


基本上潔西就是把句型寫出來,下面有例子,然後後面有練習題。這還算簡單好用的文法。我不像你那麼懶 I’m not as lazy as you. 我沒看過像你看過那麼多的電影 I haven’t seen as many movies as you have. 其他的可以看或聽影片。



1 形容詞同等比較

N1 + be + as + adj + as + N2

James is as tall as Peter. They are the same height.

This watch is as expensive as that watch.


2 副詞同等比較

N1 + V + as + adv + as + N2 + 助動詞

I work as hard as you do.

John plays as well as Tony does.


3 形容詞不及比較

N1 + be + not + as + adj + as + N2

James is not as tall as Peter.

This dress is not as pretty as that one.


4 副詞不及比較

N1 + 助動詞 + not + V + as + adv + as N2 + 助動詞

He doesn’t run as fast as I do.

Taylor doesn’t sing as beautifully as Adele does.


5 N1 + be + less + adj + than + N2 (僅限於多音節)

This book is less expensive than that book.

= This book isn’t as expensive as that book.


6 N1 + V + less + adv + than + N2

Taylor sings less beautifully than Adele does.

= Taylor doesn’t sing as beautifully as Adele does.


練習題ㄧ:用 as…as 完成下列句子。

1 Mary is ________________ her brother. (tall)

2 A lemon isn’t ________________ an orange. (sweet)

3 This book is ________________ that one. (new)

4 A donkey isn’t ________________ a horse. (big)

5 A pencil isn’t ________________ a pen. (expensive)


練習二:用 as…as 造出與下列各提同義的句子。


Bob is younger than Mary. (old) — Bob isn’t as old as Mary.

This book is less expensive than that one. (expensive) — This book isn’t as expensive as that one.

1 I am shorter than my sister. (tall)

2 This exercise is more difficult than the last one. (easy)

3 My new shoes are less comfortable than my old ones. (comfortable)

4 My little finger is shorter than my index finger. (long)

5 A radio is less expensive than a TV set. (expensive)

6 This book is worse than that book. (good)



  1. Do you think crime in Taiwan is as bad as the crime in America?
  2. Do you think men are as honest as woman?
  3. Are you as smart as your brother or sister?
  4. Is the quality of life in Taiwan as good as that in Japan?
  5. Is riding a scooter as safe as driving a car?
  6. Is your free time as important to you as your job?














練習題ㄧ:用 as…as 完成下列句子。

1 Mary is ___as tall as_____________ her brother. (tall)

2 A lemon isn’t __as sweet as______________ an orange. (sweet)

3 This book is ____as new as ____________ that one. (new)

4 A donkey isn’t __as big as______________ a horse. (big)

5 A pencil isn’t __as expensive______________ a pen. (expensive)


練習二:用 as…as 造出與下列各題同義的句子。


Bob is younger than Mary. (old) — Bob isn’t as old as Mary.

This book is less expensive than that one. (expensive) — This book isn’t as expensive as that one.

1 I am shorter than my sister. (tall)

I am not as tall as my sister.

2 This exercise is more difficult than the last one. (easy)

This exercise is not as easy as the last one.

3 My new shoes are less comfortable than my old ones. (comfortable)

My new shoes aren’t as comfortable as my old ones.

4 My little finger is shorter than my index finger. (long)

My little finger isn’t as long as my index finger.

5 A radio is less expensive than a TV set. (expensive)

A radio isn’t as expensive as a TV set.

6 This book is worse than that book. (good)

This book isn’t as good as that book.



  1. Do you think crime in Taiwan is as bad as the crime in America?

I think crime in Taiwan isn’t as bad as the crime in America.

  1. Do you think men are as honest as woman?

Men aren’t as honest as women. Men are as honest as women.

  1. Are you as smart as your brother or sister?

I am as smart as my brother and sister.

  1. Is the quality of life in Taiwan as good as that in Japan?

The quality of life in Taiwan isn’t as good as that in Japan.

  1. Is riding a scooter as safe as driving a car?

Riding a scooter isn’t as safe as driving a car.

  1. Is your free time as important to you as your job?

My free time is as important to me as my job.


頻率副詞 Frequency Adverbs

頻率副詞多半會在現在簡單式看到,看到這些副詞大部分是現在簡單式,但是也有例外,可以用在現在進行式,表示煩人的習慣,也可以用在過去式過去的習慣,也可以跟現在完成式連用,表示過去一直到現在一直…,另外要記得是注意頻率副詞放在一般動詞前,be 動詞後面。


頻率副詞Frequency Adverbs

A 頻率副詞常出現在現在簡單式的句子中,用來表達做某件事情的頻率有多頻繁。

How often可以用來問頻率,回答的時候要注意下列的句型。


1. 主詞+頻率副詞+一般動詞      S + F.A. + V.

She usually comes to class late.


2. 主詞+be動詞+頻率副詞         S + Be + F.A.

She is usually late for class.



3. 主詞+頻率副詞+don’t/doesn’t+一般動詞 (除了always跟ever之外)

She usually doesn’t come to class late.

She doesn’t always come to class late.


4. 主詞+be動詞+not+頻率副詞

She isn’t usually late for class.



5. 助動詞+主詞+頻率副詞+一般動詞?

Does she usually come to class late?


6. be動詞+主詞+頻率副詞?

Is she usually late for class?

How often do you exercise?

always                                 100%

almost always


often                                    75%



I   sometimes       exercise.


seldom                                   25%

rarely                                    10%

hardly ever

almost never

never / not ever                        0%


頻率副詞除了usually, often, frequently, generally, sometimes, occasionally可以放句首,句尾外,其他通常只會放在句中。


I always sleep late.

I’m always sleepy.


B  另外一種回答How often的句型可以用時間副詞來表達頻率,記得通常都放在句尾,而且不要與頻率副詞一起用。

How often do you exercise?

I exercise every morning/every night/every day/every month/every year.

I exercise once a week/twice a month/three times a year./

I exercise every other day/every other week/every two weeks.

I exercise three times every two weeks


I exercise every morning/afternoon/night/day/week/month/year.

I exercise once/twice/three times/four times a week.

