






明天早上要上課,希望可以起得來。生病上課很辛苦,有時候自己在講什麼都不知道,常常說錯,同學辛苦了。然後很多東西要放上來要改也都沒有,說了半天。唉,等潔西狀況好一點。希望病毒快點遠離我。My eyes are closing. Take good care.

TD L4 Reading Part 6 Vocabulary 補充單字

TD L4 Reading Part 6 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.1

P.154: 1. : Features of a business letter format: a. letterhead, sender’s address, return address  b. complete name, title, and address of the recipient, inside address, recipient’s address  c. date  d. salutation with a colon, to whom it may concern  e. body of the letter  f. closing, sincerely  g. signature & typed name  h. enclosure, attachment, enclosed, attached  2. apologize for, I owe you an apology.  3. acknowledge, acknowledgement, recognize, recognition  4. proposal, propose   5.  without merit, Each of these approaches to teaching has its merits               6. submit a proposal/an assignment/an application/a report  7. key pal, pen pal, digital friends  8. a table of contents  9. resume, CV curriculum vitae, cover letter, covering letter, biography, bio, autobiography, recommendation letter, reference letter, 10. position, post, vacancy, job opening  11. public, publication, publisher, publicity

P. 155: 1. valuable, invaluable, priceless, costly, valueless, worthless  2. be eligible for + N, be eligible to + V, be entitled to + V/N 2. purchase, goods, commodity, product, load, shipment  3. buy one get one free, three for two, good bargain/deal/buy

P.161: 1. help-line, toll-free call, customer service number, customer support       2 mechanic, technician, electrician, plumber, repairman, engineer  3. proceed, go on, continue, precede  5. requirement, requisition, requisite, prerequisite, necessity, must, qualification  6. register, sign up, enroll  7. Automated Fingerprint Identification System Verification

TD L4 Reading Part 6 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.2

P.163: 1. edition, issue, limited edition, special edition  2. best-seller, blockbuster, hit, debut  3. M.D.: Medicine of Doctor, M.A.: Master of Art, B.S.: Bachelor of Science, PH.D.: Doctor of Philosophy, doctorate, diploma, degree                        4. notice + O + V-ing, Did you notice him leaving the party early?  5. onset, beginning, start, origin, carbon offset  6. daylight saving time  7. trigger, spark, set off  8. physician, surgeon, house physician, resident physician, G.P.: General Practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, therapist, shrink

P.165: 1. administrative, administration, clerical position, executive assistant          2. a well-established company  3. minimum, maximum, minimize, maximize            4. candidate, applicant, job seeker, nominee  5. exclusive access/right/use, exclusive interview/coverage

P.86-89: 1. credit, debit  2. down payment, deposit, mortgage payment, installment  3. alternative medicine/therapies  4. physical fitness, mental disorder  5. equipment, facility, apparatus, tool, gear, electronic product, electronics market  6. economist, economy, economics, economic crisis, economical

Jessie’s Bakery

酒足飯飽,還兼笑到飽得不得了,真是開心的一晚。今天晚上到是潔西兩個朋友的生日,到其中一個朋友家吃飯,吃了小肥羊火鍋,大陸帶回來的鍋底,還有清蒸帝王蟹,超歐衣戲喔!當然飯後要有潔西昨天做的布朗尼跟起士蛋糕。一邊吃一邊聊天,好久沒見面了,聊的超開心的,潔西的朋友想當然爾都跟潔西一樣飽,所以呢笑聲不斷。然後呢蛋糕吃著吃著,突然呢,其中一個朋友突發奇想說要投資潔西賣蛋糕,他在西門町有個地方可以給潔西做蛋糕,然後呢投資十五萬,另一個在黑貓宅急便工作的朋友也跟進投資十五萬,而且還可以用他們的行銷通路。聽說出名的阿舍乾麵也是靠黑貓這樣小資本開始的。大家你一言我一語說的跟真的一樣,開始計算成本跟售價,連店名都幫我想好了:Jessie’s bakery。笑到我說不出話來。呵呵,真是承蒙大家抬愛。其實有了食譜大家應該都做的出來,不過呢,恩,潔西也覺得自己做的蛋糕真的還不錯吃。從前我每次這麼說都被主管唸,老王賣瓜,呵呵,因為我家賣的是好瓜所以可已自幾說說嘴,呵呵。主管先前也要我把蛋糕做成樣品拿去個咖啡店試吃,讓他們寄賣。學生要我說去網拍。我姊的古董店也可以開個小角,做古董咖啡店,不知道是誰說過的。呵呵。大家都非常的捧場呢。

