【潔西家】one, another, other, others 用法 3 others, the others







今天早上六點多起來,死命不肯起床,想起學生先前上課問到的有一個 Of course. 的用法,然後就躺在床上滑手機滑了快一個小時,查了一堆網站,下次有機會再來寫結論吧,或許有空再問幾個外國朋友看看。




上完下課時又拖了一下時間,本來離下一堂課通常是會有吃點小東西的時間,但是呢,平常嫌熱馬上走人的學生家長也是潔西的高中同學開始跟潔西聊起同學會的時間,潔西後來延到十月去了,他可是有報名的,最好來喔,潔西主辦的,不來就要翻臉了啦。後來又聊到下星期學生要請假,他們要去拜拜,然後還聊到潔西去澳洲唸書,總之兩個人站在潔西家門口聊了十幾分鐘吧?所以呢,午餐沒吃的潔西只來得及捉了六條鱈魚起士絲來吃,跟大家推薦,這個肚子餓的時候很有飽足感,但是熱量應該超高,吃完第三條,要拿起第四條時,線上的同學就出現了。 所以昨天的早餐跟晚餐隔了幾乎十二個小時,中間還的午餐只有幾條起士鱈魚絲。晚上才管不了減肥,吃大餐去!









B 表示複數不特定

限定詞:other + 複數名詞

限定詞:other + ones


表示複數不特定時,other 當限定詞時後面加複數名詞或 ones,others 當代名詞時因為本身代表複數名詞,後面就不可以再加名詞。用來表示在一個特定的同類的群組中,除了先前提過的那一個或那一些之外,再幾個。不加 the,因為不是特定的。

There are seven colors in the rainbow. One is red. Other colors are orange and yellow.

There are seven colors in the rainbow. One is red. Other ones are orange and yellow.

There are seven colors in the rainbow. One is red. Others are orange and yellow. Others are green and blue. 

C 表示複數特定

限定詞:the other + 複數名詞

限定詞:the other + ones

代名詞:the others

表示複數限定時前面一定要加 the 表限定,the other 當限定詞時後面加複數名詞或 ones,the others 當代名詞時因為本身代表複數名詞,後面就不可以再加名詞。這個用法用來表示在一個特定的同類的群組中,除了先前提過的那一個或那一些之外,最後的那幾個,最後的那一些。因為是剩下的那幾個,是特定的,所以前面要加 the。

I have five dresses. One is black. Another is blue. The others dresses are white.

I have five dresses. One is black. Another is blue. The other ones are white.

I have five dresses. One is black. Another is blue. The others are white. 

There are seven colors in the rainbow. One is red. Others are orange and yellow. Others are green and blue. The others are indigo and violet.

There are seven colors in the rainbow. One is red. Another is orange. Others are yellow, green, blue, and indigo. The other is violet.

3 other, others, the other, the others

D others 可以用來表示其他人或其他事物。others 是代名詞,後面不可以再加名詞。 

Some people like sports and others aren’t interested in it at all.

I’ll attach two photos to this email, and I’ll send others tomorrow.

E the others 可以用來表示在同一套或同一個團體中的其他東西或其他人。

We arrived first and the others came later.

I’ll phone all the others if you phone Tom and Mary.

F the/所有格形容詞/數量詞 + other + 複數名詞可以用來表示除了先前講過的之外,還沒有提到的那些,或不同的那些

The other restaurants are expensive.

Sue agreed with me, but my other friends said I was wrong. 


非限定單數 非限定複數another book other booksanother one other onesanother others
限定單數 限定複數the other book the other booksthe other one the other onesthe other the others

十二、one, another, other, others  (6-14, 6-15, 6-16)

練習八:Complete these questions, dialogues, using one, another, other, or others.

1 Could I ask you __________ question?

2 What time is the __________ flight?

3 What will the _________ say when I tell them about this?

4 Do you know any ________ clubs that are as good as this one?

5 Will you have _________ chance to take the exam?

6 Could we change our meeting to _________ date?

7 A: All their flights are fully booked.

   B: Well, we’ll have to phone ________ airline. Lots of airlines fly 


8 A: Do you like this writer?

   B: I’m not sure. I really enjoyed one of her books but I haven’t enjoyed 

      any of _________ books she’s written.

9 A: Have you been to any __________ cities in Taiwan apart from 


   B: Yes, on my ________ visit to this country last year, I went to 


10 A: Are you on your own?

 B: Yes, but ___________ are on their way. They’ll be here soon.

11 A: Is the company you work for big?

 B: It has two main offices. _______ office is in London and _______ 

    one is in Paris.

12 A: Can we make a decision now?

 B: No, I think we should have _________ discussion about this    

     subject later.

【潔西家】劍橋活用英語文法 初級 69 可數名詞與不可數名詞的用法 2

英文的名詞真的是很妙,在水裡游的魚是可數,在桌上的魚肉是不可數,蛋糕一整個可數,切成一片片就變成不可數,行李 luggage/baggage 居然是不可數,一個行李箱 a suitcase 才可以數。麵包 bread 這個字是總稱,所以不可數,但是一條法國麵包 a baguette 又可數了,天啊!究竟是怎麼回事呢?潔西今天這支影片要講的就是這些特殊的例子,大部分比較常見比較特別的都有說到了,看到一個記一個,兵來將擋,水來土掩,一步一步來,學英文是很好玩的啦!早上跟一個可愛的憂心忡忡的媽媽聊了一下,要出門看醫生去了,晚上再來分享。

對了,美國果然一下子爆發開來了,感覺就是一個嚴重啊,義大利全國進入封鎖 lockdown ,剛剛聽美國新聞,航空公司苦不堪言,相關行業甚至說這次 COVID-19 新冠病毒的影響已經比 9-11 還嚴重,英文都直接說 nine eleven ,潔西中文一下找不到還要去問 Google 大師,就是九一一恐怖攻擊事件。大家要好好的保重自己,祝大家今天開開心心,不愉快的事請往腦袋後丟!









A some 後面可以加可數名詞也可以加不可數名詞,加可數名詞時一定是加複數名詞,名詞後面要記得加 s

1 a/an

I just wrote a new book. / He is an engineer.


2 some + 可數複數

I bought some books. / There are some engineers in my company.


3 some + 不可數名詞

I cooked some pasta. / They got some information from the tourist office.


B 同時是可數名詞也可以是不可數名詞的名詞

1 比方說在水裡游的魚 fish 是可數的 a fish, two fish (單複數同型),但是桌上的魚肉 fish 是不可數的,地上走的雞 a chicken, two chickens 是可數的,但是桌上的雞肉 chicken 就是不可數的,前面可以加 some 。


2 另外蛋糕,披薩,西瓜等作為可數的話都是指一整個 a cake, a pizza, a watermelon,但是切開來一片一片的時候是不可數的,要數的時候要用 slice 或 piece 去數, a piece of cake, a slice of pizza, a piece of watermelon


3 通常可數名詞是比較確切的 specific ,不可數名詞是比較一般性的 general

He bought an expensive painting. / He is good at painting.

I have an interesting life. / Life is too short.

The trip to France was a great experience. /I don’t have enough experience for the job.


4 有些名詞當可數名詞跟不可數名詞是會有不同意思

While you’re out, can you get me a paper? 報紙 / I need some paper. 紙

Can I have a glass of water? 杯子 / I love the cathedral’s stained glass windows. 玻璃

She’s been to Japan many times. 次數 / She doesn’t have any time. 時間

I need a room. 房間 / There’s not much room in my suitcase. 空間


5 飲料是液體通常是不可數,但是在點飲料的時候我們常常會把容器省略掉

I’d like a coffee. / I’d like a cup of coffee.

Can I have a beer? / Can I have a bottle of beer?


C 有些單字表達類似的意思,但是分別為可數與不可數,不可數名詞前面不可以加 a/an ,但是通常可以用 a piece of 或其他計量詞去數。



advice 忠告

a suggestion 建議

furniture 傢俱

a table 桌子

baggage/luggage 行李

a suitcase 行李箱

traffic 交通

a car 車子

travel 旅行

a journey, a trip 旅程,旅行

money 錢

a dollar 元

information 資訊

a fact 事實

bread 麵包

a baguette 法國麵包

work 工作

a job 工作

breakfast, lunch, dinner


a meal 餐


a big breakfast


D 一些不可數名詞

hair 頭髮,但是掉在湯裡的一根頭髮是可數的 a hair,news 新聞,是不可數名詞,後面的 s 不是複數,是原本的單字就有。weather 天氣相關的多半都是不可數



1 我的湯裡有一根頭髮。

2 他昨天打了二十次電話。

3 你的三明治要一些雞肉嗎?

4 生活是不公平的。

5 她吃了五片披薩。

6 我的公寓只有一些傢俱。

7 我現在在找工作。

8 我旅行時不喜歡太多行李。我通常只帶一個行李箱。

9 我老闆給我一些很好的忠告。

10 我要兩杯咖啡,三瓶礦泉水。

11 可以借我一些錢嗎?