I exercise every other day/week/month/year/Monday.

I exercise every two weeks/three months/five years

at least …, at most …, about …, no more than …


Daily Routine     English Firsthand Unit 3 When do you start?   P.35

Read about Erika’s schedule. Fill in the spaces. Use the words. There is one extra.

work, watch, go to bed, drive, takes, get up, work out, eat, is, get, read

I almost always _____________ at 6.45. Then I _________ breakfast and get ready for work till about 8.30. I ______________ to work. It _____________ about 20 minutes. I usually ___________ from 9:00 to 5:00, but I sometimes have to work overtime. My lunch break _________ from 12:00 to 1:00. Sometimes I eat in the company cafeteria, and sometimes I go to a restaurant with coworkers. I often go to the health club to _______________ after work for an hour or so, and I usually get home around 6:30 or 7:00. Then I have dinner, work at my computer for a while, and __________ books. I hardly ever ______________ TV. I usually _________ at about 11:00 during the week, but not until 12:00 or 1:00 on weekends.



get up, eat, drive, takes, work, is, work out, read, watch, go to bed






先說已讀未回,昨天寫一半的文法的比較級跟最高級放後面。這篇很想說很久了,(然後卡一下,這篇寫了一兩個星期了,還沒發就被追殺了XD 發完快去回,請再等等)




1 第一種有點不太一樣,是在線上怎麼敲都不回,那很簡單,潔西的話其實通常是在掛網,人不在電腦前。不然就是在忙,有空的時候自然就會回了啊,真的有時候沒事沒事,有事同時好幾人在線上敲問事情的時候,一不小心就錯頻了。恩,最後就是很明顯不想理你,就不要煩他了啦


2 已讀了,但是人在外面或在忙,潔西常這樣,因為潔西用手機打字很慢,所以都會想說等晚一點有空或回家的時候再回,但是常常會回去一忙就忘了…所以有重要的事就麻煩多敲幾次


3 覺得須要很認真的思考,有空的時候再來好好的詳細的回,但是呢,常常留言一多就被蓋過去,一忙就忘了


4 不是問題的留言,覺得只是對方想說點話,表達意見,分享看法。也沒有什麼可以回應的或不知道該怎麼回應的。潔西後來發現很多人,尤其是男生,假如要他們回的話,必須把想說的話寫成很明確的問句他們才會回,假如都是問句了還每次都已讀不回,恩,那就算了,這個人大概就不值得你花時間一而三再而三地一直留言。


5 心情不好的時候,就不會回。先前在已婚的前男友的FB留生日快樂的留言。他回潔西問潔西 How are you? 那時狀況很差啊,就一整個不想打馬呼眼就沒回,但是老實說,外國人很多的 How are you? 就跟 Hello! 台灣的「甲飽沒」有時也沒有真的期待你的回答啦,不過潔西心情不好不想理人不想說話的時候就會刻意忘記回,所以也來能體諒別人狀況不好不回。恩,但就這點一定要唸個某某學生前陣子都給潔西已讀不回,然後居然還敢去鬧潔西狀態,這可惡的傢伙啊!還好前幾天有回,不然又要被潔西唸一輩子了啊,哈哈


6 不知道該怎麼回答的就不會回。有的人就會問或說一些怪怪很無言你不知道怎麼回的話,那就只有當作沒看到,自然而然已讀未回囉。潔西三不五時想到就會常去留怪怪留言的人,所以很習慣沒被回…


7 大家都不相信,但是 FB 跟 Line 真的都會吃留言吃訊息啦!真的就是沒收到,係金ㄟ。很少,但是還是會有。最近才被給看對方的訊息,就有圖,有潔西的照片,但潔西就真的沒收到啊!還發生過好幾次。


8 潔西在睡夢中收發的訊息自己都不知道,所以…,話說昨天又發了一堆,早上起來發給誰過都不記得…


反正已讀未回就未回啊,有事就多敲幾次,不然就直接打電話,不爽回就不要回,忘記回就忘記回,世界很大,人很多,天災人禍不斷,那天一早手機一早開就是法國的悲劇,唉,不要計較太多啦,想做的事想說的話想達到的目標好好去追求,很多是真的不用太在意一些對自己沒有幫助的事啦。然後潔西真的大部分都是忘記回,請多敲幾次,像 Line 也很常會忘記看,常常隔一兩天才會看到過期訊息…


真的真的還是不回就算了,別跟自己過意不去。潔西自己也好不到哪去,說的比做的容易 easier said than done 說了不下一百遍了吧?今天被醫生問到最近如何,恩,回答就是一言難盡啊。就一個很忙,然後心情比較跳吧,出去吃吃喝喝的時候當然心情不錯,上課上不好又一整個掉下來。好像最近也抱怨頗多,然後剛剛突然想到,一個人究竟能夠多真確地看待自己,自己是什麼樣的人?做著什麼樣的事?真的客觀的不帶偏見的去評斷自己做的事情是正確的還是不正確的。


突然好想哭喔,這想哭的天氣,醫生問說天氣有沒有關?潔西覺得有耶,今天就一直很想哭啊,這種天氣,昨天終於整理了一下信用卡簽單,雖然開始上課有薪水領了,不過信用卡隨便刷就超過好多,就仗著開始工作可以花錢的那種心情亂花錢?然後收到健身房帳單,好久好久沒去,藉口好多,一直偷懶。 腦袋有點空空啊最近,覺得備課有點吃力。有種說不出的累。




還是累累的,呆呆的,早點睡應該會好一點?剛剛回來還剛好來得及倒垃圾。覺得最近忙到很久都沒倒垃圾了,本來是一四六倒垃圾,但是最近好像都不是潔西倒的,不然就是拖很久啊。房間不知怎麼地上又堆了十多個文件夾,衣服也還沒洗, 啊!!!早點洗洗睡去。晚安。




I like shopping online because it’s more cheaper. (X)



Finding Dory is best movie I ever seen. (X)



上面兩種句子都不少人說,第一個比較級的話就是要記住最基本的規則是一個音節加 er ,兩個音節以上加 more ,有了 more 就不會有 er ,有 er 當然也就不會有 more 。所以要說  I like shopping online because it’s cheaper. 才對。或者可以說 I like shopping online because it’s more convenient. 我喜歡在網路上購物是因為比較方便。另外有比較對象時需要 than ,Taipei is more convenient than Tainan. 台北比台南方便,這時候 than 不要忘記。另外昨天說過的,台北的空氣品質比台南糟,中文這樣說,但是英文不可以說 Taipei’s air quality is worse than Tainan. (X) 台北的空氣品直要跟台南的空氣品質比,不是跟台南比,這也是比較容易犯的錯誤。Taipei’s air quality is worse than Tainan’s air quality. 