可惜潔西天生沒有什麼太大的野心。粉多年前潔西就遇過外師要跟潔西合夥開補習班的,還有幾個朋友要出資給我開補習班的,但是呢潔西,恩,真的覺得自己沒什麼做生意的天份,太麻煩了,這種時候就很有窮藝術家氣息,呵呵,只想做我想做的事,假如可以的話。做蛋糕是興趣,但是要我從早到晚都待在廚房我可能會瘋掉。不過還是很開心,大家喜歡吃我做的蛋糕。其實有食譜大家都做的出來。我覺得材料用的實在吧,自己做,可以用好一點的材料。朋友說他用同樣的材料可能就做不出來。或許潔西也有遺傳一點點天份吧。潔西媽媽,外公,外婆都是廚師,都煮的一手好菜,潔西菜是不太會煮,吃倒是很挑。還有一點呢就是任何事都是熟能生巧,潔西就每次都做同樣的蛋糕,做久了就比較捉的住口感。呵呵,感謝大家不嫌棄。要是有一點潔西教不動了,決定改行開始賣蛋糕了,還請大家多多捧場,Jessie’s Bakery歡迎訂購,呵呵。













哎呀,我真的很會離題。總之呢,這就是我散步回家不聽音樂的原因,因為要保持點警覺心,所以呢就自己開始唱歌哼歌。今天上課嚇同學的 Don’t cry for me Argentina,剛剛放的Those were the days,還有今天下午大大感動的One。還好唱著唱著就順利平安地回到家了,希望沒有嚇到路人甲乙。其實路人真的很少那條路,也不知到為什麼。

總之,今天因為又睡晚了,所以呢一起床後洗臉刷牙也沒吃東西就坐到電腦前準備上課的東西。太多東西要準備,一邊放著線上的音樂頻道NME radio,一邊瘋狂備課。突然間熟悉的歌曲傳來,然後呢在我發現之前眼淚就開始撲通撲通地掉下來。說不出來,其實忙的很,根本什麼都沒有在想,突然聽到這個音樂,非常熟悉的旋律,卻也說不出歌名,但是呢就是有種深深的感動。

看了一下,啊,原來是U2的One。U2是我最喜歡的樂團之一,他們的歌聽了超多年了,很多經典的歌,With or without you, Pride (In the name of love), Where the streets have no name, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, Angel Harlem等等。這首One我當然聽過,但是呢其實歌詞的內容我從來沒有特別注意過,究竟在唱什麼偶也不知道。上YouTube把這個MV放到Facebook上分享的時候才發現,哇,原來真的是非常感人的歌,所以我的眼淚流得不是沒有道理的。



Mary Hopkin – Those Were The Days

潔西今天超愛唱歌的,上課的時候還嚇了一下同學,讓同學猜國旗的時候還唱了一句Don’t cry for me Argentina! 還好同學很捧場,沒有當場把晚餐吐出來,呵呵。

放歌放歌時間又到了,好久沒放歌了喔。這首是我前陣子聽三大男高音演唱會後就一直不斷地再哼的歌,唉,越唱覺得越老,不過呢真的是好聽。這是原唱Mary Hopkin,好好聽喔!歌詞也很棒呢!


Those Were The Days
Mary Hopkins
Music & Lyrics : Gene Raskin

Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do

Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I’d see you in the tavern
We’d smile at one another and we’d say

Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me

Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we’re older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same

Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

How to Improve Your Conversation Skills 如何增加會話技巧





How to Improve Your Conversation Skills                             P.1

                                                from Touchstone 2 Unit 1


A. Which of these are good suggestions for social conversations?

  1. Don’t look at the other person.
  2. Keep quiet when the other person is talking.
  3. Ask questions that start with what, where, how, or when.
  4. Have some good topics to discuss.
  5. Talk about yourself a lot.

