介系詞 in, at, on 的不同用法



前面是一些大原則,可以稍微記一下,at 跟 in 主要是點跟在裡面的差別,最後一堆單字可以省略,潔西從六本書中找出比較常用的,本來要出練習題,但是太累了,改天有空再來加上練習題。

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方位介系詞 in, at, on 可以用來表達某個人或某件事在哪裡,但是中文都一樣,很容易混淆,先把幾個大原則記住,一些比較特別的用法再一個個記住。

in 的話是用在三度空間,比方說 in a box

at 的話常用在一個點,比方說 at the bus stop

on 的話是用在一條線上或一個平面,比方說 on the table


in 用在封閉的空間 in the classroom, in the building

用在限定的範圍 in a town, in a park, in a country, in a continent

洲 in Asia, In Europe, in North America

國家 in Taiwan, in Spain, in Korea, in Japan

州 in Texas, in California, in Florida

城市 in Taipei, in Tokyo, in New York

建築物 in the UN Building, in the bank, in an office

房間 in the classroom, in the bathroom, in the living room

交通工具(通常是小型的) in a car, in a taxi, in a small boat


at 用在一個點 at my desk, at the crossroads, at the traffic lights, at the front desk

地址 at 36 Thomas Street, at 133 ChungZhan Road, Section 3, Taipei, Taiwan

活動 at a party, at a meeting, at a conference, at a concert, at the wedding

日常生活去的地方 at home, at school, at university, at work, at church, at the post office

on 用在表面 on the wall, on the floor, on the ceiling

用在一條線 on the line, on the coast, on the equator

街道 on Fifth Avenue, on Main Street, on ChungShan Road, on the corner

樓層 on the first floor, on the fifth floor, on the twenty-second floor

交通工具(通常是大型的) on a bus, on a train, on the MRT, on a plane, on a bike, on a ship

建築物時 in 表達在建築物裡面

at 用在建築物時可以表示在裡面或在外面在做什麼

A: Let’s meet at Sogo Department Store.

A: 我們在 Sogo 百貨公司碰面吧。

B: OK. Should we meet in the department store or at the entrance?

B: 好。我們要在百貨公司裡面還是入口碰面。

最後 in 跟 at 在很多時候都可以通用,通常 in 用來表示或強調在建築物的裡面,at 就是表達在那個點,比方說 in the park 跟 at the park , in the park 強調我在公園裡面,at the park 把公園當成一個點,一個地方。

另外 at 某是在那個點做某件事,比方說 I’m at the cinema. = watching a film 我在電影院指的是我在看電影。 We were at a pub. = having a drink 我們在酒吧指的是我們在喝酒。

at school 強調地點。學校 at school 或 at college/university 指的是在學校,在大學,人在那個地方。但是 in school 或 in college/university 是指在那裡唸書,當時人不一定在那個地方。
They are at university. 他們現在大學(校區內)。
They are in university. 他們念大學。






rooms, buildings, towns, parks, countries, continents, my pocket, in her car, Germany, in the phone box, the base, cage, the kitchen, the garden, pool, New York, America, prison, hospital, the lesson, a book/newspaper, the photo/picture, the middle, in the back/front of a car, in a queue/line/row, the mountains, bed, garden, the closet, the north, the pool, the sky, the world, car, taxi, the middle, in an ocean, an office, in a department, in a magazine, in a letter, in the front row, in the sales department, in the corner



the bus stop, at my desk, at the crossroad, the station/airport, the end of the road, the top of the house, the back of the book, the door, the bottom, at the supermarket, at my sister’s, at a football


walls, floors, shelves, lines, paths, coasts, the equators, the grass, one the pavement, on the door, on a street, on your shirt, on this road, the Seine, the platform, farm, the page/map, the screen, the island/beach/coast, the right/left, the back of an envelope, on the balcony, on the grass, on a horse, on a motorcycle, on the ground, on the bulletin board, on page 8, on an island, on the left-hand side, on a map, on a menu, on a ranch, on a river, on the corner of

對「介系詞 in, at, on 的不同用法」的想法

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