【潔西家】劍橋文法 中級 91 關係子句/形容詞子句 受格







Grammar in use Intermediate 劍橋活用英語文法 中級

91 關係子句 2: 有與沒有 who / that / which 之關係子句



He is the man. The man stole my wallet.

(He is the man the man stole my wallet)(X)

He is the man who stole my wallet.

先行詞:the man

形容詞子句:who stole my wallet

關係代名詞:who 放在主詞的位置,是主格


三 關係代名詞為受格時

關係代名詞在形容詞子句中為主詞時用主格,當受詞時用時用受格,這時候受格為人的時候關係代名詞可以為 whom, who, that, 或省略。主格的關係代名詞一定不可以省略。受格關係代名詞最正式為 whom, 口語時多半省略。受格為事物時關係代名詞用 which, that, 或省略。注意介系詞不要忘了,不可以省略,放在形容詞子句最前面的時候,人要用介系詞+whom,事物要用介系詞+which

1 先行詞是人的時候,關係代名詞受格可以用 whom, who, that, 或省略。

a 他是我欽佩的男人。

He is the man. I admire the man.    

(He is the man the man I admire )(X)

He is the man whom I admire. (最正式)

He is the man who I admire.

He is the man that I admire.

He is the man I admire. (最口語)


 b 麗莎在演唱會看到的那個女人是她老闆的女朋友。

Lisa saw the woman at the concert. The woman was Lisa’s boss’s girlfriend.

(The woman Lisa saw the woman at the concert was her boss’ girlfriend.) (X)

The woman whom/who/that Lisa saw at the concert was her boss’s girlfriend.

The woman Lisa saw at the concert was her boss’s girlfriend.


c 我喜歡我昨天晚上在派對見到的那個男人。

I like the man. I saw the man at the party last night.

I like the man whom/who/that I saw at the party last night.

I like the man I saw at the party last night.


d 那就是那個我在談論的醫生。

That’s the doctor. I was talking about the doctor.

That’s the doctor whom/who/that I was talking about.

That’s the doctor I was talking about.



2 先行詞是事物的時候,關係代名詞受格可以用 which, that, 或省略。

a 凱特烤的那些餅乾很好吃。

The cookies were delicious. Kate baked the cookies.

(The cookies Kate baked the cookies were delicious) (X)

(The cookies the cookies Kate baked were delicious) (X)

The cookies which Kate baked were delicious. (最正式)

The cookies that Kate baked were delicious.

The cookies Kate baked were delicious. (最口語)


b 你有找到你想找的那本書嗎?

Did you find the book? You were looking for the book.

Did you find the book which/that you were looking for?

Did you find the book you were looking for?


c 我等的公車遲到了。

The bus is late. I’m waiting for the bus.

The bus which/that I’m waiting for is late.

The bus I’m waiting for is late.


d 我不喜歡我們上週末住的那家飯店。

I don’t like the hotel. We stayed in the hotel last weekend.

I don’t like the hotel which/that we stayed in last weekend.

I don’t like the hotel we stayed in last weekend.


e 我們昨天晚上聽的音樂很棒。

The music was great. We listened to the music last night.

The music which/that we listened to last night was great.

The music we listened to last night was great.


三 關係代名詞受格的練習翻譯

1 你現在穿的這件洋裝很適合你。

2 我們昨天晚上看的那部電影不好看。

3 你剛剛跟他講話的男人是我的老闆。

4 Judy 認識的那個男生是個有名的演員。

5 你現在坐的椅子舒不舒服?

6 John 弄壞了他女朋友買給他的相機。

7 我昨天買的水果在哪裡?

8 我看完你借給我的那本書了。

9 你現在用的杯子是我的。

10 他送給他女朋友的項鍊花了一百萬。



三 關係代名詞受格的練習翻譯

1 你現在穿的這件洋裝很適合你。

1 You are wearing a dress. It suits you well.

1 The dress which/that you were wearing now suits you well.

1 The dress you were wearing now suits you well.


2 我們昨天晚上看的那部電影不好看。

2 We saw a movie last night. The movie was terrible.

2 The movie which/that we saw last night was terrible.

2 The movie we saw last night was terrible.


3 你剛剛跟他講話的男人是我的老闆。

3 You just talked to the man. The man is my boss.

3 The man you whom/who/that just talked to is my boss.

3 The man you just talked to is my boss.


4 Judy 認識的那個男生是個有名的演員。

4 Judy knows the man. The man is a famous actor.

4 The man whom/who/that Judy knows is a famous actor.

4 The man Judy knows is a famous actor.


5 你現在坐的椅子舒不舒服?

5 Is the chair comfortable? You are sitting on the chair.

5 Is the chair which/that you are sitting on comfortable?

5 Is the chair you are sitting on comfortable?


6 John 弄壞了他女朋友買給他的相機。

6 John broke the camera. His girlfriend bought him the camera.

6 John broke the camera which/that his girlfriend bought him.

6 John broke the camera his girlfriend bought him.


7 我昨天買的水果在哪裡?

7 I bought the fruit yesterday. Where is the fruit?

7 Where is the fruit which/that I bought yesterday?

7 Where is the fruit I bought yesterday?


8 我看完你借給我的那本書了。

8 I’ve finished the book. You lent me the book.

8 I’ve finished the book which/that you lent me.

8 I’ve finished the book you lent me.


9 你現在用的杯子是我的。

9 You are using the cup. The cup is mine.

9 The cup which/that you are using is mine.

9 The cup you are using is mine.


10 他送給他女朋友的項鍊花了一百萬。

10 He gave his girlfriend a necklace. The necklace cost one million dollars.

10 The necklace which/that he gave his girlfriend cost one million dollars.

10 The necklace he gave his girlfriend cost one million dollars.


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