B. Read the magazine article. What does it say about the suggestions above? Do you agree with all of the ideas in the article?

How to improve your conversation skills

Do you like to meet new people? Do you like to talk, or are you shy? Whatever your answers, this guide can help you improve your conversation skills.

1.  Have some topics ready to start a conversation.

Say something about the weather or the place you’re in. Talk about the weekend-we all have something to say about weekends!

2.  Make the conversation interesting.

Know about events in the news. Read restaurant and movie reviews. Find out about current music scene or what’s new in fashion sports.

3.  Be a good listener.

Keep eye contact and say, “Yes,” “Hmm,” “Uh-huh,” “Right,” and “I know.” And say, “Really? That’s interesting.” It encourages people to talk.

4.  Don’t be boring.

Don’t just say, “Yes” or “No” when you answer a question. Give some interesting information, too.

5.  Don’t talk all the time.

Ask, “How about you?” and show you are interested in the other person, too. People love to talk about themselves.

6.  Ask information questions.

“What do you do in your free time?” or “What kind of food do you like?” Use follow-up questions to keep the conversation going. But don’t ask too many questions-it’s not an interrogation!

7.  Be positive.

Negative comments can sound rude. And if you don’t want to answer a personal question, simply say, “Oh, I’m not sure I can answer that,” or “I’d rather not say.”

8.  Smile!

Everyone loves a smile. Just be relaxed, smile, and be yourself.


How to Improve Your Conversation Skills                             P.2


C. Friendly Conversations

1. Do you ever start conversations with strangers?

2. Do you think it’s odd when a stranger talks to you?

3. Are you a talkative person?

4. Do you think you talk too much?

5. Are you a good listener?

6. Are you usually the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation?

7. What do you like to talk about?

8. What topics do you try to avoid?

Interests                                     from Touchstone2 Unit 2

  1. A.  Match the questions and answers.
    1. Do you have a lot of hobbies?
    2. Do you like making things?
    3. Are you interested in cooking?
    4. Are you into photography?
    5. Can you knit or crochet?
    6. Do you collect anything?
    7. Are you good at fixing cars?
  1. Um, no. I’m not really good with my hands.
  2. Not really. I’m not very mechanical.
  3. No, I don’t. A friend of mine collects coins, though.
  4. Well, no. I don’t even have a camera.
  5. No, not really. I don’t have a lot of free time.
  6. Not really, but I like to bake cakes and things.
  7. No, but my sister can. She makes her own sweater.
  1. B.  Hobbies and Interests
  2. Are you interested in sports?
  3. Are you into computers?
  4. Do you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles?
  5. Are you good at doing crossword puzzles?
  6. Can you do anything artistic, like draw or paint?
  7. Would you like to learn a new skill, like carpenter?


  1. C.  Likes and Dislikes
    1. I enjoy watching ___________. (a sport)
    2. I can’t play ________. (a sport)
    3. I’m good at _________. (an activity)
    4. I think everybody loves ___________. (a type of music)
    5. I’d like to play the _____________. (a musical instrument)
    6. I want to learn (to) _____________. (a hobby)
    7. I’m interested in reading about ___________. (a topic)
    8. I can’t stand talking about ___________. (a topic)
    9. I hate watching ____________. (a type of TV show)
  1. D.   Favorite Web sites
    1. What’s your favorite Web site?
    2. What’s interesting about it?
    3. What other Web sites do you go to a lot?
    4. Do you ever use Web sites for shopping? banking? doing research?
    5. Do you have your own Web page or Web site?






