    3 2  4 3   5 1  6 2

c. 分音節的方式


1. 先把母音都找出來,比方說 family 這個字,有三個母音音節,a, i y

2. 從最後面的母音開始,往前往後各拉一個音,假如母音後的子音被拉走了,或沒有,就拉前面的一個子音即可,所以 這個從最後的 y 開始,ly, mi, fa,  重音在最前面,所以第一個音節念大聲一點,拉長一點。不確定發音的話,可以找線上字典,按發音來對對看。

3. 假如是雙子音的話,就要一起拉,比方說 complain 這個字,o 與 ai 是母音,從後面開始,plain 要一起,前面剩下 com ,重音在後面。

fa mi ly, com plain, o, ai,

4. 分音節例子

dra gon

ce le brate, e, e, a-e

dis a ppoint ment, i, a oi, e

electric cosmetic nervous generous
difficulty January policy victory
energetic impressive international political

e lec tric, e, e, i  e lec tro nic, e, e, o, i, cos me tic, ner vous, ge ne rous

di ffi cul ty, Ja nu a ry, po li cy, vic to ry

e ner ge tic, im pre ssive, in ter na tio nal, po li ti cal

自然發音教室:混合子音 l-blends 與混合子音 r-blends

自然發音的練習, R 與 L 的混合子音的唸法

play, pray, flute, fruit

             混合子音 l-blends

             短母音  a,                    e,                     i,                   o,                   u


bl black bless blink block blush
blade bleed blow blue
cl clap click clog club
clay clean climb clove clue
fl flag flesh flick flop flush
flame fleet flight float flute
gl glance glitch glob
glee glide globe glue
pl plan pleasant plinth plot plug
plate please plow
sl slap sled slim slot slush
slate sleep slice slope



br branch bread brick broth brush
brace breeze bright broke bruise
cr crack crib crop crust
crane creek cry crow
dr draft dress drink drop drum
drape dream drive drove
fr frank fresh fridge frog
frame freeze fright frozen fruit
gr grab grip grump
grace greed grime grow
pr practice press print prop
pray price probe prune
tr track trek trick trot trust
trade tree tribe troll truth

Anne-Marie – Alarm 安瑪莉- 警鈴 Lyrics 中文歌詞 潔西發警報不負責翻譯









把書桌前的椅子拿出去客廳,想說不要一直坐著,結果變成都是躺著,現在也是躺著打字,因為地上有懶骨頭,不然就是躺床上,想去買高的書桌,可以站著打字那種,看網路上 IKEA 有,去現場看看好不好用,有點佔位置,看到一千多兩千,也有五千多的,都是給筆電用的小桌子,潔西只要那種就好了,房間不大,桌子買 IKEA 一百五十公分桌面放了電腦,電視,電腦螢幕就滿了,鍵盤都覺得很礙眼,有夠佔空間,沒用時立起來放在旁邊,應該沒關係吧?不過還蠻喜歡機械式鍵盤,藍色很吵學生建議可以買茶色,潔西還好,吵不到別人,自己對聲音很敏感,但是反而這鍵盤的聲音倒不覺得吵,挺起來很過癮的怪人。




最近是極端的 hyper ,就超級嗨,覺得自己可以做很多事,不然就是崩壞,躺在床上什麼事都不能做,不然就直接睡著,今天睡醒明明昨天沒做什麼還全身酸痛超久,躺了半個小時才起來,明天希望還可以起來去上課,因為太久沒做瑜伽,今天雖然很偷懶了,但是剛剛睡醒的時候覺得大腿旁邊的肌肉快抽筋了,感覺明天鬧鐘要調早一點,大概起床一個小時都不能動吧,哈哈哈。


怎麼又這麼晚了。最近還蠻笨的,有點力氣的時候要先做一些基本該做的,所以很多事都沒做,部落格的留言也堆了一堆沒回,那還有時間翻譯?恩,這上課回家路上在捷運上翻的,剛剛修了一下。影片很多想做的,但是遙遙無期,想找學生或同學吃去吃飯,但是覺得有幾百件完成不了的事啊。明天上完課,有機會再開台做影片吧,發現要做長的影片真的要開台比較快,因為 YouTube 自動轉,不然每次等影片轉檔上傳都等到頭暈了。