然後最高級大家會忘記的是 the ,前面通常都要有 the 加上 est 或 the 加上 most,後面要有限定的範圍,假如是用經驗的話,完成式的 have/has 不要忘記了。 Finding Dory is the best movie I’ve ever seen. (O) 這樣才對啊!

下面是 Touchstone 裡面的文章,能不能找出比較級有哪些呢?順便把規則看出來。


A Comparatives 比較級: 

How do you keep in touch with people?



A: I usually use e-mail. It’s quicker and easier than anything else. But I get a lot of spam. There’s nothing worse than spam when you’re really busy.

A: 我通常用電子郵件。它比其他方法都快又容易。但是我收到一堆垃圾郵件。沒有什麼比你在忙的時候收到垃圾郵件更糟了。


B: I like to write letters. I know regular mail is slower than e-mail, but letters are more personal. And I never send those e-cards. I just think it’s nicer to get a real card.

B: 我喜歡寫信。我覺得一般郵件比電子郵件曼,但是信件比較私人。我也從來不寄電子卡片。我覺得收到真的卡片比較好。


C: I send text messages to my friends all day. It’s more fun than calling. And you can send photos, too. Too bad I can’t do it in class.

C: 我整天傳簡訊給我朋友。它比打電話好玩。你也可以寄照片。我不能在課堂上這樣做真是太不幸了。(沒那麼誇張,潔西翻的有點誇張。有點真是不好玩那種意思吧)


D: Well, at work we use video conferencing. It’s less expensive than a business trip. And more convenient. And you don’t get jet lag, either!

D: 恩,我們在上班時用視訊會議。它比商務旅行還便宜。而且更方便。而且你也不會有時差的問題!


E: I use a webcam to keep  in touch with my parents. They think it’s better than the phone because they can see me. I guess it’s more interesting.

E: 我跟我家人用視訊來保持聯絡。他們覺得這比電話好因為他們可以看見我。我覺得這比較有趣。



B 形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級變化規則,沒有很難,記一下

1 一個音節的形容詞或副詞在字尾加er形成比較級,加est形成最高級。

cheap-cheaper-cheapest, slow-slower-slowest, fast-faster-fastest


2 一個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為e時,只要加r形成比較級,加st形成最高級

nice-nicer-nicest, safe-safer-safest, close-closer-closest, late-later-latest


3 一個音節的形容詞或副詞(多為三或四個字母)字尾結構是子音加母音加子音時,則要重複字尾加er來形成比較級,加est形成最高級

big-bigger- biggest, hot-hotter-hottest, slim-slimmer-slimmest


4 兩個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為y時,則去y加ier形成比較級,加iest形成最高級。

pretty-prettier-prettiest, friendly-friendlier-friendliest,



5 兩個或兩個音節以上的形容詞或副詞則在前面加more形成比較級,加most形成最高級。字尾是ly的副詞通常在前面加more或most。

convenient-more convenient-most convenient,

handsome-more handsome-most handsome


6 有少數特殊變化需牢記。

good-better-best, bad-worse-worst, far-farther/further-farthest/furthest (兩者都可表物理上的距離,但是只有further可以表更進一步),



C 形容詞與副詞比較級句型 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

1 形容詞比較級:

N1 + be + adj-er/more adj + than + N2

這個句型常用來比較人,事物,地點等的不同點,差異性。也可能用形容詞的其它句型。後面有比較對象的時候需要 than ,沒有的話不用。

The new menu is bigger than the old menu.



The new waiters are more experienced than the old waiters.



2  副詞比較級:

N1 + V + adv-er/more adv + than N2



The Bulls played better than the Lakers.



Jordan played more skillfully than O’Neal.



3 less是more的相反,所以只有 more adj / more adv 的句型的相反才可以用 less adj / less adv 。假如是 adj-er / adv-er 的句型的相反則要用 not as…as的句型。


A taxi is more expensive than a bus.



A bus is less expensive than a taxi.



A bus is cheaper than a taxi.



A taxi isn’t as cheap as a bus.



A taxi is less chap than a bus. (X)


I feel better today, less tired.




D Superlatives  最高級,這裡是一段對話,可以注意一下哪利用到最高級

Marc: I’m the best guitarist in France! My concerts are always sold out, and my album are always at the top of the charts.


Carmen: Are you very rich?


Marc: Yes, I’m the richest rock star in France.


Manuel: So, why are you learning English with us?


Marc: I can’t go to an English school in Paris. Everybody knows me. I’m the most popular superstar in Paris.


Carmen: I wish I could live in Paris.


Marc: I don’t always live there. I also have house in Rome, London, Tokyo, and New York.


Carmen: Which do you like best?


Marc: Oh, Paris! It’s the most exciting city in the world. It has the best nightclubs, the best concerts, the most exciting new fashions …


Manuel: I went there once. It rained all the time! And I listened to one of your albums last week. It was awful.




形容詞與副詞最高級 Adjectives and Adverbs Superlatives

1 S + be + the + adj-est/most adj + in ___/of ______ (in/of表示範圍)



You are the best parents in the world.



It’s the most expensive hotel in Oxford.



August is the hottest month of the year.



2   S + be + the adj-est/most adj + n + S + V

S + be + the adj-est/most adj + n + S + have/has + (ever) + V3.



That was the most delicious meal that I have ever eaten.



You have the loveliest smile I have ever seen.



Mandy is the nicest person you could meet.



3   S + be + one of the adj-est/most adj + Ns + in ____/of_____/ever

這個句型特別注意的是因為要說是某些當中的一個,所以後面的名詞會是複數,要記得加 s 。


He is one of the best students in this class.