12 我可以跟你借一萬元嗎?







翻譯練習 答案

1 我的湯裡有一根頭髮。

1 There is a hair in my soup.


2 他昨天打了二十次電話。

2 He called/phoned twenty times yesterday.


3 你的三明治要一些雞肉嗎?

3 Would you like some chicken in your sandwich?


4 生活是不公平的。

4 Life is not fair.


5 她吃了五片披薩。

5 She ate five pieces/slices of pizza.


6 我的公寓只有一些傢俱。

6 There is some furniture in my apartment.


7 我現在在找工作。

7 I am looking for a job now.


8 我旅行時不喜歡太多行李。我通常只帶一個行李箱。

8 I don’t like to travel with too much luggage. I usually just take a suitcase with me.


9 我老闆給我一些很好的忠告。

9 My boss gave me some good advice.


10 我要兩杯咖啡,三瓶礦泉水。

10 I’d like two coffees and three bottles of mineral water.


11 可以借我一些錢嗎?

11 Can you lend me some money? / Can I borrow some money?


12 我可以跟你借一萬元嗎?

12 Can I borrow ten thousand dollars? / Can you lend me ten thousand dollars?

【潔西家】2020 基礎文法 代名詞 Pronouns


昨天學生請假休息,下雨又寒冷的天氣潔西就在家冬眠,一步都沒走出家門,一直就準備上課的東西,弄不完啊,整合講義,改講義,寫新的講義,印講義印到印表紙都快不夠了啊。說到印表紙,人常常會盲點,有時候腦袋會轉不過來,潔西先前都要去板橋後站的書局或者是台北車站的光南,甚至先前在東區的文具店買印表紙。上次因為紙真的用完了,但是去上課的地點又沒有文具店,怎麼辦呢?啊,突然想到,是笨蛋嗎?我家附近也有文具店啊,完全忘記這一回事,所以呢就到家裡附近的文具店,哇,真不是普通的貴,硬是比潔西去板橋的文具店買貴了二十元,Double A 的印表紙。其他也有比較便宜的,但是真的是常用就知道,印表紙夠厚,不卡紙是非常重要的,其他家真的卡紙率比較高,從前用過卡紙就再也回不去了,比別家印表紙貴個二十元還是買他家的。

下面的代名詞是簡單版的,有點概念的人可以複習一下。很基礎的同學可能會覺得一下子太多了聽不懂,恩,接下來會有分開做的講義,敬請期待。我家老爸煮了午餐,我繼續吃了一小頓,又要回去備課了,嗚嗚,怎麼都備不完啊。不討厭備課,但是喜歡上課,把課準備好了的話上起課來的話是非常開心的,為了開心的上課加油去!祝大家有美好的一天。Have a good day!

















第一人稱單數 我





第一人稱複數 我們





第二人稱單數 你





第二人稱複數 你們





第三人稱單數 他





第三人稱單數 她





第三人稱單數 它





第三人稱複數 他們








1. 主格代名詞 subject pronouns 用來代替前面說過的主詞。


     I like him. He is tall. She has a son. We are happy.


2. 受格代名詞 object pronouns 用來代替已經說過的受詞。

    受詞一般放在動詞的後面。英文常見的句型 S + V + O ,所以記住動詞前面加主詞,動詞


    He likes me. The dog bit her. Don’t tell them. It’s me.


3. 所有格形容詞 possessive adjectives 放在名詞前面,用來表達該名詞是屬於誰的。所以


    This is my phone. Is that your umbrella?  It’s our turn. That’s their fault.


4. 所有格代名詞 possessive pronouns 用來代替前面所說過的名詞,並表達這個名詞是屬於


    This pen is mine. Are those glasses yours? These shoes are his.  Those books are hers.

      mine = my pen , yours = your glasses,       his = his shoes,            hers = her books


中文的 I 跟 me 都是「我」,my 跟 mine 都一樣是「我的」,所以容易弄混淆。記得動詞前面用主格,動詞後面用受格。所有格形容詞後面一定要加名詞,而所有格代名詞後面一定不可以加名詞,這樣就比較不會錯了。


1. Hello. My name is Jessie Lin. What’s ________?

2. This is Mary and ____ husband on _______ wedding day.

3. I took these photos. Do you like _______?

4. Look! The pandas are eating _____ food.

5. Are these Linda’s keys? No, they’re not _______.

6. Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Wang?  _________ are our new neighbors.

7. Chris is a very good teacher. All the students love ______.

8. France is famous for _____ wine.

9. We’re having a party in _____ house.

10. Tom is an old friend of ________.








1. Hello. My name is Jessie Lin. What’s __yours______?

2. This is Mary and _her___ husband on __their_____ wedding day.

3. I took these photos. Do you like __them_____?

4. Look! The pandas are eating _their____ food.

5. Are these Linda’s keys? No, they’re not __hers_____.

6. Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Wang?  ___They______ are our new neighbors.

7. Chris is a very good teacher. All the students love _him_____.

8. France is famous for _its____ wine.

9. We’re having a party in _our____ house.

10. Tom is an old friend of __mine______.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞

這幾天頭每天都在痛,今天又去看醫生耗了兩個多小時,所以呢雖然答應同學今天會放上來但是一直生不出來,因為潔西一邊整理有一邊添加跟改了一些東西,所以假如同學發現跟自己拿到的講義不太一樣,沒錯。最後的部分another, other, others, the other, the others潔西也覺得頭好大,有時候就覺得習慣就這樣用,不過有些大規則還是記一下。加油!真的都弄懂的話,對學習文法很有幫助喔:)

這是配合Azar文法中級課本的第六章的名詞跟代名詞。內容有點恐怖多,因為潔西複習上次上過的,順便做個總復習。內容有1. 八個詞性 2. 五個基本巨型

3. 文章的元素  4. 四種句子  5. 三種子句的簡介 6. 對等連接詞與轉折語用法。這次上課的有 7. 名詞拼字變化與發音規則  8. 人稱代名詞  9. 時間介系詞  10. 場所與方位介系詞  11. 形容詞基本用法  12. one, ones, another, other, others, the other, the others 東西多到一個不行啊,呵呵。

其實這些東西很多都需要用背的,但不是死背,多用習慣就記得了。比方說at home,就沒有人說in home,這些多說多看多聽,自然而然就記起來了。學文法真的是要先懂,先清楚大規則,規則記住了,多觀察,看到的時候多留意一下,然後去運用,多練習。做題目是個很不錯的方式,所以潔西盡量在每個重點後面加上練習,給沒有這本書的同學也可以練習。

歡迎同學自行私下下載練習使用,但請勿任意轉載或公開使用,  潔西寫講義花了很多時間精力跟心血, 並且標明出處。雖然校對技巧很差,雖然裡面也可能有錯誤,呵呵,還是要尊重一下原作者喔,謝謝:) 又摘要使用的書或版權屬原公司所有。摘自Azar的Fundamentals of English Grammar,Longman的Grammar Express,Oxford的Oxford Practice Grammar,另外還有Cambridge的English Grammar in Use等書。

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.1

jessielinhuiching.wordpress.com / 潔西家

A. 八大詞類(the parts of speech)               


1. 動詞 Verb:


a. 行為動詞:用來表達主詞的行為或動作。又可分

(a.)不及物動詞 intransitive verb


Time flies.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

My father shaves.

My father shaves every morning before he goes to work.

(b.)及物動詞 transitive verb



He bought a diamond engagement ring.

He bought a diamond engagement ring for his girlfriend last night.

Tim ate three hamburgers.

Tim ate three hamburgers because he was very hungry.

2. 連綴動詞 linking verb




I feel sick.

My mother is a housewife.

You look tired.

3. 助動詞 auxiliary verb


The band is coming to Taiwan next month.

He didn’t go to school yesterday.


基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.2

1. 動詞: 動詞的四個面貌:動詞依時態不同會有不同的面貌

  1. Present (V1) 動詞原型: I work from nine to five.
  2. Past (V2) 動詞過去式: I worked late last night.
  3. Past Participle (V3) 動詞過去分詞: I have worked hard.
  4. Present Participle (V-ing) 動詞現在分詞: I am working now.

2. 名詞 (nouns):名詞用來表達人、事、物、地等。英文句子的構成要件就是主詞跟動詞。名詞用來當主詞、受詞與補語。名詞當主詞時放在句首,當受詞與補語時放在動詞後面。主詞一定要是名詞,所以當要表達的字是動詞時,必須把動詞加上ing成為動名詞或加上不定詞to。名詞可以接在其他詞類後形成片語。只有形容詞才可以用來修飾名詞。

如:Peter, Taipei, table, truth..等。

Albert is a nice guy.

Barack Obama is the current President of the United States.

Baking and swimming are my hobbies.

3. 代名詞 (pronouns):是用來取代名詞的字。前面已經提過的名詞或是說話的人彼此都知道的名詞都可用代名詞代替。主要是避免重複。用法與主詞雷同。

如:you, him, herself, everyone, this, which, what…等。

Will you give me your name and phone number?