這是英國創作型歌手 Anne-Marie 的,恩,怎麼說呢,又是一首抱怨前男友的歌,當歌手真不錯,分手後,這些經驗都變成了靈感,最近還有一首 Shout Out to My Ex ,下次潔西要來做個靠杯前男友特輯,光泰勒斯就一堆了吧,哈哈哈,靠杯前女友也有啦,只是不知為何覺得靠杯前男友的真的超多的,這首歌就男友變心了吧。前女友傳簡訊打電話,大概她自己也是劈腿當小三,所以她才會說 Karma is a bitch 因果循環屢試不爽啊!潔西還蠻喜歡這首歌的,很好唱,像翻超久了,唱起來蠻過癮的喔,現在 Apple Music 也跟 Spotify 一樣有歌詞了,很容易當卡拉OK唱了起來,趨勢啊!潔西先前用 iPhone 聽歌的時候,Rap Genius 也很厲害,這個歌詞的 app 就會自動偵測播放的歌,找到歌曲,還會記錄,大推。


明天要上課,該早點睡,不然等等又吃宵夜了,潔西胖到真的褲子都穿不太下,洋裝都超緊的,真害,真的要學人家有恆心有毅力,一天只吃一餐潔西做不到,上兩次健身房是蠻容易的,多走路好了,最主要是少吃,每天吃宵夜是胖到最高點的元兇。再加上焦慮,亂吃垃圾食物啊!一個星期不吃宵夜應該就可以瘦一公斤,但是好難啊,水果蔬菜減肥法好了,決定以後宵夜吃水果跟蔬菜,潔西是可以啃小黃瓜,老姐說他絕對不行,潔西在澳洲唸書時,有人一邊走一般啃黃椒,潔西覺得這也不錯,新鮮的話還不錯啃。芹菜也是個不錯的選擇,馬上想到 Bloody Mary 血腥瑪麗,是個雞尾酒名,歡迎大家提供吃了不會胖的宵夜,真的有這種東西嗎?哈哈。週末魚菜!喔,不,是愉快,又餓了嗎? Have a good weekend! 最後今天才發現,原來要打「ㄚ˙」的時候沒打好就變成87了,哈哈,分享87小訊息。聽歌聽歌!



Anne-Marie – Alarm  安瑪莉- 警鈴

Lyrics  中文歌詞  潔西發警報不負責翻譯

There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

You lay here with me, you’re shutting down 你躺在我身邊,你封閉了自己

I smell her on you, I’m focused now  我在你身上聞到她的味道,我很清楚

I know what’s going on in your head, yeah  我知道你腦海在想什麼

I know what’s happened here in our bed, yeah  我知道在我們的床上發生了什麼

Your phone is buzzing, so pick it up  你的電話在響,去接起電話

I know she calling, so what the fuck  我知道是她打的,去她的

I should’ve known a cheat stays a cheater  我早該知道騙子永遠都騙子

So here we are  所以我們就這樣了


And there goes the alarm ringing in my head  在我的腦海警鈴大響

Like somebody said, “don’t you trust him, no" 彷彿有人在說「你不要相信他,別啊」

Texting from his ex, what did you expect?  他前女友傳的簡訊,你覺得會是什麼?

Now you’re lying here knowing where he goes  現在你躺在這兒知道他人去了哪裡

Now he gotta getcha  他一定會得到你

Karma is a bitch, yeah  可惡的因果循環

Same way they come that’s the way they go  他們怎麼來的就會怎麼去

Now he gotta getch 他一定會得到你

Rewinding the picture 把照片往前回轉

There goes the alarm and the siren’s go  警鈴大響,警報響起


There goes the alarm  警鈴大響

I saw it coming, I let it go  我看著它來到,我讓它離開

My girls will tell me, “I told you so" 我的女性朋友會說:「我早就跟你說了」

But I was so intrigued by your style, boy  但是我是如此地被你的型所吸引,男孩

Always been a sucker for a wild boy  總是喜歡狂野的男孩子

I’m better than this, I know my worth  我可以得到更好的,我知道我的價值

I might be getting what I deserve  我或許能得到我所該得到的

But I ain’t sticking ’round for the rerun  但是我不會再停留在這裡讓事情再度發生

What’s done is done 做過了就做過了


And there goes the alarm ringing in my head  在我的腦海警鈴大響

Like somebody said, “don’t you trust him, no" 彷彿再說「你不要相信他,別啊」

Texting from his ex, what did you expect?  他前女友傳的簡訊,你覺得會是什麼?