Madonna is one of the most famous pop singers ever.



4   S + V + the adv-est/most adv + of __ 用來表示特定的動作比其他的動作突出

Bryant worked the hardest.



He scored the most frequently of anyone in the team.



  1. 名詞: the most + noun

She has the most friends in her class.



練習Write the comparative sentences. 完成句子

1 Ana is / thin / my sister.

2 I’m / busy / this week / last week.

3 I did / bad / on the final exam / the midterm.

4 my new job is / boring / my old one.

5 Our team played / well / theirs

6 Hong Kong is / expensive / Bangkok.



Complete the sentences with a superlative.

  • What’s ___________________________ neighborhood in Taipei? (interesting)
  • What’s ___________________________ building in the world? (tall)
  • What’s ___________________________ city in Taiwan? (large)
  • What’s ___________________________ problem in Taipei? (bad)
  • Where’s ___________________________ stadium in Taipei? (big)
  • Where’s ___________________________ place you’ve ever visited? (beautiful)
  • What’s ___________________________ thing you’ve ever done? (embarrassing)
  • What’s ___________________________ job in the world? (difficult)
  • What’s ___________________________ thing you’ve ever done? (crazy)
  • What’s ___________________________ memory you’ve had? (good)
  • Who’s ___________________________ person in your family? (young)
  • Who’s ___________________________ singer in Taiwan? (popular)
  • Who’s ___________________________ person you know? (happy)
  • Who’s ___________________________ cartoon character? (funny)
  • Who’s ___________________________ person in Taiwan? (famous)







練習Write the comparative sentences. 完成句子

1 Ana is / thin / my sister.

1 Ana is thinner than my sister.



2 I’m / busy / this week / last week.

2 I’m busier this week than last week.



3 I did / bad / on the final exam / the midterm.

3 I did worse on the final exam than the midterm.



4 my new job is / boring / my old one.

My new job is more boring than my old one.



5 Our team played / well / theirs

Our team played better than theirs.



6 Hong Kong is / expensive / Bangkok.

6 Hong Kong is more expensive than Bangkok.




1 What’s the most interesting neighborhood in Taipei?

1 台北哪個地方最有趣?


2 What’s the tallest building in the world?

2 世界上最高的建築物是什麼?


3 What’s the largest city in Taiwan?

3 台灣最大的城市在哪裡?


4 What’s the worst problem in Taipei?

4 台北最大的問題在哪裡?


5 Where’s the biggest stadium in Taipei?

5 台北最大的體育館在哪裡?


6 Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?

6 你去過最美的地方是哪裡?


7 What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

7 你做過最糗的事是什麼?


8 What’s the most difficult job in the world?

8 世界上最困難的工作是什麼?


9 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

9 你做過最瘋狂的事是什麼?


10 What’s the best memory you’ve had?

10 你擁有最棒的回憶是什麼?


11 Who’s the youngest person in your family?

11 你家年紀最小的人是誰?


12 Who’s the most popular singer in Taiwan?

12 台灣最有名的歌手是誰?


13 Who’s the happiest person you know?

13 你認識的人當中誰是最快樂的人?


14 Who’s the funniest cartoon character?

14 誰是最好笑的卡通角色?


15 Who’s the most famous person in Taiwan?

15 台灣最有名的人是誰?


Jessie is as busy as a bee. 潔西跟蜜蜂一樣忙。 最近幾乎都放棄部落格了 = = 有時候都只在 FB 發文。下次要常回來走走,說好的要整理整理到哪裡去了啦?忙啊忙。
時間真的過得飛快,潔西一個月前半夜四點半跟學生在線上聊天,因為當時他剛到 LA 去唸 summer school,居然今天跟潔西說回來台灣了,蝦米?一個月了。就這樣一個月過去了,一點感覺都沒了。
大家不要太相信網路上的東西,很多時候其實只要問一下 Google 大師就可以查證了,有時候是潔西已經不知道該怎麼說了,很多人在網路上查到人家寫的文章就奉為聖旨,恩,沒那麼誇張啦,就百分百照單全收,其實很多時候有可能都只是某個人單一的想法。
A: 形容詞 adj 與副詞 adv:程度相同的
1. as + adj + as 來表示比較人,事物,地方等在某方面是相同。
as…as : N1 + be + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是相同的
Jessie is as old as my mother.
My boyfriend is as handsome as Jon Snow.
Jon Snow 是美劇權力遊戲 Game of Thrones 裡面男主角之一的名字,最近出了 Winter is coming 的 T恤,好想買,連穿的男主角一起買下來,下面一堆人留言啊,哈哈。
認真講,很簡單,就是 as 跟 as 中間放形容詞的原型,所以前面的跟蜜蜂一樣忙 as busy as a bee 。下面還有幾個練習。
as + adv + as 來表示比較行為的程度是相同的
as…as: N1 + V + as + adv + as N2. 表示N1的行為跟N2是相同的
He drank as fast as she did. (They drank equally fast.)
台灣人真的很愛灌酒耶,潔西先前有寫到同學,潔西沒乾杯就把酒吐出來,實在夠誇張。今天聽一個學生也很誇張,昨天喝了酒不能騎摩托車回家,所以就騎 YouBike 回家,很危險地啦。喝到兩點多今天還是有起來上課,不錯不錯。
Ken studies as hard as Cathy does.
這就是在 as 跟 as 之間放修飾的副詞的原型就對了啦。
2. not as + adj + as 來表示比較人,事物,地方等在某方面是不同的。
not as…as: N1 + be + not + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是不同的。
Jessie is not as old as my mother.
恩,這誰年紀大呢?這樣子是潔西比較年輕喔。假如相反過來 Jessie is not as young as my mother. 潔西不像我媽那麼年輕。那就是潔西年紀比較大喔,不要弄錯了喔。這邊有時候有點容易混淆。
not as + adv + as 來表示比較行為的程度是不相同的
not as…as: N1 + V + not as + adv + as N2.
He doesn’t drive as skillfully as she does.
England’s weather is as bad as Scotland. (X)
England’s weather is as bas as Scotland’s weather.
練習一:比喻 把下列動物填入空格中
1 snail 蝸牛 2 fox 狐狸 3 peacock 孔雀 4 mouse 老鼠 5 mule 騾子 6 pig 豬
7 eel 鰻魚 8 bee 蜜蜂 9 owl 貓頭鷹 10 lion 獅子 11 dog 狗 12 ox 公牛
13 skunk 臭鼬 14 bat 蝙蝠 15 whale 鯨魚
a as big as a __________
b as blind as a __________
c as brave as a __________
d as busy as a __________
e as drunk as a __________
f as fat as a __________
g as proud as a __________
h as quiet as a __________
i as sick as a __________
j as slippery as an __________
k as slow as a __________
l as sly as a __________
m as strong as an _________
n as stubborn as a __________
o as wise as an________
練習二 這口語對話可以自己想一下答案
1. Do you think crime in Taiwan is as bad as the crime in America?
2. Do you think men are as honest as woman?
3. Are you as smart as your brother or sister?
4. Is the quality of life in Taiwan as good as that in Japan?
5. Is riding a scooter as safe as driving a car?
6. Is your free time as important to you as your job?
練習一 答案
1 snail 蝸牛 2 fox 狐狸 3 peacock 孔雀 4 mouse 老鼠 5 mule 騾子 6 pig 豬
7 eel 鰻魚 8 bee 蜜蜂 9 owl 貓頭鷹 10 lion 獅子 11 dog 狗 12 ox 公牛
13 skunk 臭鼬 14 bat 蝙蝠 15 whale 鯨魚
a as big as a whale 像鯨魚一樣大
b as blind as a bat 像蝙蝠一樣瞎
c as brave as a lion 像獅子一樣勇敢
d as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一樣忙
e as drunk as a skunk 像臭鼬一樣醉 (這裡應該是押韻,沒有為什麼吧?)
f as fat as a pig 像豬一樣肥
g as proud as a peacock 像孔雀一樣驕傲
h as quiet as a mouse 像老鼠一樣安靜
i as sick as a dog 病的跟狗一樣 (這潔西也不知為何這樣用)
j as slippery as an eel 像鰻魚一樣滑溜
k as slow as a snail 像鍋牛一樣慢 (所以 snail mail 指的就是 letter 一般郵差送的信)
l as sly as a fox 像狐狸一樣狡猾
m as strong as an ox 像公牛一樣強壯
n as stubborn as a mule 像騾子一樣固執
o as wise as an owl 像貓頭鷹一樣聰明