My father is very tall. He’s one meter 85.

4. 形容詞 (adjectives):用來形容、描述、說明一個名詞或代名詞。形容詞多放在修飾的名詞前或放在連綴動詞後。形容詞有正面的形容詞,負面的形容詞,有比較級,有最高級。

如:hot, Taiwanese, her, that, some, whose…

The most popular Taiwanese drink is probably pearl milk tea.

The coffee tastes bitter.

5. 副詞 (adverbs):用來修飾動詞、形容詞,副詞,或整個句子,表達程度,次數,頻率等等。副詞不可以修飾名詞。副詞的移動性很高,常放在動詞後,形容詞前,也可放句首或句尾。不同的副詞按照強調的部分不同,可放不同地方,意義也會有所不同。頻率副詞多放一般動詞前,be動詞後。

如:always, usually, sometimes, quickly, late, very…等。

Fortunately, she won the lottery.

It’s appropriate not to take your shoes off at the door.

It’s not appropriate to take your shoes off at the door.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.3

6. 連接詞 (conjunctions):用來連接單字 (words)、片語 (phrases)或子句 (clauses)。注意連接詞所連接的詞性必須一致。

  1. 對等連接詞 coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, yet, so
  2. 從屬連接詞 subordinating conjunctions: if, before, because, when
  3. 關係連接詞 correlative conjunctions: either…or, neither…nor, both…and, whether…or, not only…but also

He’s the kind of person you either love or hate.

Although John was sick, he still went to work.

It was raining but they still went to the park.

7. 介係詞 (prepositions):用來表達兩件事物的關係,如位置、方向、空間、時間或因果等。後面一定要加名詞或代名詞結合成介係詞片語。

如:about, around, in, on under, of, under, with, between, for… 等。

He arrived in London on Sunday morning.

I get up at 7 o’clock from Monday to Friday.

8. 感嘆詞 (interjections):用來表達強烈的情緒或驚訝。

如:oh, wow, yeah, ouch…等。

Oh! I didn’t know that was you.

Wow! It’s unbelievable.


Tom thinks Mary is wonderful. He loves her madly, and he dreams of marrying her, but unfortunately he is too old for her. Today they are at a café with their friends Mandy and Jack, so Tom can’t get romantic with Mary.

  1. 動詞verb:
  2. 名詞noun:
  3. 代名詞pronoun:
  4. 形容詞adjective:
  5. 副詞adverb:
  6. 連接詞conjunction:
  7. 介系詞preposition:

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.4

B. 五大基本句型(Basic Sentence Patterns)        



動詞分行為動詞(action verbs)與連綴動詞 (linking verbs)。而行為動詞又可以分及物動詞 (transitive verbs)與非及物動詞 (intransitive verbs)。

a. 行為動詞:用來描述主詞的動作或狀態



I like. 因為like是及物動詞,後面一定要加受詞。如:I like Jazz.

   (b)不及物動詞:此類動詞的後面不接受詞。   It sucks. 爛透了。

b. 連綴動詞:用來連接主詞與主詞補語,表狀態,後面接名詞或形容詞。

1. 主詞 + 不及物動詞

Subject + Intransitive Verb  (S + V)



Peter shaves every morning.

The children are dancing happily.

2. 主詞 + 及物動詞 + 直接受詞

Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object  ( S + V + O)



Andrew calls his girlfriend every day.

My mother cleans the house twice a week.

3. 主詞 + 連綴動詞 + 主詞補語   (S + V + SC)

Subject + Linking Verb + Subjective Complement



Nancy is a housewife.

The boy became angry.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.5 4.主詞 + 及物動詞 + 間接受詞 + 直接受詞

主詞 + 及物動詞 + 直接受詞 + 介係詞 + 間接受詞

Subject + Transitive Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object (S + V + IO + DO)

Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object + Preposition + Indirect Object




The secretary made the boss a cup of coffee.

= The secretary made a cup of coffee for the boss.

Kenny writes his girlfriend every day.

= Kenny writes to his girlfriend every day.

5.主詞 + 及物動詞 + 直接受詞 + 受詞補語 (S + V + O + OC)

Subject + Transitive Verb + Direct Object + Objective Complement




如:elect, vote, appoint, consider, label, designate, name, prove, declare,

think, call, believe, pronounce…等。

The voters elected Ma Ying-jeou president.

The students considered the class interesting.

Sentence Patterns Examples
  1. S + V
Time flies.
  1. S + V + O
I love you.
  1. S + V + SC
Jimmy is an engineer.
  1. S + V + IO + DO
Tim asked the teacher a question.
  1. S + V + O + OC
We elected Leo class leader.


She often eats in a restaurant.

She eats breakfast at Starbucks every morning.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.6

B. 五大基本句型(Basic Sentence Patterns) 


1. He writes his girlfriend a love letter every day.

2. My mom enjoys cooking for our family.

3. She bought a necklace for her mother.

4. She felt her heart beating fast.

5. She sells seashells on the seashore.

6. The baby has been crying for an hour.

7. The coffee smells good.

8. The judge proved the woman innocent.

9. Time flies quickly.

10. Time is money.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.7

C. 文章的元素

1. letter字母: a,b,c,d….z   英文有二十六個"字母"

2. word單字: a, book, cat…  一個或一個以上的字母組合就形成單字

3. phrase片語: English songs, in the morning, at home   兩個以上的單字


4. clause子句: 一個子句有一組主詞, 動詞與其他必要部分就叫做子句。

(1) dependent clause非獨立子句/依賴子句:


需要加上獨立子句後才是完整的句子。如:because Tom was hungry

(2) independent clause 獨立子句:


是一個完整的句子。Tom ate five hamburgers.


  1. noun clause 名詞子句 that Tom ate five hamburgers
  2. adjective clause 形容詞子句 who ate five hamburgers
  3. adverb clause 副詞子句 because Tom ate five hamburgers

5. sentence句子:一個句子有主詞,有動詞,加上其他必要部分,語意完整,

加上句號就是一個完整的句子。也相當於獨立子句。Tom ate five hamburgers.


  1. She doesn’t believe that Tom ate five hamburgers.
  2. Tom, who ate five hamburgers, has a stomachache.
  3. Tom has a stomachache because he ate five hamburgers.

6. paragraph段落: 幾個句子就形成一個段落。每個段落都有一個主旨,短的


topic sentence       主題句,用來說明段落大意

supporting sentences 支持句,用來闡述說明主題

concluding sentence  結論句,用來結尾

7. essay 文章:幾個有組織的段落就形成一篇文章,文章會依照主題有不同的



基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.8

D. 四個句子的種類

1. simple sentences 簡單句

I love beef.

2. compound sentences 並和句

I love beef, but I hate pork.

3. complex sentences 複合句

Although I love beef, I hate pork.

4.compound-complex sentences 混合句

My sister who lives in Canada loves beef, and she eats it three meals a day.

1. 簡單句是由一個獨立子句形成的一個句子。可能有一個以上的主詞跟動詞,


My brother and I cook and eat beef every day.

2. 並合句是由對等連接詞(and, but, so, for, or, nor, yet)將兩個獨立子句連接


I love beef, and I love pork.

3. 複合句是把一個或一個以上的從屬連接詞(如because, although, when,



Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth.

I was born and grew up in Taipei, which is the capital of Taiwan.

I can’t believe she is only 17.

4. 混合句是結合了兩個以上的獨立子句跟一個或一個以上的非獨立子句而形


I couldn’t decide where I should work or what I should do, so I did


基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin    P.9

E. 子句的種類  types of clauses        


名詞子句noun clause整個子句當名詞用,不是當句子的主詞就是受詞。

形容詞子句adjective clause就是整個子句當形容詞用,一定是用來修飾名詞。

副詞子句adverb clause當然是當副詞用,像時間子句、條件子句等這些都是副詞子句,整個子句當副詞用,用來修飾動詞或整個句子。



而子句clause也有主詞跟動詞,語意完整子句叫獨立子句independent clause,也就是相當於一個句子。主要我們這裡說的子句都是非獨立子句dependent clause,雖然有了主詞跟動詞,但是語意不完整,需要其他成分來幫助它成為一個完整的句子。也就是它要犧牲小我,充當名詞、形容詞、或副詞,來幫助形成一個完整的句子。看下面的例子可能會更清楚。

1. 名詞子句 noun clause

I   think  that Jessie  is  a happy teacher.

(    S     V               )    —noun clause

S    V                 O

That the earth  is  round  is   true.

(         S     V       )                   —noun clause

S             V   SC

I don’t know where she lives.

(       S   V  )                 —noun clause

S    V          O


基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                      Jessie Lin    P.10

E. 子句的種類  types of clauses          

2. 形容詞子句 adjective clause

The book  which  I  read  last night  was  great.

(      S   V           )             —adjective clause

S                                 V   SC

I  like  movies   that  make  me laugh.

(  S    V            )         —adjective clause

S  V    O

I’ll never forget the day when I  got married.

(    S   V        )        —adjective clause

S        V       O


3. 副詞子句 adverb clause

He ate three hamburgers because he was very hungry.