Now you’re lying here knowing where he goes  現在你躺在這兒知道他人去了哪裡

Now he gotta getcha  他一定會得到你

Karma is a bitch, yeah  可惡的因果循環

Same way they come that’s the way they go  他們怎麼來的就會怎麼去

Now he gotta getch 他一定會得到你

Rewinding the picture 把照片往前回轉

There goes the alarm and the siren’s go  警鈴大響,警報響起


There goes the alarm 警鈴響起

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你

Same way that they come 他們怎麼來的就怎麼走

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你

There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

Same way that they come 他們怎麼來的就怎麼走

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你


Bang bang, two-shots fired砰砰,兩聲槍響

Man down, one fool, one liar 人倒下去了,一個笨蛋,一個騙子

Ring ring, trust gone missing 鈴鈴,信任消失了

House on fire 房子起火了

House on fire, house on fire 房子起火了,房子起火了

Bang bang, two-shots fired 砰砰,兩聲槍響

Man down, one fool, one liar 人倒下去了,一個笨蛋,一個騙子

Ring ring, trust gone missing 鈴鈴,信任消失了

House on fire 房子起火了


And there goes the alarm ringing in my head  在我的腦海警鈴大響

Like somebody said, “don’t you trust him, no" 彷彿再說「你不要相信他,別啊」

Texting from his ex, what did you expect?  他前女友傳的簡訊,你覺得會是什麼?

Now you’re lying here knowing where he goes  現在你躺在這兒知道他人去了哪裡

Now he gotta getcha  他一定會得到你

Karma is a bitch, yeah  可惡的因果循環

Same way they come that’s the way they go  他們怎麼來的就會怎麼走

Now he gotta getch 他一定會得到你

Rewinding the picture 把照片往前回轉

There goes the alarm and the siren’s go  警鈴大響,警報響起


There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你

There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你

There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你

There goes the alarm 警鈴大響

Now he gotta getcha 他一定會得到你


Requests & Permissions 請求與要求允許, borrow 與 lend 的用法的不同

比較基礎的學生會分不清楚 Could you …? Would you …? Can I …?   May I …? 這些用法的區分,其實不太難,最主要是看主詞,然後 borrow 跟 lend 中文都是「借」,也不少人會弄不清楚,希望看了這個有點長的影片後有清楚一點。其實可以像潔西放著聽久可以了啦。






不知道為何現在又好一點了,昨天很想發個 FB 分享一下上課的笑話,或做個簡單的影片,但是都沒力氣。潔西是典型躁鬱,輕躁,沒有那種很誇張很誇張的行為,但是因為太多年了,所以自己可以有脈絡可循。現在可以寫的話寫一下了,潔西覺得在台灣得憂郁症躁鬱症的人都蠻可憐的,因為普遍一般人在這方面的相關知識不足,所以很容易誤解,或者有些很令人受傷的言論。


比方說潔西昨天就是一個完全不能動的節奏, 對什麼都沒興趣,什麼事都不能做,不想做,只能做最低限度的事,不洗澡不吃飯就光躺在床上,也知道自己應該做什麼但是就很難,還好有可愛的學生,晚上要上課,所以就洗了澡,吃了東西,但是就隨便找衣服套上。


焦慮的部分還蠻嚴重的,因為就很想做很多事,但是就做不定,會對自己生氣不滿,昨天的晚餐買了麥香魚套餐,配薯條加玉米濃湯,另外還有勁辣雞翅,還買一送一,另外還有甜甜圈,回家經過85度C還買了一個椰子麵包 35 元,怎麼現在麵包都這麼貴了啊,有沒有人敢跟潔西一樣承認年紀的,潔西沒記錯的話,小時候麵包才五元,然後十元,然後就回不去了啊,跟潔西的體重一樣,唉!當然沒有全部吃完,但是這就有點焦慮的表現, My eyes are bigger than my stomach. 眼睛比胃大,就是貪心不足蛇吞象,恩,沒有啦,就是貪心的意思。吃不了那麼多卻買了那麼多。因為焦慮所以就會一直吃一堆垃圾食物,這就是最近發生的狀況,才會胖到最高點啊!


另外就是上課自 high 度很高,講話講很快,然後拼錯字,拼不出來,或者是說錯話,說反,對不起同學,但是昨天真的就是一直講錯,沒辦法,真的有盡力了,剛剛也是做影片的時候說話也有點快,又不清楚,很容易自言自語啊!




然後因為什麼都不想做就會被說是很懶惰啊之類的,藉口很多,但是其實這些就多半是因為憂鬱造成血清素低落的原因,所以一直想卻不能動。影片傳好久傳不上去,潔西的電腦也有關係,不過也可能因為是格式,直接用開台的話就自己在五到十分鐘內上傳,潔西這影片等了三十分鐘只傳了一半,以後用開台的方式,不要露臉嚇大家就好了,這樣就不用等上傳等半天了,潔西家是200mb下載,20mb上傳,聽說現在還有人用 5 mb,也還跑得動。價格應該沒有差很多吧?潔西家是第四台,一個月付888之類的吧。