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較


Why study? 為什麼要唸書?

The more I study, the more I know. 我唸的越多,我懂得越多。

The more I know, the more I forget. 我懂得越多,我忘得越多。

The more I forget, the less I know. 我忘得越多,我知道的越少。

So why study? 那麼,為什麼要唸書?







歡迎同學自行私下下載練習使用,但請勿任意轉載或公開使用,  潔西寫講義花了很多時間精力跟心血, 並且標明出處。雖然校對技巧很差,雖然裡面也可能有錯誤,呵呵,還是要尊重一下原作者喔,謝謝:) 又摘要使用的書或版權屬原公司所有。摘自Azar的Fundamentals of English Grammar,Longman的Grammar Express,Oxford的Oxford Practice Grammar,另外還有Cambridge的English Grammar in Use等書。

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.1

jessielinhuiching.wordpress.com / 潔西家

A.  形容詞與副詞:程度相同的Adjectives and Adverbs: Equatives

1. 用as + adj + as 來表示比較人,事物,地方等在某方面是相同。

Tom is 180 cm.  Peter is 180 cm.  John is 178 cm.  Gary is 170 cm.

a. as…as : N1 + be + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是相同的

Tom is as tall as Peter.

b. just as…as: N1 + be + just + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是正好相同的。just 用來強調。

Peter is just as tall as Tom.

c. nearly as…as: N1 + be + nearly + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是幾乎相同的。nearly表示差別不大。

John is nearly as tall as Peter.

d. almost as…as: N1 + be + almost + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是幾乎相同的。almost表示差別不大。

John is almost as tall as Tom.

2. 用not as + adj + as 來表示比較人,事物,地方等在某方面是不同的。

a. not as…as: N1 + be + not + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是不同的。N2並不像N1那樣的

Gary is not as tall as Tom.

b. not quite as…as: N1 + be + not + quite + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是不同的,但是之間的差異不大。

John is not quite as tall as Tom.

c. not nearly as…as: N1 + be + not + nearly + as + adj + as + N2 表示N1跟N2是不同的,但是之間的差異很大。

Gary is not nearly as tall as John.

3. 用as + adv + as 來表示比較行為的程度是相同的

a. as…as: N1 + V + as + adv + as N2. 表示N1的行為跟N2是相同的

He runs as fast as she does. (They run equally fast.)

b. just as…as: N1 + V + just + as + adv + as N2. 表示N1的行為跟N2是正好相同的。just 用來強調。

He rides just as well as she does.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.2

A. 形容詞與副詞:程度相同的Adjectives and Adverbs: Equatives

4. 用not as + adv + as 來表示比較行為的程度是不相同的

a. not as…as: N1 + V + not as + adv + as N2. 表示N1的行為跟N2是不相同的

He doesn’t ride as skillfully as she does.

5. 當意思明顯的時候,不需要比較的雙方都提到,可以省略後面比較的對象。

Tom and Nick are both tall, but Tom isn’t as tall (as Nick).

Tom and Nick both run fast, but Tom doesn’t run as fast (as Nick).

用as…as或not as…as 加上給予的形容詞或副詞來完成句子


A: My old bike wasn’t _______________ (expensive) my new one. Of

course, it doesn’t perform _______________ (well) the new one.

B: And it didn’t look ___________ (good) the new one either.


A: We need a name for this product. It should show this detergent

______________________ (clean/effectively) the others but

______________________ (not be/unfriendly) to the environment.

B: I like “GreenKleen.” It _________________ (sound/exciting) other

product names, and it __________________ the message

_________________ (express/clear) theirs too.


A: The last group I rode with _______________ (be/noisy) a herd of

elephants. I prefer to ride alone, but I know it’s dangerous.