TD L3 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary 補充單字


TD L3 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.1

P.340, Exercise 1 Who: 1. I’m off, get on/off, take a day off                2. take charge of, be in charge of, free of charge, charge a battery         3. tournament, championship, competition, contest, season, game, match, champion 4. available, Is the girl available?  5. expedition, explorer, expedite, speed up  6. opening address  7. featured speaker, guess speaker, spokesman, spokesperson

P.341, Exercise 2 What: 1. mustache, beard, goatee, sideburn               2. effect, affect  3. salary, wage, pay, commission, bonus, benefit, perk    4. produce(n), produce(v), production(n), productive(adj), productivity(n)  5. You deserve it. 6. including tax, tax included  7. evidently, apparently, obviously, clearly  8. stubborn, pigheaded, obstinate  9. politically expedient, politically correct PC  10. sales/unemployment figures, the number of cars, statistics show that…, death toll, She has a good figure, a seven-figure salary, a six-digit salary

P.341, Exercise 3 When: 1. consult, counsel, advise, consultant, counselor, advisor, consulate, embassy, consul, ambassador, envoy, delegate  2. flood, drought, famine, typhoon, hurricane, cyclone, twister, tornado, earthquake, natural disaster  3. due date, overdue, expire, expiration date, deadline, valid, invalid

TD L3 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.2

P.341, Exercise 3 When: 4. increase, go up, rise, grow, climb, expand, escalate, appreciate, depreciate, decrease, come down, go down, fall, drop, cut, decline, slash, havle, slump, plummet, plunge, low, high

P.342, Exercise 4 Where: 1. permit, license, certificate  2. human resource office, personnel department  3. rubber stamp, postage stamp  4. fill in/out the application form/request

P.342, Exercise 5 Why: 1. asset, property, intellectual property, lost property, lost-and-found, The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests’ personal property., personal possessions, personal belongings  2. virtually, almost, practically, virtual office, virtual world, avatar  3. present(adj/n/v),  “The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.”, Time and tide wait for no man.  4. spoiled, go rotten, go bad, go moldy, a spoiled child  5. causal, formal, informal, causal Friday

P.343, Exercise 6 How: 1. resort, tourist destination, tourist attraction, camp, holiday home, timeshare, youth hostel  2. estimate, estimation, appraisal, evaluation, assessment, rating, G, general, PG, Parental Guidance Recommended, R, Restricted, X, Explicit Sex, Extreme Violence, Pornography

TD L3 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.3

P.343, Exercise 6 How: 3. break down, down, broken, out of order, out of work, on the blink, isn’t working, there is something wrong with.., repair, fix, maintenance  4. banquet, luncheon, reception, feast  5. error, fault, mistake, slip, slip of the tongue, typo, miscalculation, trial and error, inaccurate, incorrect  6. go over, look over, review, examine, inspect

P.343, Exercise 7Auxiliaries: 1. central office, headquarters, head office, umbrella organization, affiliate, subsidiary, branch, department, division, section  2. inventor, invent, invention, innovate, innovation, novelty  3. manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, retailer  4. resign, quit, leave, hand in your notice/resignation,  be eliminated, be terminated, be fired,  be sacked, suspend, lay off, give someone their notice, lose your job, relieve someone of their duties/post  5. pursue, pursuit  6. make an offer, accept/take up an offer, turn down/refuse/decline an offer, I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse. Do as I say, or I’ll kill you., Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.  7. trainer, trainee, employer, employee, interviewer, interviewee, attender, attendee  8. An employee is…, Employees are…, The staff is…, The personnel are…  9. running late, arrive late, The bus doesn’t run on Sunday., The software doesn’t run on Mac. 10. one-way ticket, round-trip ticket, return ticket

TD L3 Listening Part 2 Vocabulary  補充單字     Jess Lin         P.4

P.344, Exercise 8 Statements: 1. I’m expecting you., think someone will arrive, be expecting a baby, Snow is expected next week.

HP.1-3: 1. office supply, supply room, stationary, filing system, filing cabinet scissors, knife, stapler, calculator, printer, ink cartridge, projector, stamp  2. colleague, coworker, fellow worker, workmate, partner, companion, buddy, pal  3. pay raise, promotion  4. advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons, the pluses and minuses, strength, weakness, drawback

HP. 7-10: 1. give someone a ride/lift, pick someone up  2. Are you done/finished?  3. less expensive, cheap, reasonable, competitive, affordable, economical, be good value, be a bargain  4. comment, review, remark, criticism, critic, criticize, critical, No comment. 5. recruit, new recruit, rookie  5. return someone’s call, I’ll get back to you soon.