(      S   V           )     –adverb clause

S  V        O

If you don’t have enough money, you can give it to me next time.

(  S       V              )                            –adverb clause

S     V

He was talking on the phone while he was driving.

(     S     V    )              –adverb clause

S     V

副詞子句一般是大家最熟悉的,種類也最多。副詞子句可以用來表達時間、因果、對比、條件、讓步等等。副詞子句最前面帶領子句的字叫做從屬連接詞subordinating conjunctions,是用來連接主要子句跟副詞子句的橋樑。當主要子句在前面時,因為很清楚的可以知道副詞子句是由從屬連接詞開始,所以不需要逗號,如第一與第三句。而當副詞子句在句首時,要有一個逗號清楚地把副詞子句跟主要子句隔開來,如第二個句子。當然這些從屬連接詞是都不能省略的囉。

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                       Jessie Lin    P.11

F. 轉折語Transitional signals                                     

1.  對等詞 coordinators

  1. 對等連接詞 coordination conjunctions 有七個,可用fanboys來記:  and, but, so, or, nor, for, yet
  2. b.  配對連接詞 correlative conjunctions 有五個:

both … and, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor, whether … or。


Would you rather take a written or an oral exam?

The system is not only complicated but also inefficient.

對等詞也可以連接兩個獨立子句, 必須用逗號將兩個句子分開。

S + V, CC S + V.

I was hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.

2.  從屬詞subordinator

從屬連接詞subordinating conjunction 是帶領副詞子句的連接詞,如although, when, while, before, after, because, if, as, 等。

它會放在非獨立子句dependent clause的句首,帶領獨立子句與非獨立子句結合成一個完整的句子。非獨立子句在前面的時候需要用逗號分開兩個子句,假如是獨立子句在前面,因為有從屬連接詞明顯地把兩個子句分開,所以不用逗號。

SC + S + V, S + V.     or    S + V + SC + S + V.

Because I was feeling hungry, I made myself a sandwich.

I made myself a sandwich because I was hungry.

3.  轉折字,轉折片語與連接副詞

transition words and phrases and conjunctive adverbs


S + V; CA, S + V.       or    S + V. CA, S + V.

I was feeling hungry; therefore, I made myself a sandwich.

I was feeling hungry. Therefore, I made myself a sandwich.

I was feeling hungry. I made myself a sandwich, therefore.

I was feeling hungry. I, therefore, made myself a sandwich.

4.  其他others


An additional reason for visiting Taipei is its convenience.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.12

轉折語列表 Chart of Transition Signals

用法 1. 對等詞 2. 從屬詞 3. 轉折語 4. 其他
additional idea附加 andnor alsobesidesfurthermore

in addition



anotheran additional
compare things比較 andboth…andnot only …

but also



asjust as alsolikewisesimilarly


as…aslike/alikejust like

similar to

be alike

be similar

opposite ideacontrast things相反


butyet althougheven thoughthough




on the other


on the contrary

in contrast


in/by comparison


despitein spite ofcompared to

compared with

differ from

be different

be dissimilar

be unlike

alternative選擇 or ifunless otherwise
cause or reason理由或原因 for becausesinceas due tobecause ofresult from

as a result of

effect or result影響或結果 so thushencetherefore


as a result

as a consequence


result incauseaffect

the cause of

the reason for

example舉例 for examplefor instance such aslikean example of
chronological order時間順序 first, second,first of allthen, next

now, then, soon

last, finally



after that

since then

the firstthe nextthe last

the final

before lunch

after the war

since 1999

explain and restate解釋或陳述 indeedthat is
emphasize強調 in fact
order of importance重要性 above allfirst and foremostmost importantly


the most importantthe primary
to conclude結論 all in allin briefin conclusion

in short

in summary


It is clearthat…We can see


The evidence   suggests that…

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.14

F. 轉折語Transitional signals


1.  對等連接詞連接兩個獨立子句,連接詞一 定放在兩個句子中間。

It is an old car, but it is very reliable.

2. 從屬連接詞帶領非獨立子句來連接另一個 獨立子句,從屬連接詞在句首句子


Although I can’t help admiring the man’s courage, I do not approve of

his methods.

This is my responsibility, although I appreciate your offer.

3. 轉折字或連接副詞用來連接兩個獨立子句時,需用分號把子句分開。或可連


This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers.



1. _______ the new computers are arriving next week, no plans have been made to dispose of the old ones.

  1. Despite  b. When  c. Although  d. Whereby

2. The afternoon flight from Tokyo has been canceled ________ a mechanical problem.

  1. as much as  b. due to  c. because  d. in case  e. because of

3. Following Ms. Aglo’s appointment to the board of directors, the firm’s investment strategy was _______ reevaluated.

a. thoroughly   b. thorough  c. thoroughness  d. more thorough


4. __________ I’m not sure my answers are right, you can copy them down.

a. Although   b. But  c. However   d. Despite

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.15

G. 名詞 Nouns  複數變化拼字規則                    

1. 大部分的名詞在字尾加s。(初學者可先記A,B,C,D,G就可)

stamp-stamps, letter-letters, camera-cameras, ticket-tickets

2. 當名詞字尾是s, ss, sh, ch, x, z時,則加es。

bus-buses, class-classes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, box-boxes,


3. 當名詞字尾為子音加y時,需將y去掉,加ies。

baby-babies, country-countries, city-cities, party-parties

4. 當名詞字尾為母音加y時,則只要加s,即可。

day-days, boy-boys, key-keys, tray-trays

5. 當名詞字尾為ffe時,需將f或fe去掉,加ves。

wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves, leaf-leaves


belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs, roof-roofs

6. 當名詞字尾為子音加o時,需加es。母音加o時,則只要加s即可。

這個規則有例外,不確定時最好查字典。有些字如zeros, zeroes兩者都可。

tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, radio-radios

7. 有些名詞複數的變化是不規則的,需特別記住。

child-children, person-people, man-men, woman-women, mouse-mice

8. 有些字的單複數同型

one deer-two deer, one fist-two fish, one means-two means,

one series-two series, one species-two species

9. 有些自是外來字,複數字尾變化比較特別。

criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena, fungus-fungi,

stimulus-stimuli, analysis-analyses, basis-bases, crisis-crises,

hypothesis-hypotheses, thesis-theses, bacterium-bacteria,

datum-data, medium-media, memorandum-memoranda

Write the plurals of these nouns.

1. address ________ 2. fox ______ 3. brush ________ 4. desk _______

5. computer _________  6. face _______ 7. guy _______ 8. list _____

9. loss ______ 10. patch _______ 11. poppy ______ 12. play ________

13. reply ______  14. video _____  15. belief ______  16. wife ______

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.16

H. 名詞 Nouns  複數發音變化規則

1. 當名詞字尾是無聲子音如/k/, /p/, /t/,/θ/時,加s後,應讀做/s/。

book-books, lake-lakes, map-maps, student-students, month-months

2. 當名詞字尾是有聲子音如/r/, /n/, /l/,/d/等或母音時,加s後,應讀做/z/。

car-cars, pen-pens, hole-holes, hand-hands, law, laws, day-days

3. 當名詞字尾為/s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ /時,加s後,應讀做/ ɪz/。要注意的是,看的是最後一個音,而非最後一個字母,如place就是這一類。

bus-buses, house-houses, quiz-quizzes, dish-dishes, watch-watches,  page-pages

無聲子音(voiceless consonants):/p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, / tʃ/, / θ /, /h/,

有聲子音(voiced consonants):/b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /z/, / ʒ /, / dʒ /, / ð/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /r/, /w/, /j/, / ŋ/

母音:/ æ /, / ɛ /, / ɪ /, / a /, / ʌ /, / e /, / i /, / aɪ/, / o /, / u /, / ʊ /, / ɔ /,

/ ɔɪ/,/ aʊ /, / ɝ /, / ɚ/, /ə /

I. 動詞接續與主動詞一致



An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Coffee is good for your health.

The books on the table are mine.


clothes, pants, jeans, scissors這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數動詞。

Those pants are mine.

news, politics, mathematics, measles這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數動詞。

Mathematics is my favorite subject.

means, species, series, 這些字單複數同型,可以當單數,也可以當複數。

The only means of communication was sign language.

Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.