B: Ride with me next weekend. I __________________ (pedal/quietly) a

mouse. I promise.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.3

B. 形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級變化規則

1. 一個音節的形容詞或副詞在字尾加er形成比較級,加est形成最高級。

cheap-cheaper-cheapest, slow-slower-slowest, fast-faster-fastest, hard-harder-hardest

2. 一個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為e時,只要加r形成比較級,加st形成最高級。

nice-nicer-nicest, safe-safer-safest, close-closer-closest, late-later-latest

3. 一個音節的形容詞或副詞(多為三或四個字母)字尾結構是子音加母音加子音時,則要重複字尾加er來形成比較級,加est形成最高級

big-bigger- biggest, hot-hotter-hottest, slim-slimmer-slimmest

4. 兩個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為y時,則去y加ier形成比較級,加iest形成最高級。

pretty-prettier-prettiest, friendly-friendlier-friendliest, funny-funnier-funniest

5. 兩個或兩個音節以上的形容詞或副詞則在前面加more形成比較級,加most形成最高級。字尾是ly的副詞通常在前面加more或most。

convenient-more convenient-most convenient, comfortable-more comfortable-most comfortable, skillfully-more skillfully-most skillfully, handsome-more handsome-most handsome

6. 有少數特殊變化需牢記。

good-better-best, bad-worse-worst, far-farther/further-farthest/furthest (兩者都可表物理上的距離,但是只有further可以表更進一步)

7. 有些兩個音節的形容詞或副詞可在字尾加er/est或前面加more/most形成比較級或最高級。

clever, friendly, gentle, handsome, likely, narrow, pleasant, polite, stupid, quiet

gentle-gentler/more gentle-gentlest/most gentlest,

stupid-stupider/more stupid-stupidest/most stupid,

quiet-quieter/more quiet, quietest/most quiet

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.4

B. 形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級變化規則

Write the comparative and superlative forms for the following words.寫出下列單字的比較及與最高級

1. boring  2. cheap  3. fine  4. full  5. funny  6. handsome  7. hard

8. honest  9. interesting  10. lazy  11. light  12. nervous  13. sad

14. safe  15. silly  16. sorry  17. stupid  18. uncomfortable  19. useful  20. violent  21. wet  22. thin  23. late

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

1. 句型:

a. 形容詞比較級:N1 + be + adj-er/more adj + than + N2


The new menu is bigger than the old menu.

The new waiters are more experienced than the old waiters.

b. 副詞比較級:N1 + V + adv-er/more adv + than N2


The Bulls played better than the Lakers.

Jordan played more skillfully than O’Neal.

Write the comparative sentences. 完成句子

  1. Ana is / thin / my sister.
  2. I’m / busy / this week / last week.
  3. Quebec is / far from Toronto / Ottawa.
  4. I did / bad / on the final exam / the midterm.
  5. my new job is / boring / my old one.
  6. Our team played / well / theirs
  7. Hong Kong is / expensive / Bangkok.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.5

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

2. than的使用時機:


The apple pie is better than the cake.

The new desserts are better (than the old desserts.)

Lisa speaks English better than May.

Lisa speaks more fluently.

3. than後面用主格或受格:

a. 在正式英文中,than後面通常會接主格代名詞如I, he, she

I am taller than she is.

You are older than I am.

b. 在非正式英文中,than後面通常會接受格代名詞,如me, him, her,而且後面沒有助動詞。

I am taller than her.

You are older than me.

c. 在than後面也可以用把主詞動詞都表達出來,這時要用主格代名詞,動詞則依時態或語態用助動詞。

I am taller than she is.

He run faster than I do.

She can singer better than he can.

d. 在than後面可接名詞所有格Tom’s ,或所有格代名詞如mine, his, hers

My hair is longer than my sister’s hair.

My hair is longer than my sister’s.

My hair is longer than hers.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.6

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

3. than後面用主格或受格:


  1. Anne is 25. I am 18. Anne is older than ______________.
  2. I left at 7:00. Jay left at 7:30. I left earlier than __________.
  3. Mike can run fast, but I can run faster than ______________.
  4. Peter works very hard. However, Simon works harder than ___________.
  5. Tom is 1 meter 85. I am 1 meter 65. I’m much shorter than ________.


4. 修飾比較級時可以用much, a lot, far, rather 表示程度大,用a little, a little bit, a bit, slightly來表示程度不大

A computer will do it much more efficiently.

It’s much faster by taxi.

A bus is a lot cheaper than a taxi.

The MRT is far more convenient than a bus.

Business is rather better this year.

This bed is a little more comfortable.

I got up a little bit later than usual.

This month’s figures are slightly better.

5. less是more的相反,所以只有more adj/more adv的句型的相反才可以用less adj/less adv。假如是adj-er/adv-er的句型的相反則要用not as…as的句型。

A taxi is more expensive than a bus.

A bus is less expensive than a taxi.

A bus is cheaper than a taxi.

A taxi isn’t as cheap as a bus.

A taxi is less cheap than a bus.

I feel better today, less tired.

We go out less often these days.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.7

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

6. more與名詞連用

a. more可以當代名詞,也可以當形容詞。表達更多

Would you like some more coffee?

Would you like some more?

Not everyone is here. I expect more people to come later.

b. more跟名詞連用也可以加上than,表達比較完整的句子

There are more people in China than there are in the United States.


7. 重複比較級與雙重比較級

a. 重複比較級用來表示改變,程度上的增加或減少

It’s getting harder and harder to find an inexpensive restaurant.

It’s getting more and more difficult.

The queue was getting longer and longer.

As each new problem arose, we felt less and less enthusiastic.

b. 雙重比較級是用下列句型來表示前後文的因果關係。前面是因,後面是果。

The + adj-er/more adj + S + (V),  the adj-er/more adj + S + (V).

The shorter the line, the faster the service. (When the line is shorter, the service is faster.)

The higher the price (is), the more reliable the product (is).

The more the customer complained, the ruder and more unpleasant the manager became.

The sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll get there.

c. 常見的表達詞

The more, the merrier. 人越多越好。

The sooner, the better. 越快越好

The cheaper, the better. 越便宜越

Why study? 為什麼要唸書?