憂鬱的時候很遲鈍,真的,所以備課就很難,也備不好,整個生活就是亂七八糟啊,要來寫作息表,這種時候要找表操課,雖然也不一定做,但至少有個依據參考。不過潔西算好,這已經不知道是第幾個冬天了,十個以上,慢慢地知道自己是什麼樣的人,意志很消沈的時候至少還可以幫自己打氣一下,也有很辦的網友跟學生,上網討拍也會被安慰到,多少會好一點,然後很多可愛的人會說看不出來,因為當然是狀況好的時候才會出現,才會錄影片啊,狀況不好就躲在被窩裡了。看到的不一點就是真的,看到的是別人想要讓你看到的。潔西專科的時候同學說,我從來沒看你心情不好過,你都不會難過不會生氣啊?可愛吧?十幾二十歲問這種問題是可愛,假如過了而立之年,不惑知年,還這樣問,恩,該說好還是不好呢?太相信自己眼睛看到,耳朵聽到,網路上所寫的,有時候可能不是件好事,因為你看到的知道的都是別人想讓你知道的。觀察一下,在表面的下面是什麼,潔西這種人可能就太過於去懷疑 skeptical 很多事,太 pessmisstic 悲觀,各有好處啦。




上面寫一下好了,下面可以不用看潔西發牢騷啊。用 Mac 打字從前覺得很好打,但是用了機械式鍵盤,突然覺得,啊!回不去了,下次要用鍵盤打字,順便練一下中文打字好了。現這樣囉。晚安:)




請求與要求允許 Requests & Permissions 









1 用 can, could, may 來做請求(request)。may最正式, could 比can 更客氣

Can I have a menu, please?

Could I have a sandwich?

May I ask you question?


2 用can, could, may 來要求允許(permission)

Can I sit here?

Could I look at your newspaper?

May I use your cell phone?


3 要求某人做某事

Can you lend me some money?

Could you help me?

Will you open the door for me?

Would you pass the salt, please?

What requests can you make in these places?


1 a bank   2 a garage   3 a post office   4 a hairdresser’s  5 a florist’s  6 a hotel

a __________________ have a room with a shower?

b __________________ cut my hair very short?

c __________________ change some money for me?

d __________________ repair my car today?

e __________________ have ten roses, please?

f __________________ have a stamp, please?


What requests can you make to a teacher or a classmate in class?


May I ask a questions, please?

Could you spell that word, please?

Make five more requests.

1 ______________________________________________________

2 ______________________________________________________

3 ______________________________________________________

4 ______________________________________________________

5 ______________________________________________________



你可以來機場接我嗎?       Can you pick me up at the airport?

你可以送我到機場嗎?       Can you give me a ride to the airport?  

你可以借我一百元嗎?       Could you lend me $100? 

我可以跟你借一萬元嗎?    May I borrow $10,000 (from you)?                             

我可以開冷氣嗎?             Could I turn on the air conditioner?

我可以去洗手間嗎?          May I go to the bathroom?      

Can I go to the bathroom? Yes, you can, but you may not.


open the widow, open the door, open the fridge

turn on the light, turn off the compute, turn up the volume, turn down the music

blue, down, Winter is coming! Game of Thrones.

How did you get here?   My mom gave me a ride.


lend = give  借出         Can you lend me your pen?

borrow  = take 借入    Can I borrow your pen?

Taipei is the most expensive city in Taiwan.


forgetful, bad memories



請求與要求允許 Requests & Permissions

1 用 can, could, may 來做請求(request)。may最正式, could 比can 更客氣

Can I have a menu, please?

Could I have a sandwich?

May I ask you a question?


2 用can, could, may 來請求允許(permission)

Is this seat taken?  Can I sit here?

Could I look at/read your newspaper?

May I use your cell phone?


3 要求某人做某事

Can you lend me some money?

Could you help me?

Will you open the door for me?

Would you do me a favor?


What requests can you make in these places?

1 a bank   2 a garage   3 a post office   4 a hairdresser’s  5 a florist’s  6 a hotel

1 Could you change some money for me?

2 Would you repair my car today?

3 Could I have stamp, please?

4 Can you cut my hair very short?

5 Can I have ten roses, please?

6 Could I have a room with a shower?


a __________________ have a room with a shower?

b __________________ cut my hair very short?

c __________________ change some money for me?

d __________________ repair my car today?

e __________________ have ten roses, please?

f __________________ have a stamp, please?


What requests can you make to a teacher or a classmate in class?


May I ask a questions, please?

Could you spell that word, please?

Make five more requests.

Could you speak more slowly, please?

Can you repeat that, please?

Can you say that again, please?

Can you repeat that again? (X)

Will you marry me?

Would you pass the pepper and salt, please?


1 ______________________________________________________

2 ______________________________________________________

3 ______________________________________________________

4 ______________________________________________________

5 ______________________________________________________