(Cambridge 與 Longman 字典範例)

Choose the correct form. 選擇正確的答案

  1. Every policeman is/are given special training for the job.
  2. No two days are the same. Each day is/are different.
  3. But the job isn’t/aren’t as exciting as some people think/thinks.
  4. Not all policemen is/are allowed to carry guns.
  5. A number of police officers here works/work with dogs.
  6. An officer and his dog has/have to work closely together.
  7. One of our jobs is/are to prevent crime happening in the first place.
  8. A lot of crime is/are caused by people being careless.
  9. Sorry, I have to go now. Someone has/have just reported a robbery.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.17

J. Personal Pronouns人稱代名詞                  

主格代名詞 受格代名詞 所有格形容詞 所有格代名詞 反身代名詞















































主格代名詞subject pronouns用來代替前面說過的主詞。


受格代名詞object pronouns用來代替已經說過的受詞。

受詞一般放在動詞的後面。中文的I跟me都一樣是 ”我”,所以容易弄混淆。一個英文句子一定有主詞跟動詞,只要記住動詞前用主格代名詞,動詞後(有時是介係詞後)用受格代名詞就不會錯了。S+V+O

所有格形容詞possessive adjectives放在名詞前面,用來表達該名詞是屬於誰的。所以所有格形容詞後面一定會加名詞。

所有格代名詞possessive pronouns用來代替前面所說過的名詞,並表達這個名詞是屬於某人的。中文的my跟mine都一樣是”我的”,所以容易弄混淆。所有格代名詞本身已是名詞,所以後面一定不可以再接名詞。

  1. Hello. My name is Jessie Lin. What’s ________?
  2. This is Mary and ____ husband on _______ wedding day.
  3. I took these photos. Do you like _______?
  4. Look! The pandas are eating _____ food.
  5. Are these Linda’s keys? No, they’re not _______.
  6. Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Wang?  _________ are our new neighbors.
  7. Chris is a very good teacher. All the students love ______.
  8. France is famous for _____ wine.
  9. We’re having a party in _____ house.
  10. Tom is an old friend of ________.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.18

K. 時間介係詞 Prepositions of Time

at a time of the day時間點(幾點幾分) I usually get up at 8 o’clock.She starts work at 8.30.
at night/noon/midday/midnight Linda doesn’t like to work at night.
on a day  星期一至星期日前 I do yoga on Tuesdays.
weekend 週末 Tom goes hiking on weekends
a date or holiday 特定日期 My birthday is on July 25th.
in a part of the day一天中的一部分 We often go for a walk in the afternoon.Jessie usually works in the evenings.
a month 月份 Her birthday is in July.
a season 季節 They often take a trip to Paris in fall.
a year  年份 I was born in 1971.
a century 世紀 Instant coffee was invented in the twentieth century.
X 在this, that, last, every, tomorrow 等與一些特定時間表達語前面不加任何介係詞 I am busy this weekend.She goes dancing every Friday night.Tom is going to see a dentist later.
  1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the morning?
  2. Are you usually at home _____ 7 o’clock _____ the evening?
  3. Do you sometimes work ______ night?
  4. What do you usually do _____ weekends?
  5. Do you usually go shopping _____ Saturdays?
  6. Do you go hiking ____ summer?
  7. Do you have a holiday _____ December?
  8. What do you usually do ______ your birthday?
  9. Do you eat breakfast _____ Sunday morning?
  10. What did you do ______ last weekend?
  11. What do you usually do ____ the evening?
  12. What do you only do _____ Sundays?
  13. What time do you have breakfast ____ every day?
  14. How do you feel ____ Sunday evenings?
  15. How do you feel ______ every Monday morning?

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.19

16. What do you do ___Saturday nights?

17. What time do you get up ____ weekdays? How about weekend?

18. Where do you usually go ____ New Year’s Eve?

19. Do you have a coffee break ____ the afternoon?

20. Do you stay up until midnight ____ weekdays?


1. for後面加一段時間

for + a period of time (an hour, three days, five months, a long time)

I lived there for six years.

I studied for 2 hours.

2. in後面加一個特定的時間點,如月份,年,季節

in + a specific point in time (January, 2010, spring)

We moved in February.

He graduated in 2009.

3. on後面加一個特定的時間點,如星期,節慶,特定日期

on + a specific point in time ( Saturday, weekend, Mother’s Day)

They went dancing on Monday.

I had a big party on my birthday.

4. from … to …表示從一個時間點到另一個時間點

from … to … + specific points in time (hour, month, year)

They traveled in France from March to May.

I worked from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. yesterday.

5. 時間表達與+ ago 表示多久前

time expression + ago (a week ago, seven years ago)

My family moved to Canada five years ago.

I ate lunch ten minutes ago.

6. until + 子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示直到….

until + clause with a specific point in time

I lived in Tainan until I was seven.

He waited until she had finished speaking.

until + 一個特定的時間

until + a specific point in time(hour, month, year)

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.20

We lived there until 1999.

not until 強調一直到某個時間點前某件事都沒有發生或結束

She didn’t get up until noon.

He didn’t show up for work until 10 a.m.

7. then + 子句或句子(主詞加動詞)

then + a sentence/clause

I lived in Tainan. Then I moved to Taipei.

I lived in Tainan, and then I moved to Taipei.

8. when +子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示當…

when + clause with a specific point in time

I started school when I was seven.

1. Ling’s family left Hong Kong _______ 1996.

2. Ling lived in Sao Paulo _______ six years.

3. Her family stayed there _________ she was six.

4. They moved to Seattle. ___________ they came to San Francisco.

5. They moved to San Francisco there years _________.

A. Complete the sentences with time expressions so they are true for you.

1. I learned to ride a bicycle in ________, when ___________________.

2. My best friend was born _______ ago, in _____________.

3. I played a musical instrument for _________, until ____________.

4. I went to elementary school until __________ , until ___________.

5. My family last went on vacation together in ______, when ______________________.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.21

L. 介係詞 場所與方位介係詞     




1. in 在(裡面)  2. at 在某個地方  3. inside 在裡面 4.  in front of  在前面       5. behind 在後面 6. between 在中間  7. next to 在旁邊  8. near 在附近    9. by 在附近  10. beside 在旁  11. on  在上面,東西的表面 12. above 在上面 (高於…)  13. over 在上面(高於…), 穿越,從一邊到另一邊  14. under  在下面  15. below  在下面(有一段距離)  16. across  橫過,對面      17. across from  對面   18. opposite  在對面 19. in the corner 在角落     20. on the corner of A and B 在A與B的轉  21. in the center of 在…的中間 22. in the front of   在… 的前面  23. in the back of   在…的後面                  24. on the right side of  在…的右邊  25. to the left of 在…的左邊          26. in the middle of  在中間      27. beyond  在… 再過去的遠處

28. around  環繞  29. along  沿著   30. against  緊靠著,倚

動詞  1. cross 越過, 穿越  2. pass  通過,渡過

副詞:1. ahead  在前方  2. behind  在後方

場所介係詞最容易混淆的是on, in, at這三個字,因為中文都翻做“在”。


1. on 常見的是表達一個東西在另一個東西的表面上

Jessie likes to sit on the floor.

Your glasses are on the chair.

on the wall/ceiling/floor/ground/grass/table


Fulong is on the north-east coast of Taiwan.


I’ll be home soon. I’m still on the bus.

on the plane/train/bus/MRT/boat/ferry/ship/MRT/bike/motorcycle

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.22

介係詞 場所與方位介係詞        


on the left/right

on television/the radio

on the sidewalk

on First Street/Road/Avenue

on a diet, on fire, on duty, on purpose, on sale, on business, on vacation,           on my own, on loan, on a trip, on campus, on the second floor

2. in常見的表達是一個東西在另一個東西的裡面(通常指三度空間)

The keys are in my pocket.

Linda is in the bathroom.


We stayed in the Spring Hotel.

We stayed at the Spring Hotel.


There are 400 rooms in the Spring Hotel.

I’ll see you in the coffee shop.


in Taiwan(國家)/Taipei(城市)

in the road, in the mirror, in bed, in hospital, in prison, in your tea, in

the air, in a car, in a hurry, in trouble, in danger, in a good mood,

3. at常見的表達是在一個點或一個地方

There’s a convenience store at the end of the street.

Let’s meet at the airport.

I live at 38 Yuanshan road, Chungho.


at work, at school, at university, at home, at the station, at the airport, at a party, at a concert, at first, at the moment

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.23

地點方位介系詞  in    on    at

in 在裡面,在某些特定的地方,在建築物裡面

in the box

in the classroom

in class

in bed



雖然是要說方位,但是舉一下動詞片語好了look up可以當找尋資訊的意思。Look the word up in your dictionary. 但是look up to someone卻變成了尊敬某人。差很大吧!look down 可以是往下,可是look down on someone又變成了看不起某人。look out 可以當往外看,也可以當小心。look after 又是照顧,所以介系詞有時候真的很重要,一點也錯不得呢!


in 後面接國家,城市,房號

I live in Taiwan.      She lives in Taipei.       He lives in Room 4B.

on 後面接路,街,樓層

I live on Main Road.  She lives on Oak Street.  He lives on the first floor.

at 後面接地址

I live at 523 Main Road, Taipei, Taiwan.


in 可用在房子或公寓裡面的某個地方或做某件事

in the kitchen, in the yard, in the shower

at 可用在在一些城市裡面的某個地點,比方說超市,海邊,百貨公司

at the mall, at the library, at the beach

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.24


Let’s meet at the coffee shop.