The more I study, the more I know. 我唸的越多,我懂得越多。

The more I know, the more I forget. 我懂得越多,我忘得越多。

The more I forget, the less I know. 我忘得越多,我知道的越少。

So why study? 那麼,為什麼要唸書?

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.8

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives


Read these comments about a restaurant. Complete them with the comparative form of the words in parentheses to show cause and effect or a change. 用括號中的字的比較級來完成下列句子,表達因果或改變

1. A: I can’t believe the size of this menu. It’s going to take me forever to choose.

B: ______________ (long) the menu, ________________ (difficult)   the choice.

2. A: They say the food here is getting __________ and ___________ .  (good)

B: And _______________ (good) the food, __________________  (expensive) it is.

3. A: The service seems a little slow tonight.

B: Yes, ____________________ (popular) the restaurant, ________________ (slow) the service.

4. A: The cigarette smoke here is getting ______________ and  ______________ (bad).

B: __________________ (smoky) the room, ________________ (bad) my cough gets.

5. A: It’s pretty loud in here.

B: ____________________ (crowded) the restaurant,   ______________ (noisy) it is.

6. A: They certainly give you a lot of food. I can’t eat another bite.

B: _________________ (big) the portions, ________________ (hard) it is to finish.

7. A: Their desserts keep getting ______________ and _____________. (delicious)

B: And I keep getting ________________ and ____________. (heavy)

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.9

D. 形容詞與副詞最高級 Adjectives and Adverbs Superlatives

1.  句型

a. S + be + the + adj-est/most adj + in ___/of ______ (in/of表示範圍)


You are the best parents in the world.

It’s the most expensive hotel in Oxford.

August is the hottest month of the year.

b. S + be + the adj-est/most adj + n + S + V

S + be + the adj-est/most adj + n + S + have/has + (ever) + V3.


That was the most delicious meal that I have ever eaten.

You are the most wonderful friend I have ever had.

You have the loveliest smile I have ever seen.

Mandy is the nicest person you could meet.

c. S + be + one of the adj-est/most adj + Ns + in ____/of_____/ever

He is one of the best students in this class.

Madonna is one of the most famous pop singers ever.

d. S + V + the adv-est/most adv + of _____ 用來表示特定的動作比其他的動作突出特別。

Bryant worked the hardest.

He scored the most frequently of anyone in the team.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.1

D. 形容詞與副詞最高級 Adjectives and Adverbs Superlatives

1.  句型

Complete the sentences with a superlative.

  1. Yesterday was ____________ day of the year. (hot)
  2. This is _______________ time of day to drive downtown. (bad)
  3. She’s _______________ person in the class. (friendly)
  4. This is ________________ part of the test. (difficult)
  5. The _______________ month to visit is September. (good)
  6. It’s ________________ city in the world. (polluted)
  7. The ______________ I’ve ever flown is to Australia. (far)
  8. Is this _______________ city in the world? (noisy)

Write sentences with ever.

9. it / good / movie / I / see

10. he / unfriendly person / I / meet

11. it / hard test / he / take

12. they / expensive shoes / she / buy

13. it / long book / I / read

14. she / beautiful woman / I / see

15. it / bad meal / I / eat

16. it / hot country / I be to


2.  never + comparative = superlative

never 加上比較級就相當於最高級

I’ve never taken a harder test. = This is the hardest test I’ve ever taken. 這是我參加過最難的考試。

I’ve never taken a hard test. 我從來沒有考過很難的考試。


基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.11

E.  same, similar, different, like alike的用法

1. same, similar, different都是形容詞。same表示相同的,前面一定有the,the same可以一起記。similar表示類似的。different表示不同的。可以放在名詞前面,也可以放在連綴動詞的後面。

I have an iPhone 5. Ben has an iPhone 5. Leo has an iPhone 4S.

Tim has an HTC One.

Ben and I have the same phones.

Leo and I have similar phones.

Tim and I have different phones.

Ben’s phone and my phone are the same.

Leo’s phone and my phone are similar.

Tim’s phone and my phone are different.

2. N1 + be + the same + as + N2

N1 + be + similar to + N2

N1 + be + different from + N2

當後面有比較的對象時,必須用the same as, similar to, different from的片語,形容詞後面的介系詞是固定的,要一起記,不要弄混淆。

Ben’s phone is the same as my phone.

Leo’s phone is similar to my phone.

Tim’s phone is different from my phone.

3. the same + N + as:可以在the same跟as中間加入名詞,表示相同的東西。

Ben’s phone is the same price as my phone.

Gary is the same age as my father.

My shoes are the same size as yours.

4. N1 + be + like + N2 = N1 and N2 are alike



Leo’s phone is like my phone.

Leo’s phone and my phone are alike.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.12

F.  same, similar, different, like alike的用法

5. N1 + V + like + N2


She looks like her sister.

It looks like rain.

It sounds like thunder.

The material feels like silk.

That smells like gas.

This chemical tastes like salt.

Stop acting like a fool.

He seems like a nice fellow.

6. N1 and N2 + V + alike


The twins are alike.

Most four-year-olds act alike.

My sister and I talk alike.

The little boys dressed alike.

Great minds think alike.

用 the same (as), similar (to), different (from), like and alike 完成句子

  1. Ants and fascinating. An ant colony is ____________ a well-disciplined army.
  2. In terms of shape, cabbage looks ______________ lettuce. But cabbage and lettuce don’t taste ___________.
  3. My dictionary is _________________ yours.
  4. A crocodile and an alligator are _____________ in appearance.
  5. Gold is similar __________ silver. They are both valuable metals that people use for jewelry, but they aren’t _________ same. Gold is not ________ same color ________ silver. Gold is also different ___________ silver in cost: gold is more expensive than silver.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.13

Answer Key 答案

A. 形容詞與副詞:程度相同的Adjectives and Adverbs: Equatives

  1. as expensive as,  as well as,  as good as
  2. cleans as effectively as, isn’t as unfriendly, sounds as exciting as, expresses … as clear as
  3. was as noisy as, (will) pedal as quietly as