Let’s meet in the coffee shop.


at home, at school, at work, at church, at Lisa’s house, at a meeting

on 常會用在休息,渡假,旅行

on my break, on vacation, on a trip

  1. Katie’s house
  2. the bathtub
  3. Chile
  4. bed
  5. the beach
  6. the shower
  7. a friend’s house
  8. a conference
  9. the hospital
  10. her office
  11. Mike’s office
  12. the drugstore
  13. vacation
  14. Mexico
  15. work
  16. South Africa
  17. school
  18. a party
  19. the bathroom
  20. Joe’s house
  21. class
  22. the yard
  23. the U.S.
  24. the mall
  25. Asia
  26. her break
  27. the dentist’s office
  28. her parents’ house
  29. the park
  30. a trip
  31. a meeting
  32. the library

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.25

M. 形容詞 Adjectives  

1. 形容詞可以用來描述一個人,動物,地方,事情,來給予一些額外的資訊。


I’m an happy English teacher.

It’s fun to study English.

2. 形容詞的位置:

a. 多放在修飾的名詞的前面

I saw a handsome guy last night.

b. 有少數特定名詞如something, anything,形容詞會放在這些名詞的後面

In North America, brides wear “something old, something new,

something borrowed, and something blue” for good luck.

c. 也可以放在連綴動詞的後面。(連綴動詞在後面P.1有說明)

His face turned red.

I’m so busy.

3.  形容詞本身不會隨著單複數或人稱而有所改變。

I have a beautiful daughter.

She has two beautiful daughters.

4. 當我們用超過一個形容詞來修飾名詞時,修飾的順序會是越詳細,越客觀的


size + age + color + nationality + material

尺寸 + 新舊 + 顏色 + 國籍 + 材質

a new, green bag/a big French house/a small wooden table


  1. I’m looking for my cotton green shirt and my brown leather shoes.
  2. George has a Spanish modern villa near the sea.
  3. I live in an old white house near the river. I’ve got a black large dog.
  4. I had an interesting talk with a British young student last week.
  5. We are having lunch in a big Japanese new restaurant in the center of town.
  6. I left all my books in a red plastic bag on the bus. I was so stupid!

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.26

N. one, another, other, others

1. One

a.  one of +the/所有格形容詞 +複數名詞,用來表達很多東西當中的一個

One of the students in my class was off sick today.

He is staying with one of his relatives.

b.  one後面可以加單數名詞

One flight leaves at five p.m. and the other is at nine.

c.  one可以當形容詞,也可以當代名詞,代替前面說過的單數名詞,相當於第


There are two flights. One flight leaves at five p.m. and the other leaves at nine.

There are two flights. One leaves at five p.m. and the other leaves at nine.

d. ones 當代表前面說過的複數名詞時可以用ones。

A: Look at these earrings. They’re nice.

B: Which ones?

A: The red ones.

B: But I like the yellow ones better.

2. Another

a. 我們用another+單數可數名詞來表示再一個,或一個不同的人事物。假如是


Would you like another drink?

Let’s go to another restaurant for a change.

Have another potato.

Have some more meat.

We need more cups.

b. another可以是形容詞,也可以是代名詞,再一杯飲料,可以說another one,

another drink, another都可以,但是不能說another one drink

c. another一定是單數,後面不可以加複數名詞。I met another people.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.27

3. other, others


a. 表單數特定

  the other+單數名詞/the other one/the other 可以表示一定數目的同類


Peter ate one apple. Sara ate the other apple.

Sara ate the other one.

Sara ate the other.

b. 表複數不特定

  other+複數名詞/other ones/others 可以表示同類物品中,除了以提過的


There are many apples in Peter’s kitchen. Peter is holding one apple.

There are other apples on the table.

There are other ones in a bowl.

There are others on a chair.

c. 表複數特定

  the other+複數名詞/the other ones/the others 可以表示同類的物品


There are many apples on the table. Peter is going to take one of them.

Sara is going to take the other apples.

Sara is going to take the other ones.

Sara is going to take the others.

d. 所有格/theother+單數名詞 可以表示還沒提到的那一個。

One of his sisters lives in France and his other sister lives in Australia.

e. 所有格/數量詞/theother+複數名詞 可以表示不同的,或那些還沒有被


The other hotels were more expensive.

Ray agreed with me but my other friends said I was wrong.

For all other enquiries, phone this number.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.28

3. other, others

f.  the other+單數名詞/the other one/the other 可以用來表示先前還


He’s got two homes – one is in London and the other (one) is in Florida.

g.  others 可以用來表示其他人或其他事物。others是代名詞,後面不可以


Some people like sport and others aren’t interested in it at all.

h.  the others 可以用來表示在同一套或同一個團體中的其他東西或人。

We arrived first and the others came later.

Complete these questions, dialogues, using one, another, other, or others.

  1. Could I ask you __________ question?
  2. What time is the __________ flight?
  3. What will the _________ say when I tell them about this?
  4. Do you know any ________ clubs that are as good as this one?
  5. Will you have _________ chance to take the exam?
  6. Could we change our meeting to _________ date?
  7. A: All their flights are fully booked.  B: Well, we’ll have to phone ________ airline. Lots of airlines fly there.
  8. A: Do you like this writer? B: I’m not sure. I really enjoyed one of her books but I haven’t enjoyed any of _________ books she’s written.
  9. A: Have you been to any __________ cities in Taiwan apart from Taipei?  B: Yes, on my ________ visit to this country last year, I went to Taichung.
  10. A: Are you on your own?  B: Yes, but ___________ are on their way. They’ll be here soon.
  11. A: Is the company you work for big?   B: It has two main offices. _______ office is in London and _______ one is in Paris.
  12. A: Can we make a decision now?  B: No, I think we should have _________ discussion about this subject later.

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.29

Answer Key  解答

A.  八大詞類( the parts of speech)   P.3

    1. 動詞verb: thinks, is, loves
    2. 名詞noun: Tom, Mary, café
    3. 代名詞pronoun: He, her, they
    4. 形容詞adjective: wonderful, old, romantic
    5. 副詞adverb: madly, unfortunately, too
    6. 連接詞conjunction: and, but, so
    7. 介系詞preposition: of, for, at

B. 五大基本句型(Basic Sentence Patterns)  P.6

1. He writes his girlfriend a love letter every day.    4

S + V +      IO        +   DO

2. My mom enjoys cooking for our family.            2

S    +  V    + O

3. She bought a necklace for her mother.            4

S  +  V    +   DO       +  IO

4. She felt her heart beating fast.                  5

S  + V +  O      +  OC

5. She sells seashells on the seashore.               2

S  + V  +  O

6. The baby has been crying for an hour.            1

S        +  V

7. The coffee smells good.                         3

S     +  V   +  SC

8. The judge proved the woman innocent.           5

S     +  V    +  O     + OC

9. Time flies quickly.                               1

S + V

10. Time is money.                                  3

S + V + SC

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.30

F. 轉折語Transitional signals  P.14

1. c   2. b, e   3. a   4. a

G. 名詞 Nouns  複數變化拼字規則 P.15

1. addresses  2. foxes  3. brushes  4. desks  5. computers  6. faces

7. guys  8. lists  9. losses  10. patches  11. poppies  12. plays

13. replies  14. videos  15. beliefs  16. wives

I.動詞接續與主動詞一致  P.16

1. is   2. is  3. isn’t, think  4. are  5. work  6. have  7. is  8. is  9. has

J. Personal Pronouns人稱代名詞 P.17

1. yours 2. her, their  3. them  4. their  5. hers  6. They  7. him  8. its

9. our  10. mine

K. 時間介係詞 Prepositions of Time  P.18

1. in  2. at, in  3. at  4. on  5. on  6. in  7. in  8. on  9. on  10. X

11. in  12. on  13. X  14. on  15. X  16. on  17. on  18. on  19. in

20. on

1. in  2. for  3. when  4. Then  5. ago

A. Answers vary.  每個人答案都不同,參考答案:

1. 1999, I was 20 years old

2. 23 years, 1990

3. 10 years,

4. 1989, I was thirteen years old

5. 2007, I finished college

基礎文法L5 名詞與代名詞                        Jessie Lin   P.31

L. 介係詞 場所與方位介係詞  P.24

  1. at  2. in  3. in  4. in  5. at  6. in  7. at  8. at  9. in  10. in  11. in
  2. at  13. on  14. in  15. at  16. in  17. at  18. at  19. in  20. at  21. in

22. in  23. in  24. at  25. in  26. on  27. at  28. at  29. at 30. on  31. at 32. in

M. 形容詞 Adjectives P.25

  1. I’m looking for my green cotton shirt and my brown leather shoes.
  2. George has a modern Spanish villa near the sea.
  3. I live in an old white house near the river. I’ve got a large black dog.
  4. I had an interesting talk with a young British student last week.
  5. We are having lunch in a big new Japanese restaurant in the center of town.
  6. I left all my books in a red plastic bag on the bus. I was so stupid! (O)

N. one, another, other, others  P.28

1. another  2. other  3. others  4. other  5. another  6. another

7. another  8. the other  9. other  10. others  11. One, the other

12. another


睡得不好,粉累呢。這裡是原本有發表過,但修改增添的一些名詞的基本用法,可數,不可數,單數,複數,主動詞一致,複數名詞變化,計量詞,冠詞a, an, the, 數量詞some, a few, a little等這些。希望應該有比較容易懂。呵呵。繼續備課去。加油!Google Docs連結一樣在最後。

名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.1


 1.   一般名詞與專有名詞Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

一般名詞:英文的名詞可用來表達一般的人事物,如father, love, book


如:Tom, Taipei, Rolex。


I work in a hospital.

I work at National Taiwan University Hospital.


2.   可數名詞與不可數名詞 Count Nouns and Non-count Nouns

可數名詞:一些可以很容易數的名詞,如:an apple, two eggs


難以一一計算的名詞。如:water, air, rice, flour。


可數名詞:  fish魚,room房間,light電燈





  1. 一些相似的物件的總稱。如:furniture, baggage, luggage, food, fruit, clothing, garbage, junk, equipment, machine, jewelry, mail, money, traffic
  2. 液體:water, coffee, tea, milk, soup, juice, beer, oil, gasoline, blood
  3. 固體:ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, glass, paper, wood, wool
  4. 氣體:air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, smoke, pollution, smog
  5. 粒狀,粉狀物(particles):rice, corn, diet, flour, salt, sand, sugar
  6. 抽象概念:love, beauty, confidence, health, education, knowledge, music, advice, information, time, space, progress, peace, sleep, help
  7. 大自然現象:weather, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, sunshine, fire, heat


  名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.2

3.   單數與複數 Singular and Plural



不會單獨存在,前面一定要加a, an, the, this, my等。

I have a dog.

My dog is very cute.



There are twenty students in my class.

I ate two hamburgers and some French fries for lunch.



是前面不可以加a,an,但可以加the, this, my等。因為是



I like coffee.

I drink three cups of coffee every day.



I’d like a coffee, please.        Can I have an ice cream?

I can’t live without coffee.     Chocolate ice cream is my favorite.


4.   動詞接續與主動詞一致



An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Coffee is good for your health.

The books on the table are mine.


clothes, pants, jeans, scissors這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數名詞。

news, politics, mathematics, measles這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數動詞。

means, species, series, 這些字單複數同型,可以當單數,也可以當複數。



名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.3

  1. 集合名詞

有些字表達的是集合了多數人或物體的集合,稱為集合名詞。集合名詞為人時,多為可數,如一個班級 a class,一個家庭 a family,一群觀眾 an audience,當把所有人視為一個整體時接單數動詞,重點放在所有的每個成員時則接複數動詞。也會有例外。而美式英語多把集合動詞接單數動詞。表達人的集合名詞如:family, team, club, class, crew, audience, committee,

group, staff, police, personnel, … 等。

事物或抽象概念的集合名詞則多為不可數。如:furniture, baggage, luggage,

clothing, jewelry, music, poetry, food, … 等。

The Lin Family has its farm. 視為整體,所以用單數動詞

My family are all baseball fans. 表達全家人,用複數動詞

例外:police這個字永遠當複數,所以不可以說a police要用a police officer

The police are looking for the robber.

staff在美式英語只可接單數動詞,不可說a staff要用 a staff member

The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

The personnel have done an outstanding job this year.

The employees have done an outstanding job this year.

The employee has done an outstanding job this year.


名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.4

6.   可數名詞的複數變化

A. 大部分的名詞在字尾加s。(初學者可先記A,B,C,D,G就可)

stamp-stamps, letter-letters, camera-cameras, ticket-tickets

B. 當名詞字尾是s, ss, sh, ch, x, z時,則加es。

bus-buses, class-classes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, box-boxes,


C. 當名詞字尾為子音加y時,需將y去掉,加ies。

baby-babies, country-countries, city-cities, party-parties

D. 當名詞字尾為母音加y時,則只要加s,即可。

day-days, boy-boys, key-keys, tray-trays

E. 當名詞字尾為fe或f時,需將fe或f去掉,加ves。

wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves, leaf-leaves

F. 有些名詞字尾為f,但是只要加s。

belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs, roof-roofs

G. 當名詞字尾為子音加o時,需加es。母音加o時,則只要加s即可。

這個規則有例外,不確定時最好查字典。有些字如zeros, zeroes兩者都可。

tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, radio-radios


child-children, person-people, woman-women, mouse-mice


one deer-two deer, one fist-two fish, one means-two means,

one series-two series, one species-two species


criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena, fungus-fungi,

stimulus-stimuli, analysis-analyses, basis-bases, crisis-crises,

hypothesis-hypotheses, thesis-theses, bacterium-bacteria,

datum-data, medium-media, memorandum-memoranda




a.當名詞字尾是無聲子音如/k/, /p/, /t/,/θ/時,加s後,應讀做/s/。

book-books, lake-lakes, map-maps, student-students, month-months

b.當名詞字尾是有聲子音如/r/, /n/, /l/,/d/等或母音時,加s後,應讀做/z/。

car-cars, pen-pens, hole-holes, hand-hands, law, laws, day-days

c.當名詞字尾為/s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ /時,加s後,應讀做/ ɪz/。要注意的是,看的是最後一個音,而非最後一個字母,如place就是這一類。

bus-buses, house-houses, quiz-quizzes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, page-pages


名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.5

7.   計量詞Measure Words

不可數名詞:要數不可數名詞的時候常會用一些計量詞measure words,比方說形狀shapes,份量portions,容器containers,計量單位measurements來數。

單數:用a+計量詞+of+不可數名詞,如:a glass of wine

複數:在計量單位前加數量,計量單位字尾加s,如:two glasses of wine

形狀:a loaf of bread, a bar of candy

份量:a slice of bread, a piece of cake, a bowl of soup,

容器:a can of beans, a bottle of milk, a container of yogurt

計量單位:a teaspoon of salt, a pound of sugar


單數:用a+計量詞+of+可數複數名詞,如:a pound of apples


如:two pounds of apples




名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.6

8.   冠詞Articles

不定冠詞a, an

a加在字首為子音的名詞前:a dog, a meal, a phone, a uniform

an加在字首為母音發音的名詞前:an orange, an umbrella, an honor

要表達可數單數名詞只有一個時可以在前面加a或an。a加在子音為首的單字前,an加在母音為字首的單字前。母音字母有五個a,e,i,o,u。一般可以看字首的字母來決定加a或an,但是會有少數字母會不發音如: an hour,或可能是不發音,或有些母音字母可能發子音的音,如:a university。些字母可能不發音或是發子音的音,所以還是要依照發音來決定。




1.用the表示特定的人事物。用a,an 表一般,沒有特定。

He is a teacher.

He is the teacher I met last night.

2.當我們提到一個名詞的第一次時常會用a, an,再一次提到的時候因為彼此都知道了,所以是特定的,就會用the。

I’m reading a book. The book is very interesting.


The moon goes round the earth, and the earth goes round the sun.


It’s too dark. Can you turn on the light.


He’s talking on the phone.

Please turn off the radio.

注意:單數可數名詞不可以單獨存在,前面一定要加上a, an, the, 所有格形容詞如:my, your, Tom’s等。

He’s a neighbor.

He’s the neighbor.

He’s our neighbor.


名詞 Nouns                                     Jessie Lin   P.7

9.   數量詞Quantifiers

數量詞有點小複雜,因為有些只可以用在可數名詞,有些只可以用在不可數名詞,有些又可以用在可數跟不可數。有些會用在肯定句,有些只會用在否定句跟疑問句。把用法整理用表格表現就相當的易懂。many, much在口語多用在否定跟疑問,在寫作或比較正式的時候也會用many, much在肯定句。

可數名詞: few, a few, many, a lot of, some, any

不可數名詞 little, a little, much, a lot of, some, any

肯定句:few, a few, little, a little, a lot of, some

疑問句:many, much, a lot of, any

否定句:many, much, any

肯定句 否定句
可數複數名詞 I have few books.I have a few books.

I have some books.

I have a lot of books.

I don’t have many books.I don’t have any books.
不可數單數名詞 I have little money.I have a little money.

I have some money.

I have a lot of money.

I don’t have much money.I don’t have any money.
Yes/No問句 WH問句
可數複數名詞 Do you have a lot of books?Do you have any books? How many books do you have?
不可數單數名詞 Do you have a lot of money?Do you have any money?


How much money do you have?

肯定句可數名詞:few, a few, a lot of, some

There are a few students here.

肯定句不可數名詞:little, a little, a lot of, some

I have a little time before class.

否定句可數名詞:many, a lot of, any

He doesn’t have many friends.

否定句不可數名詞:much, a lot of, any

I don’t have any time.

疑問句可數名詞:many, a lot of, any

How many books did you buy?

Did you buy a lot of books?

Did you buy any books?

疑問句不可數名詞:much, a lot of, any

How many money did you spend?

Did you spend a lot of money?

Did you have any money left?