B. 形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級變化規則

  1. more boring, most boring  2. cheaper, cheapest  3. finer, finest

4. fuller, fullest  5. funnier, funniest  6. more handsome, most handsome

7. harder, hardest  8. more honest, most honest

9. more interesting, most interesting  10. lazier, laziest

11. lighter, lightest  12. more nervous, most nervous  13. sadder, saddest

14. safer, safest  15. sillier, silliest  16. sorrier, sorriest

17. more stupid, most stupid / stupider, stupidest

18. more uncomfortable, most uncomfortable 19. more useful, most useful

20. more violent, most violent  21. wetter, wettest  22. thinner, thinnest  23. later, latest

C. 形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives

1.  句型:

  1. Ana is thinner than my sister.
  2. I’m busier this week than last week.
  3. Quebec is farther from Toronto than Ottawa.
  4. I did worse on the final exam than the midterm.
  5. My new job is more boring than my old one.
  6. Our team played better than theirs.
  7. Hong Kong is more expensive than Bangkok.

基礎文法L7 第九章 比較                        Jessie Lin    P.14

C.形容詞與副詞比較級 Adjectives and Adverbs Comparatives


1. I am  2. he did  3. he can  4. he does  5. he is


  1. The longer, the more difficult
  2. better, better, the better, the more expensive
  3. the more popular, the slower
  4. worse, worse, The smokier, the worse
  5. The more crowded, the noisier
  6. The bigger, the harder
  7. more, more delicious, heavier, heavier

D.形容詞與副詞最高級 Adjectives and Adverbs Superlatives


  1. the hottest  2. the worst  3. the most friendly  4. the most difficult

5. best  6. the most polluted  7. farthest  8. the noisiest

9. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen.

10. He’s the most unfriendly person I’ve ever met.

11. It’s the hardest test he has ever taken.

12. They’re the most expensive shoes she has ever bought.

13. It’s the longest book I’ve ever read.

14. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

15. It’s the worse meal I’ve ever eaten.

16. It’s the hottest country I’ve ever been to.

  1. G.  same, similar, different, like alike的用法

1. like/similar to  2. like, alike  3. the same as/similar to/different from/like  4. similar/alike  5. to, the, the, as, from



1 for 後面加一段時間(an hour, three days, five months, a long time)

I lived there for six years.

I studied for 2 hours.


2 in後面加一個特定的時間點,如月份,年,季節(January, 2010, spring)

We moved in February.

He graduated in 2009.


3 on後面加一個特定的時間點,如星期,節慶,特定日期( Saturday, weekend, Mother’s Day)

They went dancing on Monday.

I had a big party on my birthday.


4 from … to …表示從一個時間點到另一個時間點(hour, month, year)

between… and… 在…之間

They traveled in France from March to May.

I worked from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. yesterday.

From Monday to Friday, I get up at 7, so I always sleep in on weekends.

Between Monday and Friday, I get up at 7.


5 時間表達語+ ago 表示多久前(a week ago, seven years ago)

My family moved to Canada five years ago.

I ate lunch ten minutes ago.


6 until + 子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示直到….

I lived in Tainan until I was seven.

He waited until she had finished speaking.

until + 一個特定的時間

We lived there until 1999.

not until 強調一直到某個時間點前某件事都沒有發生或結束

She didn’t get up until noon.

He didn’t show up for work until 10 a.m.


7 then + 子句或句子(主詞加動詞)

I lived in Tainan. Then I moved to Taipei.

I lived in Tainan, and then I moved to Taipei.


8 when +子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示當…

I started school when I was seven.

They had a lot of fun when they were in high school.


9 in + 一段時間:表示從現在起一段期間後。在…之內。

I’ll meet you in ten minutes. 我在十分鐘後跟你碰面。

I’ll have the report ready in a week.

by + 時間點:表示不晚於某個時間點後。在…之前

I’ll get there by 9:00.  我會在九點前到。

I’ll have the report ready by Friday.


10 during, before, after + 一段期間:表示在某段期間中,在某段期間前或後

We left before lunch.

We slept during the flight.

We returned after the concert.


11 for + 一段其間

since + 時間點

I have worked for this company for three years.

I have worked for this company since 2007/ three years ago.

4 形容詞 4.2 形容詞副詞比較級變化

形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級                                 Jess Lin


比較兩樣人事物時可用下列句型, 比較級也可以用在形容詞或副詞的其他句型。

noun be adj-er/more adj than noun

The country is cheaper than the city.

They city is more expensive than the country.

B.最高級 superlatives


S be the
adj-est/most adj
in noun

S be the
adj-est/most adj
  noun in noun

Tom is the tallest in our class.

Paris is the most beautiful place in the world.

C. 相等程度時用as…as, 不相等用not as… as

as + adj/adv
+ as

   Tom runs as fast as John.

   My father is not as
tall as my mother.

D. 形容詞與副詞比較級與最高級變化規則

一、  一個音節的形容詞或副詞在字尾加er形成比較級,加est形成最高級。

cheap-cheaper-cheapest, warm-warmer-warmest,

二、  一個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為e時,只要加r形成比較級,加st形成最高級。

nice-nicer-nicest, safe-safer-safest,
close-closer-closest, late-later-latest

三、  一個音節的形容詞或副詞(多為三或四個字母)字尾結構是子音加母音加子音時,則要重複字尾加er來形成比較級,加est形成最高級

big-bigger- biggest, hot-hotter-hottest,

四、  兩個音節的形容詞或副詞字尾為y時,則去yier形成比較級,加iest形成最高級。

friendly-friendlier-friendliest, funny-funnier-funniest

五、  兩個或兩個音節以上的形容詞或副詞則在前面加more形成比較級,加most形成最高級。

expensive-more expensive-most expensive,
stylish-more stylish-most stylish

handsome-more handsome-most handsome

六、  有少數特殊變化需牢記。

good-better-best, bad-worse-worst,


     Ex: clever, friendly, gentle, handsome,
likely, narrow, pleasant, polite, stupid, quiet

     gentle-gentler/more gentle-gentlest/most
gentlest, stupid-stupider/more  

     stupid-stupidest/most stupid,
quiet-quieter/more quiet, quietest/most quiet