2 名詞 2.1 可數與不可數名詞+集合名詞+複數變化


可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.1



單數:只有一個的時候稱做單數,前面一定要加冠詞如 a, the, this, my等。複數:兩個以上時叫做複數。複數的字尾多半要加s。複數時可以加數量詞如two, three等,也可以用some, a lot of 或many。



a :名詞的字首的發音是子音時,名詞前要加a。注意,u可能為子音字首。

a chair, a book, a plane, a meal, a university, a uniform

an:名詞的字首的發音是母音時,名詞前要加an。 但是要特別注意的是有些字母可能不發音,u可能為子音或母音。

an apple, an orange, an hour, an honor, an umbrella

注意:當名詞前有形容詞時,則要依形容詞的母音來決定是是加a 或an。

a red apple, an honest man, an old university, a yellow umbrella



  1. 一些相似的物件的總稱。如:furniture, baggage, luggage, food, fruit, clothing, garbage, junk, equipment, machinery, jewelry, mail, money, traffic
  2. 液體:water, coffee, tea, milk, soup, juice, beer, oil, gasoline, blood
  3. 固體:ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, glass, paper, wood, wool
  4. 氣體:air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, smoke, pollution, smog
  5. 粒狀,粉狀物(particles):rice, corn, diet, flour, salt, sand, sugar
  6. 抽象概念:love, beauty, confidence, health, education, knowledge, music, advice, information, time, space, progress, peace, sleep, help
  7. 大自然現象:weather, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, sunshine, fire, heat


a bottle of water, a piece of furniture, a loaf of bread


可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.2



集合名詞為人時,多半為可數,如一個班級 a class,一個家庭 a family,一群觀眾 an audience,當把所有人視為一個整體時接單數動詞,重點放在所有的每個成員時則接複數動詞。也會有例外。而美式英語多把集合名詞接單數動詞。表達人的集合名詞如:family, team, club, class, crew, audience, committee,

group, staff, police, personnel, … 等。

事物或抽象概念的集合名詞則多為不可數。如:furniture, baggage, luggage, clothing, jewelry, music, poetry, food, … 等。

The Lin Family has its farm. 視為整體,所以用單數動詞

My family are all baseball fans. 表達全家人,用複數動詞

例外:police這個字永遠當複數,所以不可以說a police要用a police officer

The police are looking for the robber.

staff在美式英語只可接單數動詞,不可說a staff要用 a staff member

The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

The personnel have done an outstanding job this year.

The employees have done an outstanding job this year.

The employee has done an outstand job this year.


可數名詞:  fish魚,room房間,light電燈



clothes, pants, jeans, scissors這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數動詞。

Those pants are mine.

news, politics, mathematics, measles這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數動詞。

Mathematics is my favorite subject.

means, species, series, 這些字單複數同型,可以當單數,也可以當複數。

The only means of communication was sign language.

Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.

(Cambridge 與 Longman 字典範例)






可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.3複數名詞的拼字與發音規則


1. 大部分的名詞在字尾加s。

stamp-stamps, letter-letters, camera-cameras, ticket-tickets

2. 當名詞字尾是s, ss, sh, ch, x, z時,則加es。

bus-buses, class-classes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, box-boxes, quiz-quizzes

3. 當名詞字尾為子音加y時,需將y去掉,加ies。

baby-babies, country-countries, city-cities, party-parties

4. 當名詞字尾為母音加y時,則只要加s,即可。

day-days, boy-boys, key-keys, tray-trays

5. 當名詞字尾為fe或f時,需將fe或f去掉,加ves。

wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves, leaf-leaves

6. 有些名詞字尾為f,但是只要加s。

belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs, roof-roofs

7. 當名詞字尾為子音加o時,需加es。母音加o時,則只要加s即可。

這個規則有例外,不確定時最好查字典。有些字如zeros, zeroes兩者都可。

tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, radio-radios

8. 有些名詞複數的變化是不規則的,需特別記住。

child-children, person-people, woman-women, mouse-mice

9. 有些字的單複數同型

one deer-two deer, one fist-two fish, one means-two means, one series-two series, one species-two species

10. 有些自是外來字,複數字尾變化比較特別。

criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena, fungus-fungi, stimulus-stimuli, analysis-analyses, basis-bases, crisis-crises, hypothesis-hypotheses, thesis-theses, bacterium-bacteria, datum-data, medium-media, memorandum-memoranda



1. 當名詞字尾是無聲子音如/k/, /p/, /t/,/θ/時,加s後,應讀做/s/。

book-books, lake-lakes, map-maps, student-students, month-months

2. 當名詞字尾是有聲子音如/r/, /n/, /l/,/d/等或母音時,加s後,應讀做/z/。

car-cars, pen-pens, hole-holes, hand-hands, law, laws, day-days

3. 當名詞字尾為/s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ /時,加s後,應讀做/ ɪz/。要注意的是,發音時看的是最後一個音,而非最後一個字母,如place就是這一類。

bus-buses, house-houses, quiz-quizzes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, page-pages

2 名詞 2.2 可數名詞複數加s拼字與發音規則

Jessie Lin



1.     大部分的名詞在字尾加s

stamp-stamps, letter-letters,
camera-cameras, ticket-tickets

2.    當名詞字尾是s, ss, sh, ch, x, z時,則加es

bus-buses, class-classes, dish-dishes,
watch-watches, box-boxes, quiz-quizzes

3.    當名詞字尾為子音加y時,需將y去掉,加ies

baby-babies, country-countries,
city-cities, party-parties


day-days, boy-boys, key-keys, tray-trays

4.    當名詞字尾為fef時,需將fef去掉,加ves

wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves,


belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs,

5.    當名詞字尾為子音加o時,需加es。母音加o時,則只要加s即可。

這個規則有例外,不確定時最好查字典。有些字如zeros, zeroes兩者都可。

tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos,

6.    有些名詞複數的變化是不規則的,需特別記住。

child-children, person-people, woman-women,

7.    有些字的單複數同型

one deer-two deer, one fish-two fish, one
means-two means,

one series-two series, one species-two

8.    有些自是外來字,複數字尾變化比較特別。

criterion-criteria, analysis-analyses, basis-bases,
crisis-crises, thesis-theses, bacterium-bacteria, datum-data, medium-media,


1.     當名詞字尾是無聲子音如/k/, /p/, /t/,/θ/時,加s後,應讀做/s/

book-books, lake-lakes, map-maps,
student-students, month-months

2.    當名詞字尾是有聲子音如/r/, /n/, /l/,/d/等或母音時,加s後,應讀做/z/

car-cars, pen-pens, hole-holes, hand-hands,
law, laws, day-days

3.    當名詞字尾為/s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ /時,加s後,應讀做/ ɪz/。要注意的是,發音時看的是最後一個音,而非最後一個字母,如place就是這一類。

bus-buses, house-houses, quiz-quizzes,
dish-dishes, watch-watches, page-pages

3 代名詞 3.1 人稱代名詞

Personal pronouns人稱代名詞  

主格代名詞 受格代名詞 所有格形容詞 所有格代名詞 反身代名詞
1 I me my mine myself
1s we us our ours ourselves
2 you you your yours yourself
2s you you your yours yourselves



he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
3s they them their theirs themselves



主格代名詞subject pronouns用來代替前面說過的主詞。主詞一般放在句首,在動詞的前面。

受格代名詞object pronouns用來代替已經說過的受詞。受詞一般放在動詞的後面。中文的I跟me都一樣是”我”,所以容易弄混淆。一個英文句子一定有主詞跟動詞,只要記住動詞前用主格代名詞,動詞後(有時是介係詞後)用受格代名詞就不會錯了。S+V+O

所有格形容詞possessive adjectives放在名詞前面,用來表達該名詞是屬於誰的。所以所有格形容詞後面一定會加名詞。

所有格代名詞possessive pronouns用來代替前面所說過的名詞,而這個名詞是屬於某人的。所有格代名詞本身已是名詞,所以後面不可以再接名詞。中文的my跟mine都一樣是”我的”,所以容易弄混淆。記得所有格形容詞後面一定要加明詞,而所有格代名詞後面一定不可以加名詞,應該就不會錯了。


  1. Hello. My name is Jessie Lin. What’s ________?
  2. This is Mary and ____ husband on _______ wedding day.
  3. I took these photos. Do you like _______?
  4. Look! The pandas are eating _____ food.
  5. Are these Linda’s keys? No, they’re not _______.
  6. Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Wang?  _________ are our new neighbors.
  7. Chris is a very good teacher. All the students love ______.
  8. France is famous for _____ wine.
  9. We’re having a party in _____ house.

10.  Tom is an old friend of ________.


Answer keys

1 yours 2. her, their  3. them  4. their  5. hers  6. They  7. him  8. its

9. our  10. mine




1 when we say that something belongs to someone:


That’s my car.

They showed us their holiday photographs.


2 when we talk about relationships:


Sarah is my sister.

Have you met their father?


3 when we talk about a part of the body:


Ann broke her arm last week.

My head hurts.


4 when we talk about clothes:


Take your hands out of your pockets!

Have you seen my jeans? I can’t find them.